【Android Training】置頂索引

學習了Android有段時間了,感覺還是官方的英文資料學習起來收穫最大。之前看了很多Android Dev Guide裏面的文章,也寫過幾篇文章,可惜沒有堅持下去。這次學習官方培訓課程,決定把自己所學與大家一起分享,寫的不好的地方還請多多指教,多多支持,謝謝!



(00)Building Your First App


(01)Managing the Activity Lifecycle

How Android activities live and die and how to create a seamless user experience by implementing lifecycle callback methods.

【Android Training - 01】詳解Activity生命週期 [ Lesson 0 - 章節概覽 ]

【Android Training - 01】詳解Activity生命週期 [ Lesson 1 - 啓動與銷燬Activity ]

【Android Training - 01】詳解Activity生命週期 [ Lesson 2 - 暫停與恢復Activity ]

【Android Training - 01】詳解Activity生命週期 [ Lesson 3 - 停止與重啓Activity ]

【Android Training - 01】詳解Activity生命週期 [ Lesson 4 - 重建銷燬的Activity ]

(02)Supporting Different Devices

How to build your app with alternative resources that provide an optimized user experience on multiple device form factors using a single APK.

【Android Training - 02】適配不同的屏幕[Lesson 1 - 支持不同的屏幕大小]

【Android Training - 02】適配不同的屏幕[Lesson 2 - 適配不同屏幕密度]

【Android Training - 02】適配不同的屏幕[Lesson 3 - 實現可適配的UI流程]

(03)Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments

How to build a user interface for your app that is flexible enough to present multiple UI components on large screens and a more constrained set of UI components on smaller screens—essential for building a single APK for both phones and tablets.

【Android Training - 03】使用Fragments建立動態的UI [ Lesson 0 - 章節概覽 ]

【Android Training - 03】使用Fragments建立動態的UI [ Lesson 1 - 使用Support Library ]

【Android Training - 03】使用Fragments建立動態的UI [ Lesson 2 - 新建一個Fragment ]

【Android Training - 03】使用Fragments建立動態的UI [ Lesson 3 - 創建靈活可變的UI ]

【Android Training - 03】使用Fragments建立動態的UI [ Lesson 4 - Fragment之間的通信 ]

(04)Saving Data

How to save data on the device, whether it's temporary files, downloaded app assets, user media, structured data, or something else.

【Android Training - 04】保存數據 [ Lesson 0 - 章節概覽 ]

【Android Training - 04】保存數據 [ Lesson 1 - 保存Key-Value]

【Android Training - 04】保存數據 [ Lesson 2 - 保存文件]

【Android Training - 04】保存數據 [ Lesson 3 - 保存數據到SQLite]

(05)Interacting with Other Apps

How to build a user experience that leverages other apps available on the device to perform advanced user tasks, such as capture a photo or view an address on a map.

【Android Training - 05】與其他Apps進行交互 [ Lesson 0 - 章節概覽 ]

【Android Training - 05】與其他Apps進行交互 [ Lesson 1 - 啓動到另外一個app ]

【Android Training - 05】與其他Apps進行交互 [ Lesson 2 - 從activity獲取Result ]

【Android Training - 05】與其他Apps進行交互 [ Lesson 3 - 允許其他app啓動你的activity ]

(06)Sharing Content

How to take your app interaction to the next level by sharing information with other apps, receive information back, and provide a simple and scalable way to perform Share actions with user content.

【Android Training - 06】分享數據內容 [Lesson 0 - 章節概覽]

【Android Training - 06】分享數據內容 [Lesson 1 - 發送分享的數據到其他App]

【Android Training - 06】分享數據內容 [Lesson 2 - 從其它app接收分享的內容]

【Android Training - 06】分享數據內容 [Lesson 3 - 在ActionBar上添加Share Action]


  • Multimedia

Managing Audio Playback

How to respond to hardware audio key presses, request audio focus when playing audio, and respond appropriately to changes in audio focus.

【Android Training - Multimedia】管理音頻播放[Lesson 1 - 控制app的音量]

【Android Training - Multimedia】管理音頻播放[Lesson 2 - 管理音頻焦點Audio Focus]

【Android Training - Multimedia】管理音頻播放[Lesson 3 - 當音頻輸出設備突然改變]

Capturing Photos

How to leverage existing camera apps on the user's device to capture photos or control the camera hardware directly and build your own camera app.

