
 * WQ_PERF_*** must be used in pairs. Example: WQ_PERF_BEGIN()	... ... WQ_PERF_END()
 * WQ_PERF_BEGIN() and WQ_PERF_END() is used calculate the time between them.
 * ---count is the REPEAT COUNTS to  executive the program  between them;
 * ---type  is the INDICATOR whether print the each repeat result, type == 1, don't; type != 1 print.

#ifndef __WQ_PERF__
#define __WQ_PERF__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#define 	NPERSEC		1000000000

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define WQ_PERF_BEGIN()																			\
					{																					\
						struct timespec __begin__, __end__;										\
						int __line__ = __LINE__;													\
						clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &__begin__);
#define WQ_PERF_END()			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &__end__);								\
						int __flag__ = __end__.tv_nsec < __begin__.tv_nsec;  							\
						int __sec__ = __end__.tv_sec - __begin__.tv_sec - __flag__;					\
						long long __nsec__ = __end__.tv_nsec + __flag__*NPERSEC -__begin__.tv_nsec;	\
						printf("\n------------------BEGIN %s: LINE: %d~%d -----------------------\n", __FILE__, __line__,__LINE__);	\
						printf("consuming time:(%fs)\t", __sec__ + (double)__nsec__/NPERSEC);		\
						if (__sec__ != 0)																		\
							printf("%2ds, ", __sec__);														\
						printf("%9dns\n", __nsec__);															\
						printf("------------------END   %s: LINE: %d~%d -----------------------\n", __FILE__, __line__, __LINE__);	\

#define WQ_PERF_LOOP_BEGIN(count, type)													\
					{																				\
						int __line__ = __LINE__;												\
						int __count__ = (count);												\
						int __type__ = (type);													\
						long long __total__ = 0;												\
						int __i__, __min__, __max__;											\
						double __vari__;														\
						double __arver__ = 0;													\
						long *__array__ = NULL;												\
						if ((__count__) <= 0)	goto error;									\
						struct timespec __begin__, __end__;		 							\
						__array__ = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long) * __count__);			\
						if (__array__ == NULL)	goto error;									\
						__min__ = __max__ = 0;													\
						for (__i__ = 0; __i__ < __count__; __i__++) {					\
							clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &__begin__);					\

#define WQ_PERF_LOOP_END()																						\
							clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &__end__);											\
							int __flag__ = __end__.tv_nsec < __begin__.tv_nsec;  							\
							long __temp__ = (__end__.tv_sec - __begin__.tv_sec - __flag__)*NPERSEC + \
											__end__.tv_nsec + __flag__*NPERSEC -__begin__.tv_nsec;			\
							__total__ += __temp__;																	\
							__array__[__i__] = __temp__;															\
							if (__temp__ < __array__[__min__])	__min__ = __i__;							\
							if (__temp__ > __array__[__max__])	__max__ = __i__;							\
						}																								\
						printf("\n----------------LOOP %d BEGIN %s: LINE: %d~%d ----------------------\n", __count__, __FILE__, __line__, __LINE__);	\
						printf("repeat %3d consuming time:(%fs)\t%2ds,%9dns\n", __count__,				\
								(double)__total__/NPERSEC, __total__/NPERSEC, __total__%NPERSEC);		\
						printf("average    consuming time:(%fs)\t%2ds,%9dns\n",(double)(__total__/__count__)/NPERSEC,\
								__total__/__count__/NPERSEC, __total__/__count__%NPERSEC);					\
						printf("min        consuming time:(%fs)\t%2ds,%9dns\n",(double)__array__[__min__]/NPERSEC,	\
								__array__[__min__]/NPERSEC, __array__[__min__]%NPERSEC);						\
						printf("max        consuming time:(%fs)\t%2ds,%9dns\n",(double)__array__[__max__]/NPERSEC,	\
								__array__[__max__]/NPERSEC, __array__[__max__]%NPERSEC);						\
							printf("----------------------------------------------------------\n");		\
							    __arver__ = 	__total__/__count__;												\
								 __vari__ = 0;											\
								for (__i__ = 0; __i__ < __count__; __i__++) 	{									\
								if (__type__ != 0 )																		\
										printf("%d\t   consuming time:(%fs)\t%2ds,%9dns\n",__i__,(double)__array__[__i__]/NPERSEC,		\
										__array__[__i__]/NPERSEC, __array__[__i__]%NPERSEC);					\
										__vari__ += ((__array__[__i__]-__arver__)/1000)* ((__array__[__i__]-__arver__)/1000);				\
								}																							\
							printf("variance   is %f (us)\n", __vari__/__count__);								\
							printf("variance   is %f (ms)\n", __vari__/__count__/1000000);					\
							printf("variance   is %f ( s)\n", __vari__/__count__/1000000000000);			\
								free(__array__);																		\
						printf("----------------LOOP %d END   %s: LINE: %d~%d ----------------------\n", __count__, __FILE__, __line__, __LINE__);	\
						error:																								\
								;																							\

