常見Flex net License錯誤代碼





錯誤代碼 說明
-1 找不到許可文件。
-2 無效的許可文件語
-3 沒有用於此功能的
-4 已達到許可的用戶
-5 不存在此功能。

-6 許可文件中沒有 TCP/IP 端口號,且不存在 FLEXnet Licensing 服務。 (僅限
於 v6 以前的版本)
-7 沒有到許可服務器管理器服務的套接字連接。
-8 無效的(不一致的)許可號或簽名。
功能的許可號 / 簽名和數據不匹配。當許可文件被改變時,通常會發生這種
-9 主機無效。
-10 功能已經到期。
-11 許可文件中的日期格式無效。
-12 從許可服務器系統返回的數據無效。
-13 許可文件中沒有 SERVER 行。
-14 在網絡數據庫中找不到 SERVER 主機名。
在許可文件的 SERVER 行中查找主機名的操作失敗。這通常會在 NIS、 DNS
或主機文件不正確時發生。處理方法: 使用 IP 地址(例如,123.456.789.123)
-15 無法連接到許可服務器系統。
服務器 (lmgrd) 尚未啓動, 或者正在使用錯誤的 port@host 或許可文件,
或者許可文件中的 TCP/IP 端口或主機名已改變。
WindowsXP SP2 平臺對每秒鐘嘗試進行的 TCP/IP 連接有次數限制,您的應用
程序可能超出了該限制。  有關如何更改此限制的信息,請參考製造商的文檔。
-16 無法從許可服務器系統讀取數據。
-17 無法將數據寫入許可服務器系統中。
-18 許可服務器系統不支持此功能。
-19 選擇系統調用中出現錯誤。
-21 許可文件不支持此版本。
-22 在許可服務器系統上檢測到功能檢入失敗。
-23 許可服務器系統暫時忙(正在連接新服務器) 。
-24 用戶排隊等候此功能。
-25 許可服務器系統不支持此功能的這個版本。
-26 所請求的許可數量超過此功能所支持的許可數量。
-29 找不到以太網設備。
-30 無法讀取許可文件。
-31 功能開始日期在未來。
-32 無此屬性。
-33 與供應商守護程序的加密握手出錯。
-34 客戶端和許可服務器系統之間的時鐘差異太大。
-35 在隊列中等待此功能。
-36 供應商守護程序中的功能數據庫損壞。
-37 此功能的副本選擇不匹配。 已不能用於供應商守護程序 8.0 版本或更高版本。
-38 用戶 /主機在功能的 EXCLUDE 列表中。
-39 用戶 /主機不在功能的 INCLUDE 列表中。
-40 無法分配動態內存。
-41 功能從未檢出過。
-42 參數無效。
-47 不能在供應商守護程序中檢查時鐘設置。
-52 供應商守護程序在超時時間間隔內未響應。
-53 檢出請求被供應商定義的檢出過濾器拒絕。
-54 許可文件中沒有 FEATURESET 行。
-55 許可文件中的 FEATURESET 行不正確。
-56 無法從許可文件中計算 FEATURESET 數據。
-57a socket 調用失敗。
-59 消息校驗和失敗。

-60 許可服務器系統消息效驗和失敗。
-61 無法從許可服務器系統讀取許可文件數據。
-62 網絡軟件 (TCP/IP) 不可用。
-63 您不是許可管理員。
-64 lmremove 請求發生在最小 lmremove 間隔之前。
-67 沒有可供借用的許可。
-68 未啓用許可 BORROW 支持。
-69 FLOAT_OK 無法在許可服務器系統上單獨運行。
-71 無效的 TZ 環境變量。
-73 本地檢出過濾器拒絕請求。
-74 試圖讀取的範圍超出了許可文件路徑的結尾。
-75<Super>a SYS$SETIMR 調用失敗 (VMS)。
-76 內部 FLEXnet Licensing 錯誤。  請將錯誤報告給 Macrovision Corporation。
-77 錯誤版本號 — 必須是不帶字母的浮點數。
-82 許可文件中的 PACKAGE 行無效。
-83 客戶端的 FLEXnet Licensing 版本高於服務器的版本。
-84 USER_BASED 許可沒有指定用戶,請參見許可服務器系統日誌。
-85 許可服務器系統不支持此請求。
-87 檢出超出了選項文件中指定的 MAX。
-88 系統時鐘已經被回撥。
-89 此平臺未獲得許可授權。
-90 未來許可文件格式或許可文件拼寫錯誤。
發放的文件適用的 FLEXnet Licensing 版本比此程序能夠理解的版本高。
-91 加密種子不是唯一的。

