
typedef struct data_record {
	char *value;
	union {
		bool free_value;    // free value or not,改爲need_free比較好
		uint32_t crc;
	int32_t tstamp; //時間戳
	int32_t flag; //record.c開頭的那幾個const int標誌的組合。
	int32_t version; 
	uint32_t ksz; //key大小
	uint32_t vsz; //v大小
	char key[0]; 
} DataRecord;

*  Beansdb - A high available distributed key-value storage system:
*  Copyright 2010 Douban Inc.  All rights reserved.
*  Use and distribution licensed under the BSD license.  See
*  the LICENSE file for full text.
*  Authors:
*      Davies Liu <[email protected]>

#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "record.h"
#include "crc32.c"
#include "quicklz.h"
//#include "fnv1a.h"

const int PADDING = 256; //PADDING是爲了留出低8位,來記錄bucket的下標
const int32_t COMPRESS_FLAG = 0x00010000;
const int32_t CLIENT_COMPRESS_FLAG = 0x00000010;
const float COMPRESS_RATIO_LIMIT = 0.7;//最小的壓縮比例
const int TRY_COMPRESS_SIZE = 1024 * 10;

uint32_t gen_hash(char *buf, int len)
	uint32_t hash = len * 97;
	if (len <= 1024){
		hash += fnv1a(buf, len); //整個
		hash += fnv1a(buf, 512); //前512個
		hash *= 97;
		hash += fnv1a(buf + len - 512, 512); //後512個
	return hash;

typedef struct hint_record {
	uint32_t ksize:8;
	uint32_t pos:24;
	int32_t version;
	uint16_t hash;
	char name[2]; // allign
} HintRecord;

const int NAME_IN_RECORD = 2;

//|               |                 |
//buf     已寫     cur     可寫        size
struct param {
	int size;
	int curr;
	char* buf;

void collect_items(Item* it, void* param)
	int length = sizeof(HintRecord) + strlen(it->name) + 1 - NAME_IN_RECORD;
	struct param *p = (struct param *)param;
	if (p->size - p->curr < length) {
		p->size *= 2;
		p->buf = (char*)realloc(p->buf, p->size);

	//相當於replacement new
	HintRecord *r = (HintRecord*)(p->buf + p->curr);
	r->ksize = strlen(it->name);
	r->pos = it->pos >> 8;
	r->version = it->ver;
	r->hash = it->hash;
	memcpy(r->name, it->name, r->ksize + 1);

	p->curr += length;

void write_file(char *buf, int size, const char* path)
	char tmp[255];
	sprintf(tmp, "%s.tmp", path);
	FILE *hf = fopen(tmp, "wb");
	if (NULL==hf){
		fprintf(stderr, "open %s failed\n", tmp);
	int n = fwrite(buf, 1, size, hf); 

	if (n == size) {
		rename(tmp, path);
		fprintf(stderr, "write to %s failed \n", tmp);

void build_hint(HTree* tree, const char* hintpath)
	struct param p;
	p.size = 1024 * 1024;
	p.curr = 0;
	p.buf = malloc(p.size);

	ht_visit(tree, collect_items, &p);

	// 2
	if (strcmp(hintpath + strlen(hintpath) - 4, ".qlz") == 0) {
		char* wbuf = malloc(QLZ_SCRATCH_COMPRESS);
		char* dst = malloc(p.size + 400);
		int dst_size = qlz_compress(p.buf, dst, p.curr, wbuf);
		p.curr = dst_size;
		p.buf = dst;

	write_file(p.buf, p.curr, hintpath);

//tree -- 實際是BitCask的tree
//bucket -- 是這個hintfile在BitCask中的編號
//path -- hintfile文件的目錄
//new_path -- 把hintfile文件中的內容存入這個文件中
void scanHintFile(HTree* tree, int bucket, const char* path, const char* new_path)
	char *addr;
	int fd;
	struct stat sb;
	size_t length;

	fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
	if (fd == -1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "open %s failed\n", path);

	if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1 || sb.st_size == 0){
		return ;

	addr = (char*) mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
	if (addr == MAP_FAILED){
		fprintf(stderr, "mmap failed %s\n", path);

	char *start = addr, *end = addr + sb.st_size;
	if (strcmp(path + strlen(path) - 4, ".qlz") == 0) {
		int size = qlz_size_decompressed(addr);
		start = malloc(size);
		int vsize = qlz_decompress(addr, start, wbuf);
		if (vsize < size) {
			fprintf(stderr, "decompress %s failed: %d < %d, remove it\n", path, vsize, size);
		end = start + vsize;