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //__cpusplus

#ifdef __cplusplus
class wq_perf {

	wq_perf(int dis = 1) : display(dis) 
			if (display == 2)	printf("\n---------------------------performance info---------------------------------\n");
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &begin);
			if (display <= 1)
				clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
			if (display > 0) {
				int flag = end.tv_nsec < begin.tv_nsec;
				int sec = end.tv_sec - begin.tv_sec - flag;	
				long long nsec = end.tv_nsec + flag*NPERSEC -begin.tv_nsec;	
				if (display == 1) printf("\n-------------------performance info--------------------------\n");
				if (display >= 2)	printf("%3d\t", display-2);	
				printf("consuming time:(%fs)\t", sec + (double)nsec/NPERSEC);
				if (sec != 0)																
					printf("%2ds, ", sec);												
				printf("%9dns\n", nsec);													
				if (display == 1) printf("-----------------performance info end-----------------------\n");
		inline long gettime() 
				clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
				int flag = end.tv_nsec < begin.tv_nsec;
				return (end.tv_sec - begin.tv_sec -flag)*NPERSEC + end.tv_nsec + flag * NPERSEC - begin.tv_nsec;
	struct timespec begin, end;
	int display;		

#define 	WQ_PERF_CLASS_BEGIN(count,type)													\
					{																				\
						int __line__ = __LINE__;												\
						int __count__ = (count);												\
						int __type__ = (type);													\
						long long __total__ = 0;												\
						long *__array__ = NULL;												\
						int __i__, __min__, __max__;											\
						double __vari__ = 0;													\
						double __arver__ =0;													\
						if ((__count__) <= 0)	goto error;									\
						struct timespec __begin__, __end__;		 							\
						__array__ = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long) * __count__);			\
						if (__array__ == NULL)	goto error;									\
						__min__ = __max__ = 0;													\
						for (__i__ = 0; __i__ < __count__; __i__++) {					\
							wq_perf __temp__(__type__ > 0 ? __i__+2:0);					\

#define	 WQ_PERF_CLASS_END()																					\
							__array__[__i__] = __temp__.gettime();												\
							__total__ += __array__[__i__];														\
							if (__array__[__i__] < __array__[__min__]) __min__ = __i__;					\
							if (__array__[__i__] > __array__[__max__]) __max__ = __i__;					\
						}																								\
						if (__type__ == 0)	printf("\n");														\
						printf("----------------REPEAT %d BEGIN %s: LINE: %d~%d ----------------------\n", __count__, __FILE__, __line__, __LINE__);	\
						printf("repeat %3d consuming time:(%fs)\t%2ds,%9dns\n", __count__,				\
								(double)__total__/NPERSEC, __total__/NPERSEC, __total__%NPERSEC);		\
						printf("average    consuming time:(%fs)\t%2ds,%9dns\n",(double)(__total__/__count__)/NPERSEC,\
								__total__/__count__/NPERSEC, __total__/__count__%NPERSEC);					\
						printf("min        consuming time:(%fs)\t%2ds,%9dns\n",(double)__array__[__min__]/NPERSEC,	\
								__array__[__min__]/NPERSEC, __array__[__min__]%NPERSEC);						\
						printf("max        consuming time:(%fs)\t%2ds,%9dns\n",(double)__array__[__max__]/NPERSEC,	\
								__array__[__max__]/NPERSEC, __array__[__max__]%NPERSEC);						\
						__arver__ = __total__/__count__;															\
						for (__i__ = 0; __i__ < __count__; __i__++) 	{											\
							__vari__ += ((__array__[__i__]-__arver__)/1000)* ((__array__[__i__]-__arver__)/1000);		\
								}																							\
						printf("variance   is %f (us)\n", __vari__/__count__);									\
						printf("variance   is %f (ms)\n", __vari__/__count__/1000000);						\
						printf("variance   is %f ( s)\n", __vari__/__count__/1000000000000);				\
						free(__array__);																				\
						printf("----------------REPEAT %d END   %s: LINE: %d~%d ----------------------\n", __count__, __FILE__, __line__, __LINE__);	\
						error:																								\
								;																							\
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#endif //__cplusplus
#endif //__WQ_PERF__

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