fedora linux的播放器與解碼器的安裝

裝了fedora linux 由於一些音頻格式的版權問題而不能播放,但我們裝在自己的電腦上要聽歌看電影就管不了那麼多了呵呵,其實fedora 要解決的問題是播放器播放音樂和視頻的問題,而fedora 己經給我們留了很好的解碼器的支持只要我們簡單的安裝幾個軟件就能解決大部分視頻
先裝解碼器 現在己出2007的了下2007的好點2006的也行
all-20060611.tar.bz2(http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/all-20060611.tar.bz2 )

windows-all-20060611.zip(建議不要在win下使用. rar,用. zip)
( http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/windows-all-20060611.zip )
進入主目錄後,以root身份安裝 ,這樣改變身份:在終端輸入su或者su root ,然後輸入密碼就ok啦,有沒有看到 $ 變成了 #
mkdir /usr/lib/codecs
mkdir /usr/lib/wincodecs
tar jxvf all-20060611.tar.bz2
mv all-20060611/* /usr/lib/codecs
unzip windows-all-20060611.zip
mv windows-all-20060611/* /usr/lib/wincodecs
在裝 kdemultimedia-extras-nonfree

Install Realplayer

07 November 2006

Download RealPlayer 10.0 GOLD from: http://www.real.com/linux/ .

Select: "Advanced Installation RedHat Package "

Before installing RealPlayer, make sure to have the compat-libstdc++-33 compatibility libraries installed.

[mirandam@charon downloads]$ sudo yum install compat-libstdc++-33

Install RealPlayer:

[mirandam@charon downloads]$ sudo rpm -ivh RealPlayer10GOLD.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:RealPlayer ########################################### [100%]

RealPlayer/HelixPlayer Forums: https://helixcommunity.org/forum/?group_id=154

NOTE: If the RealPlayer browser plugin does load in Firefox or Mozilla, run the following command:

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo /usr/bin/mozilla-plugin-config -i -f

Top Resources

Install MP3 Players

07 November 2007

Fedora ships without any form of MP3 playback. In order to add MP3 playback you must install from a 3rd party . The following requires the use of the Livna repository.

XMMS : simple, older GUI, minimalistic features (but still popular)

  • Installation through yum :
    [mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo
     yum install xmms xmms-mp3 xmms-faad2
  • Plugin settings: Options > Preferences >
    Audio I/O Plugins > Input Plugins
    Disable: MPEG Layer 1/2/3 Placeholder Plugin [librh_mp3.so]
    ==> UNCHECK [ ] Enable Plugin
  • More detailed instructions from Fedora Core 5 Guide

Audacious : (A fork of Beep Media Player - BMP ). XMMS rebuilt to be a little bit more modern. Still basic but much better than XMMS.

  • Installation through yum :
    [mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo
     yum install audacious audacious-plugins-nonfree*
    NOTE: There is a '*' at the end.

Rythmbox/Gstreamer - A simple audio application similar to iTunes layout.

  • Most of Rythmbox and the Gstreamer system should be installed when installing Gnome (mentioned above). The missing components are just the MP3 (and other media) plugins.
  • Installation through yum :
    [mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo
     yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-bad-extras  gstreamer-ffmpeg

Amarok - A modern feature rich media player application.

  • It is helpful to have KDE installed first as this will reduce the download.
  • Installation through yum :
    [mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo
     yum install amarok amarok-extras-nonfree
  • Amarok Engine : Amarok requires you to select an "engine" which can play different media. The current support engines are Xine/Gstreamer and RealPlayer/HelixPlayer. If you installed the gstreamer-plugins-ugly or amarok-extras-nonfree the Xine engine will be default. (Recommended)

Top Resources

Install Media Players

16 November 2007

Fedora ships with a limited set of media player for both audio and video. For audio please read the MP3 player notes. For video and other multimedia (DVD, etc.) we will also be making use of a 3rd party repository: Livna . Make sure to have the Livna repository configured before executing the following. Note that many "dependancies" in libraries, plugins and codecs are shared between these applications and also the MP3 player applications.

The most popular media players (in order) are: MPlayer, Xine and VLC. Each has its own strengths. Install whichever you prefer although the first 2 are recommended.

MPlayer - MPlayer comes in a command line only interface (mplayer ) or skinable GUI and it also has a powerful encoding tool MEncoder (also great for ripping or compressing audio/video). Additionally there is a highly functional web plugin allowing for many popular formats in Firefox/Mozilla (WMV, QuickTime, etc.).

  • Installation through yum with Livna enabled:
    [mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo
     yum install mplayer mplayer-gui mplayer-skins mplayer-fonts mplayerplug-in mencoder
  • Binary Codecs: Please install the Binary Codecs for further support of formats that MPlayer does not directly support.
  • PulseAudio Issues: If you see the following error:
    [AO_ALSA] Unable to find simple control 'PCM',0.
    Run gmplayer , Right-Click, goto Preferences > Audio > Available drivers: , Select pulse
  • Browser Plugin Issues: Please run the following if the MPlayer browser plug-in does not load:
    [mirandam@charon ]$ sudo /usr/bin/mozilla-plugin-config -i -f

Xine - Xine is similar to MPlayer in many ways however lacking the command line application and encoder. However has fully supported DVD playback with proper navigation.

  • Installation through yum with Livna enabled:
    [mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo
     yum install xine xine-lib-extras xine-lib-extras-nonfree libdvdcss
  • Binary Codecs: Please install the Binary Codecs for further support of formats that Xine does not directly support.

Binary Codecs - The MPlayer projects maintains a package full of binary codecs for which no directly open source option exists, some of these files include Windows DLL's. These are shared by both Xine and MPlayer. NOTE: There is significant variation depending on your architecture (i386, x86_64, ppc). The 32bit i386 works the best.

VLC - VLC is a simpler media player with an easy to use interface. It also supports DVD playback. While most needs should be met with Xine and MPlayer some prefer VLC.

  • Installation through yum with Livna enabled:
    [mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo
     yum install vlc
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