-92 在 lmreread 期間刪除了功能,或者 SERVER 行主機標識錯誤。
-93 此功能由不同的許可池提供。
這是一種警告情況。服務器已將一個或多個 INCREMENT 行集中到一個池
中,而該請求在已集中的 INCREMENT 行上創建。
-94 試圖生成具有不兼容屬性的許可。
-95 到 THIS_HOST 的網絡連接失敗。
將許可文件中 SERVER 行上的 this_host 更改爲實際主機名。
-96 許可服務器計算機關機或未響應。
(請參見 LM_LICENSE_FILE 環境變量) 。
-97 所需的供應商守護程序已關閉。
1) 檢查 lmgrd 日誌文件,或 2) 嘗試 lmreread。
-98 此 FEATURE 行無法轉換爲十進制格式。
-99 鍵入的十進制格式的許可不正確。
-100 無法刪除延期的許可。
-101 所有許可均爲他人保留。
-102 出現 FLEXid 借用錯誤。
-103 不允許使用終端服務器遠程客戶端。
-104 借用時間過長。
-106 許可服務器系統已斷開網絡連接。
-110 無法讀取軟件狗:請檢查軟件狗或驅動程序。
-112 缺少加密狗驅動程序。
要讀取 FLEXid 主機標識,必須安裝正確的驅動程序。這些驅動程序可以從軟

-114 要求使用 SIGN= 關鍵字,但該關鍵字從許可證書中丟失。
需要從供應商處獲取此許可的 SIGN= 版本。
-115 公共密匙包中出現錯誤。
-116 此平臺不支持 TRL。
-117 BORROW 失敗。
-118 BORROW 期限過期。
-119 lmdown 和 lmreread 必須在許可服務器計算機上運行。
-120 許可被借用,無法 lmdown 服務器。
-121 FLOAT_OK 要求具有一個 FLEXid 主機標識。
-122 無法刪除本地借用信息。
-123 不支持提前歸還借用的許可。
-124 歸還借用的許可時出錯。
-125 必須指定 PACKAGE 組件。
-126 未初始化組合主機標識。
-127 組合主機標識所需的項目丟失或無效。
-128 錯誤:借用的許可與任何已知的服務器許可均不匹配。
-135 啓用事件日誌時出錯。
-136 事件記錄已禁用。
-137 寫入到事件日誌時出錯。
-139 通訊超時。
-140 消息命令錯誤。
-141 寫入到套接字時出錯。對等計算機已關閉套接字。
-142 錯誤,無法生成受一個組合主機標識約束的特定於版本的許可。
-143 不計數許可不支持特定於版本的簽名。

-144 許可樣板包含的簽名指定符過多。
-145 V71_LK 簽名錯誤。
-146 V71_SIGN 簽名錯誤。
-147 V80_LK 簽名錯誤。
-148 V80_SIGN 簽名錯誤。
-149 V81_LK 簽名錯誤。
-150 V81_SIGN 簽名錯誤。
-151 V81_SIGN2 簽名錯誤。
-152 V84_LK 簽名錯誤。
-153 V84_SIGN 簽名錯誤。
-154 V84_SIGN2 簽名錯誤。
-155 要求使用許可號,但從許可書中丟失。應用程序要求在許可證書中使用許可
-156 使用 AUTH= 關鍵字指定的簽名無效。
-157 可信存儲已破壞,需要進行修復。 要獲取修復說明,請與供應商聯繫。
-158 可信存儲打開失敗。 要了解詳細信息,請與供應商聯繫。
-159 無效的履行記錄。 要了解詳細信息,請與供應商聯繫。
-160 收到無效的激活請求。 要了解詳細信息,請與供應商聯繫。
-161 可信存儲中不存在與請求匹配的履行。 要了解詳細信息,請與供應商聯繫。
-162 收到無效的激活響應。 要了解詳細信息,請與供應商聯繫。
-163 無法返回指定的激活。 要了解詳細信息,請與供應商聯繫。
-164 返回計數可能超出履行的最大值。 要了解詳細信息,請與供應商聯繫。
-165 未留下修復計數。 要獲取修復授權的詳細信息,請與供應商聯繫。
-166 不允許進行指定的操作。 要了解詳細信息,請與供應商聯繫。