	if (new_path != NULL) {
		if (strcmp(new_path + strlen(new_path) - 4, ".qlz") == 0) {
			char* wbuf = malloc(QLZ_SCRATCH_COMPRESS);
			char* dst = malloc(sb.st_size + 400);
			int dst_size = qlz_compress(start, dst, end - start, wbuf);
			write_file(dst, dst_size, new_path);
		} else {
			write_file(start, end - start, new_path);

	char *p = start;
	while (p < end) {
		HintRecord *r = (HintRecord*) p;
		p += sizeof(HintRecord) - NAME_IN_RECORD + r->ksize + 1;
		if (p > end){
			fprintf(stderr, "scan %s: unexpected end, need %ld byte\n", path, p - end);
		uint32_t pos = (r->pos << 8) | (bucket & 0xff);
		if (strlen(r->name) == r->ksize) {
			ht_add(tree, r->name, pos, r->hash, r->version);
			fprintf(stderr, "scan %s: key length not match %d\n", path, r->ksize);

	munmap(addr, sb.st_size);
	if (start != addr ) free(start);

char* record_value(DataRecord *r)
	char *res = r->value;
	if (res == r->key + r->ksz + 1) {
		// value was alloced in record
		res = malloc(r->vsz);
		memcpy(res, r->value, r->vsz);
	return res;

void free_record(DataRecord *r)
	if (r == NULL) return;
	if (r->value != NULL && r->free_value) free(r->value);

void compress_record(DataRecord *r)
	int ksz = r->ksz, vsz = r->vsz; 
	int n = sizeof(DataRecord) - sizeof(char*) + ksz + vsz;
	if (n > PADDING && (r->flag & (COMPRESS_FLAG|CLIENT_COMPRESS_FLAG)) == 0) {
		char *wbuf = malloc(QLZ_SCRATCH_COMPRESS);
		char *v = malloc(vsz + 400);
		if (wbuf == NULL || v == NULL) return ;
		int try_size = vsz > TRY_COMPRESS_SIZE ? TRY_COMPRESS_SIZE : vsz; 
		int vsize = qlz_compress(r->value, v, try_size, wbuf);
		if (try_size < vsz && vsize < try_size * COMPRESS_RATIO_LIMIT){
			try_size = vsz;
			vsize = qlz_compress(r->value, v, try_size, wbuf);

		if (vsize > try_size * COMPRESS_RATIO_LIMIT || try_size < vsz) {

		if (r->free_value) {
		r->value = v;
		r->free_value = true; //r的value需要free
		r->vsz = vsize;
		r->flag |= COMPRESS_FLAG;

DataRecord* decompress_record(DataRecord *r)
	if (r->flag & COMPRESS_FLAG) {
		int csize = qlz_size_compressed(r->value);
		if (csize != r->vsz) {
			fprintf(stderr, "broken compressed data: %d != %d, flag=%x\n", csize, r->vsz, r->flag);
			goto DECOMP_END;

		int size = qlz_size_decompressed(r->value);
		char *v = malloc(size);
		if (v == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "malloc(%d)\n", size);
			goto DECOMP_END;
		int ret = qlz_decompress(r->value, v, scratch);
		if (ret < size) {
			fprintf(stderr, "decompress %s failed: %d < %d\n", r->key, ret, size);
			goto DECOMP_END;
		if (r->free_value) {
		r->value = v;
		r->free_value = true;
		r->vsz = size;
		r->flag &= ~COMPRESS_FLAG;
	return r;

	return NULL;

DataRecord* decode_record(char* buf, int size)
	DataRecord *r = (DataRecord *) (buf - sizeof(char*));
	int ksz = r->ksz, vsz = r->vsz;
	if (ksz < 0 || ksz > 200 || vsz < 0 || vsz > 100 * 1024 * 1024){
		fprintf(stderr, "invalid ksz=: %d, vsz=%d\n", ksz, vsz);
		return NULL;
	int need = sizeof(DataRecord) - sizeof(char*) + ksz + vsz;
	if (size < need) {
		fprintf(stderr, "not enough data in buffer: %d < %d\n", size, need);
		return NULL;
	// CRC check ?

	DataRecord *r2 = (DataRecord *) malloc(need + 1 + sizeof(char*));
	memcpy(r2, r, sizeof(DataRecord) + ksz);
	r2->key[ksz] = 0; // c str    
	r2->free_value = false;
	r2->value = r2->key + ksz + 1;
	memcpy(r2->value, r->key + ksz, vsz);

	return decompress_record(r2);