【Android Training - Multimedia】捕獲照片 [Lesson 0 - 章節概覽]

【Android Training - Multimedia】捕獲照片 [Lesson 1 - 簡單的拍照動作]

【Android Training - Multimedia】捕獲照片 [Lesson 2 - 簡單的錄像動作]

【Android Training - Multimedia】捕獲照片 [Lesson 3 - 直接操控相機]


  • Graphics & Animation

Displaying Bitmaps Efficiently

How to load and process bitmaps while keeping your user interface responsive and avoid exceeding memory limits.

【Android Training - Graphics】高效地顯示Bitmap圖片 [ Lesson 0 - 章節概覽 ]

【Android Training - Graphics】高效地顯示Bitmap圖片 [ Lesson 1 - 有效率地加載大尺寸的位圖]

【Android Training - Graphics】高效地顯示Bitmap圖片 [ Lesson 2 - 在UI線程之外處理Bitmaps ]

【Android Training - Graphics】高效地顯示Bitmap圖片 [ Lesson 3 - 兩種緩存Bitmap的方式 ]

【Android Training - Graphics】高效地顯示Bitmap圖片 [ Lesson 4 - 優化Bitmap的內存使用 ]

【Android Training - Graphics】高效地顯示Bitmap圖片 [ Lesson 5 - 使用ViewPager與GridView顯示圖片 ]

Displaying Graphics with OpenGL ES

How to create OpenGL graphics within the Android app framework and respond to touch input.


Adding Animation

How to add transitional animations to your user interface.



  • Connectivity & the Cloud

Connecting Devices Wirelessly

How to find and connect to local devices using Network Service Discovery and Wi-Fi Direct in order to create peer-to-peer connections.


Performing Network Operations

How to create a network connection, monitor the connection for changes in connectivity, and perform transactions with XML data.

【Android Training - Connectivity】基本網絡操作 [ Lesson 0 - 章節概覽 ]

【Android Training - Connectivity】基本網絡操作 [ Lesson 1 - 如何連接到網絡的經典示例 ]

【Android Training - Connectivity】基本網絡操作 [ Lesson 2 - 管理網絡連接的常用方法 ]

【Android Training - Connectivity】基本網絡操作 [ Lesson 3 - 詳解如何解析XML數據 ]

Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery

How to minimize your apps impact on the battery when performing downloads and other network transactions.

【Android Training - Connectivity】優化下載的效率(Lesson 0 - 章節概覽)

【Android Training - Connectivity】優化下載的效率(Lesson 1 - 看無線電波如何影響網絡操作)

【Android Training - Connectivity】優化下載的效率(Lesson 2 - 調整定時更新的頻率(C2DM與退避算法))

【Android Training - Connectivity】優化下載的效率(Lesson 3 - 使用緩存來避免重複的下載)

【Android Training - Connectivity】優化下載的效率(Lesson 4 - 根據網絡類型更改下載模式)

Syncing to Cloud

How to sync and back up app and user data to remote web services in the cloud and how to restore the data back to multiple devices.

【Android Training - Cloud】雲同步的實現 [Lesson 0 - 章節概覽]

【Android Training - Cloud】雲同步的實現 [Lesson 1 - 使用App Engine進行同步]

【Android Training - Cloud】雲同步的實現 [Lesson 2 - 使用Google Backup API ]

Resolving Cloud Save Conflicts

How to design a robust conflict resolution strategy for apps that save data to the cloud.


Transferring Data Using Sync Adapters

How to transfer data between the cloud and the device using the Android sync adapter framework.



  • User Info & Location

Accessing Contacts Data

How to use Android's central address book, the Contacts Provider, to display contacts and their details and modify contact information.


Remembering Users

How to remember the user by account, authenticate the user, acquire user permission for the user's online data, and create custom accounts on the device.

【Android Training - User Info】記住登入用戶的信息[Lesson 0 - 章節概覽]

【Android Training - User Info】記住登入用戶的信息[Lesson 1 - 使用AccountManager來記住用戶]

【Android Training - User Info】記住登入用戶的信息[Lesson 2 - 使用OAuth2來進行身份鑑定]

【Android Training - User Info】記住登入用戶的信息[Lesson 3 - 創建自定義的賬戶]

Making Your App Location Aware

How to add location-aware features to your app by aqcuiring the user's current location.