-167 請求的激活已被拒絕,因爲用戶或主機不在選項文件中的規範激活此命名的
-168 選項文件包含命名規範,而該用戶或主機未包括在這些規範中。
-500 服務器端口號無效。
-501 許可中的值無效,要求使用整數值。
-502 爲計數提供的值無效。
-503 許可中提供的主機標識無效。
-504 提供的主機標識類型無效。
-505 FEATURE 行語法錯誤。
-506 內部 FLEXnet Licensing 錯誤。
-507 許可文件中的日期格式錯誤。
-508 SERVER 行錯誤。
-509 許可字符串錯誤。
-510 在客戶端上無法驗證服務器的功能。
-511 未檢出任何許可。
-512 已檢出許可。
-513 返回的列表錯誤。
-514 無可用的 certicom 模塊。
-515 certicom 模塊錯誤或不完整。
-516 許可證書中要求使用 SIGN 或 SIGN2。
-517 功能對象無許可源。
-518 已在此許可源上檢出了相同的許可。
-519 此許可已將異步排隊的檢出掛起。
-521 無法加載本地主機標識的程序庫。
-522 已經連接到另一個供應商守護程序。

-523 無此類用戶、主機或顯示器。
-524 關閉許可服務器系統失敗。
-525 關閉失敗,已連接到許可服務器系統。
-526 許可源字符串無效。
-527 日誌文件切換錯誤。




You want information about common FlexNet® error codes and their meaning.


The following table lists the most common FlexNet error codes that may be displayed by the Autodesk Network License Manager. Error codes typically display as Error[1.5.###] where ### corresponds to the error codes listed in the table.