//	1.1.首先從文件中讀一個PADDING出來,這是一個DataRecord所佔的最小的文件空間。
//	1.2.計算讀取的內容中是否包含完整的value
DataRecord* read_record(FILE *f, bool decomp)
	DataRecord *r = (DataRecord*) malloc(PADDING + sizeof(char*));
	r->value = NULL;

	if (fread(&r->crc, 1, PADDING, f) != PADDING) {//或者到達f的末尾,或者f爲空。
		fprintf(stderr, "read record faied\n");         
		goto READ_END;

	int ksz = r->ksz, vsz = r->vsz;
	if (ksz < 0 || ksz > 200 || vsz < 0 || vsz > 100 * 1024 * 1024){
		fprintf(stderr, "invalid ksz=: %d, vsz=%d\n", ksz, vsz);
		goto READ_END;

	uint32_t crc_old = r->crc;
	int read_size = PADDING - (sizeof(DataRecord) - sizeof(char*)) - ksz;
	if (vsz < read_size) {//value只存在於剛纔讀取的PADDING裏
		r->value = r->key + ksz + 1; //key的最後一個字節是結束符'\0',所以加1
		r->free_value = false;
		memmove(r->value, r->key + ksz, vsz);
		r->value = malloc(vsz);
		r->free_value = true;
		memcpy(r->value, r->key + ksz, read_size);
		int need = vsz - read_size;
		int ret = 0;
		if (need > 0 && need != (ret=fread(r->value + read_size, 1, need, f))) {
			r->key[ksz] = 0; // c str    
			fprintf(stderr, "read record %s faied: %d < %d @%ld\n", r->key, ret, need, ftell(f)); 
			goto READ_END;
	r->key[ksz] = 0; // c str

	uint32_t crc = crc32(0, (char*)(&r->tstamp), 
		sizeof(DataRecord) - sizeof(char*) - sizeof(uint32_t) + ksz);
	crc = crc32(crc, r->value, vsz);
	if (crc != crc_old){
		fprintf(stderr, "%s @%ld crc32 check failed %d != %d\n", r->key, ftell(f), crc, r->crc);
		goto READ_END;

	if (decomp) {
		r = decompress_record(r);
	return r;

	return NULL; 

char* encode_record(DataRecord *r, int *size)

	int m, n;
	int ksz = r->ksz, vsz = r->vsz;
	int hs = sizeof(char*); // over header
	m = n = sizeof(DataRecord) - hs + ksz + vsz;
	if (n % PADDING != 0) {
		m += PADDING - (n % PADDING);

	char *buf = malloc(m);

	DataRecord *data = (DataRecord*)(buf - hs);
	memcpy(&data->crc, &r->crc, sizeof(DataRecord)-hs);
	memcpy(data->key, r->key, ksz);
	memcpy(data->key + ksz, r->value, vsz);
	data->crc = crc32(0, (char*)&data->tstamp, n - sizeof(uint32_t));

	*size = m;    
	return buf;

int write_record(FILE *f, DataRecord *r) 
	int size;
	char *data = encode_record(r, &size);
	if (fwrite(data, 1, size, f) < size){
		fprintf(stderr, "write %d byte failed\n", size);
		return -1;
	return 0;

void scanDataFile(HTree* tree, int bucket, const char* path, const char* hintpath)
	if (bucket < 0 || bucket > 255) return;

	FILE *df = fopen(path, "rb");
	if (NULL==df){
		fprintf(stderr, "open %s failed\n", path);
	fprintf(stderr, "scan datafile %s \n", path);

	HTree *cur_tree = ht_new(0);
	fseek(df, 0, SEEK_END);
	uint32_t total = ftell(df);
	fseek(df, 0, SEEK_SET);
	uint32_t pos = 0;
	while (pos < total) {
		DataRecord *r = read_record(df, true);
		if (r != NULL) {
			uint16_t hash = gen_hash(r->value, r->vsz);
			if (r->version > 0){
				ht_add(tree, r->key, pos | bucket, hash, r->version);            
				ht_remove(tree, r->key);
			ht_add(cur_tree, r->key, pos | bucket, hash, r->version);

		pos = ftell(df);
		if (pos % PADDING != 0){
			int left = PADDING - (pos % PADDING);
			fseek(df, left, SEEK_CUR);
			pos += left;
	build_hint(cur_tree, hintpath);

void scanDataFileBefore(HTree* tree, int bucket, const char* path, time_t before)
	if (bucket < 0 || bucket > 255) return;

	FILE *df = fopen(path, "rb");
	if (NULL == df){
		fprintf(stderr, "open %s failed\n", path);
	fprintf(stderr, "scan datafile %s before %ld\n", path, before);

	fseek(df, 0, SEEK_END);
	uint32_t total = ftell(df);
	fseek(df, 0, SEEK_SET);
	uint32_t pos = 0;
	while (pos < total) {
		DataRecord *r = read_record(df, true);
		if (r != NULL) {
			if (r->tstamp >= before ){
			if (r->version > 0){
				uint16_t hash = gen_hash(r->value, r->vsz);
				ht_add(tree, r->key, pos | bucket, hash, r->version);            
				ht_remove(tree, r->key);

		pos = ftell(df);
		if (pos % PADDING != 0){
			int left = PADDING - (pos % PADDING);
			fseek(df, left, SEEK_CUR);
			pos += left;


static int count_deleted_record(HTree* tree, int bucket, const char* path, int *total)
	char *addr;
	int fd;
	struct stat sb;
	size_t length;

