
Hibernate的作者Gavin King

Gavin King是Hibernate的作者,EJB3.0專家委員會成員,JBoss核心成員之一。Hibernate誕生在2001年11月,在短短的兩年多時間就發展成爲Java世界主流的持久層框架軟件,令人側目。Gavin King 1974年出生於澳大利亞,現在居住在澳大利亞默爾本市。

Gavin King is the founder of the Hibernate project. He was born in a country town named Mudgee in 1974 and has never been there since. He is currently based in Melbourne, Australia - the city with the world's highest ratio of restaurants to people. Gavin's interest in persistence was sparked at the age of 11 when his early software development efforts were all destroyed due to the notorious unreliability of the Commodore 64 cassette drive. Gavin studied mathematics at Monash University before deciding to do something useful instead. He now works for JBoss, Inc., developing Hibernate and the new Hibernate-based CMP engine - and hopes he has finally proved his usefulness. He is co-author of the book, Hibernate in Action, to be published by Manning. He is also involved in the EJB3 expert group. Gavin always enjoys writing about himself in the third person.

SpringFramework的作者Rod Johnson

Rod Johnson在2002年出版了一本非常暢銷的J2EE書籍《Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development》,闡述了J2EE開發的方方面面的經驗和設計,同時他根據本書的思路,開發了SpringFramework。如今 SpringFramework是最流行的輕量級Java IoC容器。Rod本人也是Servlet2.4和JDO2.0專家委員會成員,他同時也是一位經驗豐富的技術諮詢專家。Rod開了一家諮詢公司,提供 SpringFramework的技術支持和培訓

SpringFramework共同作者之一Juergen Hoeler

Juergen Hoeler是SpringFramework的共同作者之一,與Rod Johnson共同發起和創造了SpringFramework。SpringFramework中的Hibernate相關的API是由Juergen Hoeler完成的。對於喜歡使用Spring/Hibernate架構的程序員來說一定對這部分非常熟悉。

Tapestry和Hivemind的作者Howard Lewis Ship

Tapestry是類似WebForms機制的Java Web Framework,Hivemind是一個微內核的IoC容器,Tapestry和Hivemind都是Apache Foundation Software旗下的軟件。


JBoss AOP的作者Bill Burke


Bill Burke是JBoss公司首席架構師,JBoss AOP項目的領導者,JBoss EJB3.0的領導者之一(另一個是是Gavin King,GK負責Entity Bean,其他部分是Bill Burke負責),EJB 3.0 專家組成員。

Bill Burke現年33歲。

Born in 1971, Bill fell in love with middleware when he was introduced to DCE while at the parent company of Open Environment Corporation. He later went on to being a core member of the Orbix2000 team at Iona, where he helped them build some of their CORBA products. After weathering a few failed internet startups building J2EE applications, Bill stumbled into JBoss and helped them with their clustering architecture and EJB container. Now, as lead architect of JBoss 4, his main focus is on bringing AOP concepts and technology to the JBoss application server. Bill is co-author of O'Reilly's "JBoss 3.2 Workbook", and has numerous other in-print and on-line publications. He graduated magna cum laude with a B.S.C.S. from Northeastern University in Boston in 1994. In his spare time, now that JBoss is the full-time job, Bill likes to hang with his wonderful wife and is a rabid football fan being a New England Patriots season ticket holder for the past 10 years.

Rickard Oberg (webwork. xdoclet, JBoss AOP,...)

doclet, webwork, xwork的創立者, jboss的前架構師, 目前致力於AOP的應用.

Rickard出品, 必屬精品.

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