Error Code Description
21 lc_flexinit failed because there were insufficient rights to start the FlexNet Publisher Service. Resolve this by setting the service to start automatically.
20 FlexNet Publisher Service is not installed.
13 Computed path to required file is too long for Mac OS X operating system.
12 Invalid bundle ID on Mac OS X operating system.
11 Framework specified by bundle ID was not loaded.
10 Error creating path from URL.
9 Error creating URL.
8 Path string not specified in UTF-8 format.
7 A call to lc_flexinit is not allowed after a call to lc_flexinit_cleanup.
6 Activation application has not been processed using the preptool
5 Unable to allocate resources.
4 Initialization failed.
3 Unsupported version of the operating system.
2 Unable to load activation library.
1 Unable to find activation library.
-1 Cannot find license file.
-2 Invalid license file syntax.
-3 No license server system for this feature.
-4 Licensed number of users already reached.
-5 No such feature exists.
-6 No TCP/IP port number in license file and FLEXnet Licensing Service does not exist. (pre-v6 only)
-7 No socket connection to license server manager service.
-8 Invalid (inconsistent) license key or signature. The license key/signature and data for the feature do not match. This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
-9 Invalid host. The hostid of this system does not match the hostid specified in the license file.
-10 Feature has expired.
-11 Invalid date format in license file.
-12 Invalid returned data from license server system.
-13 No SERVER lines in license file.
-14 Cannot find SERVER host name in network database. The lookup for the host name on the SERVER line in the license file failed. This often happens when NIS or DNS or the hosts file is incorrect. Work around: Use IP address (for example, 123.456.789.123) instead of host name.
-15 Cannot connect to license server system. The server (lmadmin or lmgrd) has not been started yet, or the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the TCP/IP port or host name in the license file has been changed. Windows XP SP2 platforms have a limit on the number of TCP/IP connection attempts per second that can be made, which your application may have exceeded. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation on how to change this limit.
-16 Cannot read data from license server system.
-17 Cannot write data to license server system.
-18 License server system does not support this feature.
-19 Error in select system call.
-20 License server system busy (no majority).
-21 License file does not support this version.
-22 Feature checkin failure detected at license server system.
-23 License server system temporarily busy (new server connecting).
-24 Users are queued for this feature.
-25 License server system does not support this version of this feature.
-26 Request for more licenses than this feature supports.
-29 Cannot find ethernet device.
-30 Cannot read license file.
-31 Feature start date is in the future.
-32 No such attribute.
-33 Bad encryption handshake with vendor daemon.
-34 Clock difference too large between client and license server system.
-35 In the queue for this feature.
-36 Feature database corrupted in vendor daemon.
-37 Duplicate selection mismatch for this feature. Obsolete with version 8.0 or later vendor daemon.
-38 User/host on EXCLUDE list for feature.
-39 User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature.
-40 Cannot allocate dynamic memory.
-41 Feature was never checked out.
-42 Invalid parameter.
-47 Clock setting check not available in vendor daemon.
-52 Vendor daemon did not respond within timeout interval.
-53 Checkout request rejected by vendor-defined checkout filter.
-54 No FEATURESET line in license file.
-55 Incorrect FEATURESET line in license file.
-56 Cannot compute FEATURESET data from license file.
-57 socket call failed.
-59 Message checksum failure.
-60 License server system message checksum failure.
-61 Cannot read license file data from license server system.
-62 Network software (TCP/IP) not available.
-63 You are not a license administrator.
-64 lmremove request before the minimum lmremove interval.
-67 No licenses available to borrow.
-68 License BORROW support not enabled.
-69 FLOAT_OK can’t run standalone on license server system.
-71 Invalid TZ environment variable.
-73 Local checkout filter rejected request.
-74 Attempt to read beyond end of license file path.
-75 SYS$SETIMR call failed (VMS). Indicates and error due to an operating system failure.
-76 Internal FLEXnet Licensing error. Please report error to Flexera Software.
-77 Bad version number must be floating-point number with no letters.
-82 Invalid PACKAGE line in license file.
-83 FLEXnet Licensing version of client newer than server.
-84 USER_BASED license has no specified users; see license server system log.
-85 License server system doesn’t support this request.
-87 Checkout exceeds MAX specified in options file.
-88 System clock has been set back.
-89 This platform not authorized by license.
-90 Future license file format or misspelling in license file. The file was issued for a later version of FLEXnet Licensing than this program understands.
-91 Encryption seeds are non-unique.
-92 Feature removed during lmreread, or wrong SERVER line hostid.
-93 This feature is available in a different license pool. This is a warning condition. The server has pooled one or more INCREMENT lines into a single pool, and the request was made on an INCREMENT line that has been pooled.
-94 Attempt to generate license with incompatible attributes.
-95 Network connect to THIS_HOST failed. Change this_host on the SERVER line in the license file to the actual host name.
-96 License server machine is down or not responding. See the system administrator about starting the server, or make sure that you're referring to the right host.
-97 The desired vendor daemon is down. 1) Check the lmadmin or lmgrd log file or 2) Try lmreread.
-98 This FEATURE line can’t be converted to decimal format.
-99 The decimal format license is typed incorrectly.
-100 Cannot remove a linger license.
-101 All licenses are reserved for others. The system administrator has reserved all the licenses for others. Reservations are made in the options file. The server must be restarted for options file changes to take effect.
-102 A FLEXid borrow error occurred.
-103 Terminal Server remote client not allowed.
-104 Cannot borrow that long.
-105 Feature already returned to license server.
-106 License server system out of network connections. The vendor daemon can't handle any more users. See the debug log for further information.
-110 Cannot read dongle: check dongle or driver. Either the dongle is unattached, or the necessary software driver for this dongle type is not installed.
-112 Missing dongle driver. In order to read the FLEXid hostid, the correct driver must be installed. These drivers are available from your software publisher.
-114 SIGN= keyword required, but missing from license certificate. You need to obtain a SIGN= version of this license from your vendor.
-115 Error in Public Key package.
-116 TRL not supported for this platform.
-117 BORROW failed.
-118 BORROW period expired.
-119 lmdown and lmreread must be run on license server.
-120 Cannot lmdown the server when licenses are borrowed.
-121 FLOAT_OK requires exactly one FLEXid hostid.
-122 Unable to delete local borrow info.
-123 Returning a borrowed license early is not supported. Contact the publisher for further details.
-124 Error returning borrowed license.
-125 A PACKAGE component must be specified.
-126 Composite hostid not initialized.
-127 A item needed for the composite hostid is missing or invalid.
-128 Error, borrowed license doesn't match any known server license.
-135 Error enabling the event log.
-136 Event logging is disabled.
-137 Error writing to the event log.
-139 Communications timeout.
-140 Bad message command.
-141 Error writing to socket. Peer has closed socket.
-142 Error, cannot generate version specific license tied to a single hostid, which is composite.,
-143 Version-specific signatures are not supported for uncounted licenses.
-144 License template contains redundant signature specifiers.
-145 Bad V71_LK signature.
-146 Bad V71_SIGN signature.
-147 Bad V80_LK signature.
-148 Bad V80_SIGN signature.
-149 Bad V81_LK signature.
-150 Bad V81_SIGN signature.
-151 Bad V81_SIGN2 signature.
-152 Bad V84_LK signature.
-153 Bad V84_SIGN signature.
-154 Bad V84_SIGN2 signature.
-155 License key required but missing from the license certificate. The application requires a license key in the license certificate. You need to obtain a license key version of this certificate from your publisher.
-156 Invalid signature specified with the AUTH= keyword.
-157 Trusted storage has been compromised; repair needed. Contact your publisher for repair instructions.
-158 Trusted storage open failure. Contact your publisher for further information.
-159 Invalid fulfillment record. Contact your publisher for further information.
-160 Invalid activation request received. Contact your publisher for further information.
-161 No fulfillment exists in trusted storage which matches the request. Contact your publisher for further information.
-162 Invalid activation response received. Contact your publisher for further information.
-163 Cannot return the specified activation. Contact your publisher for further information.
-164 Return count(s) would exceed the maximum for the fulfillment. Contact your publisher for further information.
-165 No repair count left. Contact your publisher for further repair authorization.
-166 Specified operation not allowed. Contact your publisher for further information.
-167 The requested activation has been denied because the user or host is excluded from activating this entitlement by a specification in the options file.
-168 The options file contains include specifications for the entitlement, and this user or host is not included in these specifications.
-169 Activation error. Contact your publisher for further information.
-170 Invalid date format in trusted storage. Can be caused by setting your system clock to an earlier date. Check that your system clock is set to the current date and time.
-171 Message encryption failed. Internal error. Please report to Flexera Software Inc.
-172 Message decryption failed. Internal error. Please report to Flexera Software Inc.
-173 Bad filter context. Internal error. Please report to Flexera Software Inc.
-174 SUPERSEDE feature conflict. Contact your publisher for further information.
-175 Invalid SUPERSEDE_SIGN syntax. Contact your publisher for further information.
-176 SUPERSEDE_SIGN does not contain a feature name and license signature. Contact your publisher for further information.
-177 ONE_TS_OK is not supported in this Windows Platform.
-178 Internal error. Please report to Flexera Software Inc.
-179 Only one terminal server remote client checkout is allowed for this feature.
-180 Internal error. Please report to Flexera Software Inc.
-181 Internal error. Please report to Flexera Software Inc.
-182 Internal error. Please report to Flexera Software Inc.
-183 More than one ethernet hostid not supported in composite hostid definition. Contact your publisher for further information.