	*total = 0;

	fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
	if (fd == -1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "open %s failed\n", path);
		return 0; 

	if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1 || sb.st_size == 0){
		return 0;

	addr = (char*) mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
	if (addr == MAP_FAILED){
		fprintf(stderr, "mmap failed %s\n", path);
		return 0;

	char *start = addr, *end = addr + sb.st_size;
	if (strcmp(path + strlen(path) - 4, ".qlz") == 0) {
		int size = qlz_size_decompressed(addr);
		start = malloc(size);
		int vsize = qlz_decompress(addr, start, wbuf);
		if (vsize < size) {
			fprintf(stderr, "decompress %s failed: %d < %d, remove it\n", path, vsize, size);
			return 0;
		end = start + vsize;

	char *p = start;
	int deleted = 0;
	while (p < end) {
		HintRecord *r = (HintRecord*) p;
		p += sizeof(HintRecord) - NAME_IN_RECORD + r->ksize + 1;
		if (p > end){
			fprintf(stderr, "scan %s: unexpected end, need %ld byte\n", path, p - end);
		(*total) ++;
		Item *it = ht_get(tree, r->name);
		//關於it->pos != ((r->pos << 8) | bucket):
		if (it == NULL || it->pos != ((r->pos << 8) | bucket) || it->ver <= 0) {
			deleted ++;
		if (it) free(it);

	munmap(addr, sb.st_size);
	if (start != addr) free(start);

	return deleted;

//	a.在tree中不存在
//	b.改變了位置——或者不在這個文件中,或者在文件中的其它位置
//	c.ver < 0
//	如果以上條件都不滿足,才能寫進新的文件中
HTree* optimizeDataFile(HTree* tree, int bucket, const char* path, const char* hintpath, int limit) 
	int all = 0;
	int deleted = count_deleted_record(tree, bucket, hintpath, &all);
	if (deleted <= all * 0.1 && deleted <= limit) {
		fprintf(stderr, "only %d records deleted in %d, skip %s\n", deleted, all, path);
		return NULL;

	FILE *df = fopen(path, "rb");
	if (NULL==df){
		fprintf(stderr, "open %s failed\n", path);
		return NULL;
	char tmp[255];
	sprintf(tmp, "%s.tmp", path);
	FILE *new_df = fopen(tmp, "wb");
	if (NULL==new_df){
		fprintf(stderr, "open %s failed\n", tmp);
		return NULL;

	HTree *cur_tree = ht_new(0);
	fseek(df, 0, SEEK_END);
	uint32_t total = ftell(df);
	fseek(df, 0, SEEK_SET);
	uint32_t pos = 0;
	deleted = 0;
	while (pos < total) {
		DataRecord *r = read_record(df, false);
		if (r != NULL) {
			Item *it = ht_get(tree, r->key);
			if (it && it->pos  == (pos | bucket) && it->ver > 0) {
				r->version = it->ver;
				uint32_t new_pos = ftell(new_df);
				uint16_t hash = it->hash;
				ht_add(cur_tree, r->key, new_pos | bucket, hash, it->ver);
				if (write_record(new_df, r) != 0) {
					return NULL;
				deleted ++;
			if (it) free(it);

		pos = ftell(df);
		if (pos % PADDING != 0){
			int left = PADDING - (pos % PADDING);
			fseek(df, left, SEEK_CUR);
			pos += left;
	uint32_t deleted_bytes = ftell(df) - ftell(new_df);

	rename(tmp, path);
	fprintf(stderr, "optimize %s complete, %d records deleted, %d bytes came back\n", 
		path, deleted, deleted_bytes);
	return cur_tree;

void visit_record(const char* path, RecordVisitor visitor, void *arg1, void *arg2, bool decomp)
	FILE *df = fopen(path, "rb");
	if (NULL==df){
		fprintf(stderr, "open %s failed\n", path);
	fprintf(stderr, "scan datafile %s \n", path);

	fseek(df, 0, SEEK_END);
	uint32_t total = ftell(df);
	fseek(df, 0, SEEK_SET);
	uint32_t pos = 0;
	while (pos < total) {
		DataRecord *r = read_record(df, decomp);
		if (r != NULL) {
			bool cont = visitor(r, arg1, arg2);
			if (cont) break;

		pos = ftell(df);
		if (pos % PADDING != 0){
			int left = PADDING - (pos % PADDING);
			fseek(df, left, SEEK_CUR);
			pos += left;

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