  • User Experience & UI

Designing Effective Navigation

How to plan your app's screen hierarchy and forms of navigation so users can effectively and intuitively traverse your app content using various navigation patterns.


Implementing Effective Navigation

How to implement various navigation patterns such as swipe views and up navigation.


Designing for Multiple Screens

How to build a user interface that's flexible enough to fit perfectly on any screen and how to create different interaction patterns that are optimized for different screen sizes.


Designing for TV

How to optimize your app's user interface and user input for the "ten foot experience" of a TV screen.


Adding Search Functionality

How to properly add a search interface to your app and create a searchable database.


Creating Custom Views

How to build custom UI widgets that are interactive and smooth.

【Android Training UI】創建自定義Views[Lesson 0 - 章節概覽]

【Android Training UI】創建自定義Views[Lesson 1 - 創建一個view類]

【Android Training UI】創建自定義Views[Lesson 2 - 自定義Drawing]

Creating Backward-Compatible UIs

How to use UI components and other APIs from the more recent versions of Android while remaining compatible with older versions of the platform.


Implementing Accessibility

How to make your app accessible to users with vision impairment or other physical disabilities.



  • Best Practices for Performance

Performance Tips

How to optimize your app's performance in various ways to improve its responsiveness and battery efficiency.


Improving Layout Performance

How to identify problems in your app's layout performance and improve the UI responsiveness.

【Android Training - Performance】提高顯示佈局文件的性能[Lesson 1 - 優化佈局層級]

【Android Training - Performance】提高顯示佈局文件的性能[Lesson 2 - 使用include標籤重用Layout]

【Android Training - Performance】提高顯示佈局文件的性能[Lesson 3 - 按需載入視圖(ViewStub的使用方法)]

【Android Training - Performance】提高顯示佈局文件的性能[Lesson 4 - 提升ListView的性能]

Running A Background Service

How to improve UI performance and responsiveness by sending work to a Service running in the background


Loading Data In the Background

How to use CursorLoader to query data without affecting UI responsiveness.


Optimizing Battery Life

How to minimize the amount of power your app requires by adapting to current power conditions and performing power-hungry tasks at proper intervals.

【Android Training - Performance】優化電池續航能力[Lesson 1 - 監測電池的電量與充電狀態]

【Android Training - Performance】優化電池續航能力[Lesson 2 - 判斷並監測設備的停駐模式與類型(車載模式等)]

【Android Training - Performance】優化電池續航能力[Lesson 3 - 判斷並監測網絡連接狀態]

【Android Training - Performance】優化電池續航能力[Lesson 4 - 按需操控Broadcast Receivers是否開啓]

Sending Operations to Multiple Threads

How to improve the performance and scalability of long-running operations by dispatching work to multiple threads.


Keeping Your App Responsive

How to keep your app responsive to user interaction so the UI does not lock-up and display an "Application Not Responding" dialog.


JNI Tips

How to efficiently use the Java Native Interface with the Android NDK.



  • Best Practices for Security & Privacy

Security Tips

How to perform various tasks and keep your app's data and your user's data secure.


Developing for Enterprise

How to implement device management policies for enterprise-oriented apps.



  • Using Google Play to Distribute & Monetize

Maintaining Multiple APKs

How to publish your app on Google Play with separate APKs that target different devices, while using a single app listing.


Monetizing Your App

How to implement monetization strategies for your app without compromising the user experience.





2012年11月23日:Google對於這些課程做了重新的整理,顯得更加的有條理,有層次,對於學習Android實在是最佳的課程。 對於新添加的課程,我會陸續進行翻譯學習,分享給大家,謝謝!


2013年08月31日:又是大半年過去了,Google還在不斷的更新文章,最近把這些文章遷移到github上,CSDN的富文本編輯實在太糟糕了,發現裏面樣式全亂了,需要花很長時間轉換爲合格的Markdown格式,以後寫文章都用Markdown格式了,歡迎訪問我的個人站點,地址見Blog Title……

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