The number of characters in the license file paths exceeds the permissible limit. There is a limit on the number of license files that can be used by a license server manager. This limit is on the number of characters in the combined license file paths to the license files:

Unix — 40,960 characters 
Windows—20,400 characters

Reduce the number of license files, or relocate them so that the paths are shorter.

-187 The time zone information could not be obtained. A license that is time zone limited could not be checked out because time zone information could not be obtained for the machine on which the license is required. Contact your publisher for further information.
-188 License client time zone not authorized for license rights. A license that is time zone limited could not be checked out because the time zone of the machine on which the license is required does not match the time zone specified in the license.
-190 Feature can be checked out from Physical machine only. The license specifies that it cannot be used on a virtual machine: The FlexEnabled application is installed on a virtual machine so checkout has been denied. Install the FlexEnabled application on a physical machine.
-191 FEATURE can be checked out from Virtual machine only. The license specifies that it cannot be used on a physical machine. The FlexEnabled application is installed on a physical machine so checkout has been denied. Install the FlexEnabled application on a virtual machine.
-192 VM platform not authorized by license.
-193 FNP vendor keys do not support Virtualization feature.
-194 Checkout request denied as it exceeds the MAX limit specified in the options file., host, or display.
-195 Binding agent API - Internal error.
-196 Binding agent communication error
-197 Invalid Binding agent version.
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