
%REM ##############################################################################################

 Sub     new          (xlFilename As String, isVisible As Boolean)
 Sub    Delete         ()
 Function  writeTextToBookmark    (NotesText as String, BookmarkName as String)
 Function   save          ()
 Function  saveAs         (filename as String)
 Function   quit          ()
 Function   setVisibility        (isVisible As Boolean)
 Function   getVersion        ()  As String

Example Code inside an application database:

 Const WORDPATH = "C:/temp/TestWord.doc"

 Dim session    As New NotesSession
 Dim db      As NotesDatabase
 Dim report       As WordReport

 Set db     = session.CurrentDatabase    
 Set report   = new WordReport (WORDPATH, false)   ' false = don't show word

 Messagebox report.getversion()

 Call report.writeTextToBookmark("Bookmark1", "Hello world") ' bookmark must exist in word template
 Call report.setVisibility(true)

%END REM ##############################################################################################

' General
Const WORD_APPLICATION  = "Word.application"

' Errors
Private Const BASEERROR            = 1100

' Version Information
Const REG_97   = "Software//Microsoft//Office//8.0//Common//InstallRoot"     'Registry Key Office 97
Const REG_2000  = "Software//Microsoft//Office//9.0//Common//InstallRoot"     'Registry Key Office 2000
Const REG_XP   = "Software//Microsoft//Office//10.0//Common//InstallRoot"     'Registry Key Office XP
Const REG_2003  ="Software//Microsoft//Office//11.0//Common//InstallRoot"     'Registry Key Office 2003

Const NAME_97  = "Office 97"
Const NAME_2000  = "Office 2000"
Const NAME_XP  = "Office XP"
Const NAME_2003  = "Office 2003"

' Word Report
Class WordReport
 Private wordApp As Variant     ' Application object
 Private wordDoc As Variant     ' Word document
 Private strFilePath As String
' constructor
' - creates the word application object
' - can use a file (.doc or .dot) as template
' - creates an wmpty document when filename is empty
'  - application can be set to visible/invisible
 Sub new(wordFilename As String, isVisible As Boolean)
  On Error Goto GeneralError
  Set wordApp   = CreateObject(WORD_APPLICATION)  ' open the application
  wordApp.Documents.Add wordFilename        ' create a Word document
  wordApp.Visible = isVisible             ' make it visible (or not)
  Set wordDoc  = wordApp.ActiveDocument       ' get document object for later use
  strFilePath   = wordFilename           ' store the filename
  Goto ExitSub
  If Not (wordApp Is Nothing) Then wordApp.quit      ' quit, if there is an error
  Resume ExitSub
 End Sub
' destructor
'  - is invoked when you delete the object via e.g. "delete report"
' - see "delete" keyword in help
 Sub Delete
 End Sub
' write text to a bookmark
'  - a text is written to a predefined bookmark in the word document
' - 1 = bookmark was written successfully, 0 = error
' - using a bookmark twice inserts both texts: the second in front of the first
 Public Function writeTextToBookmark(BookmarkName As String, textValue As String) As Integer
  Dim wr As Variant
  If wordDoc.Bookmarks.Exists(BookmarkName) Then
   Set wr = wordDoc.Bookmarks(BookmarkName).Range
   wr.InsertAfter textValue
   writeTextToBookmark = 1
   writeTextToBookmark = 0
  End If
 End Function
' save file
'  - file gets saved at the position where it was created from
 Public Function save
  wordDoc.SaveAs( strFilePath )
 End Function
' save file at a designated location
'  - file gets saved at the designated location
 Public Function saveAs(newFilename)
  wordDoc.SaveAs( newFileName )
 End Function
' quit excel
' - quits word, if it is still running
 Public Function quit
  If Not (wordApp Is Nothing) Then
   Set wordApp = Nothing
  End If
 End Function
' set visibility
' - switches between visible and invisible
' - does this if it makes sense only
 Public Function setVisibility(isVisible As Boolean)
  If (isVisible And Not wordApp.Visible)  Then  wordApp.Visible = True
  If (Not isVisible And wordApp.Visible) Then  wordApp.Visible = False
 End Function
' get version
' - reads the currently installed Word (Office) version from the registry (Windows only)
 Public Function getVersion() As String
  On Error Goto GeneralError
  Dim formula As String
  Dim SWVersion As String
  Dim Versions List As String
  Dim v As Variant
  ' Initialize all possible versions
  Versions(NAME_97)  = REG_97
  Versions(NAME_2000) = REG_2000
  Versions(NAME_XP)  = REG_XP
  Versions(NAME_2003) = REG_2003
  ' test for installed version
  Forall vers In Versions
   formula$ = | (@RegQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"; "| & vers & |";"Path")) |
   v = Evaluate( formula$ )
   If v(0) <> "" Then
    getVersion = Listtag(vers)
    Goto ExitSub
   End If
  End Forall
  getVersion = ""
  Goto ExitSub
  getVersion = ""
  Resume ExitSub
 End Function
End Class 

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