C++ Programming Tutorials_2翻譯


C++ Programming Guide

 |_____Programming Quick Start Guide

 |_____Introduction to C++ Programming in UE4

 |_____C++ Programming Tutorials

 |_____Managing Game Code

 |_____Development Setup

 |_____Gameplay Programming

 |_____Engine Architecture

 |_____Console Manager: Console Variables in C++

 |_____Command-Line Arguments


 |_____Blueprint Function Libraries

 |_____Unreal Build System


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 |_____Symbol Debugger

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C++ Programming Tutorials


1.Player Input and Pawns 玩家輸入和Pawn(個人感覺Pawn是副角色,配角) 

 見譯文:  C++ Programming Tutorials_1 

2.Game-Controlled Cameras 遊戲控制攝像機

This tutorial will show you how to activate a camera, and change your active camera from one to another.


Steps 步驟:

    1.Place Cameras In The World 在世界中放置攝像機們

          !!!If you are new to Unreal Engine 4, you might want to read ourProgramming Quick Start tutorial first. For this tutorial, we will assume you are familiar with creating a project, adding C++ code to it, compiling your code, and adding Components to Actors in the Unreal Engine editor.


           ①We will begin by creating a new Basic Code project, with starter content, named "HowTo_AutoCamera". The first thing we'll need to do is create two cameras in our world. Since there are multiple ways to set up cameras, we'll go with the two most common ways here. For our first camera, go to the Modes tab in the Placement Browser and click Place, or press Shift-1. In the All Classes section, you'll find a Camera actor. Drag this into the Level Editor and position it so that it has a good view of our scene.

              我們從創建一個新的 C++基礎代碼項目 開始,項目命名爲"HowTo_AutoCamera". 首先,我們要在世界中創建兩個攝像機.有多種方式創建攝像機們,我們這兒用兩種常見的方式來創建.第一個攝像機,找到Placement Browser(佈局瀏覽器) 下的Modes(模式)標籤,點擊放置,或者按Shift-1(不知道Shift-1是什麼). 在All Classes (所有類)部分,你會找到Camera(相機)

       When this is done, the Level Editor window will have a picture-in-picture view of what our new Camera Actor can see as long as we have the Camera Actor selected.


       ②For our second camera, we'll use a method that goes a little more in-depth and gives us a little more control. Start by clicking on Basic in the Mode tab in the Placement Browser and dragging a Cube into the Level Editor window.

         至於我們第二個攝像機, 我們將使用一個更深入的方法,給我們更多的控制,找到Placement Browser (放置瀏覽器),找到Modes標籤下Basic(基本)中的Cube(方塊),把方塊拖進關卡編輯器窗口中


            !!!We can use almost any actor class for this step. The MyActor class we created in the QuickStart tutorial might be interesting to substitute for the Cube.

            !!!這一步我們能用絕大多數的actor類.在QuickStart 教程中我們創建的MyActor 類是對這個Cube的替代品

           ③When our Cube actor is placed, we should add a CameraComponent to it, and set the position and rotation of that CameraComponent to give us a different view of the scene than the CameraActor we placed earlier.

           當我們的Cube對象放置好,我們需要爲它增加一個CameraComponent (相機組件),設置位置和旋轉以便相機組件給我們不同於原先的畫面.

          ④We should customize our CameraComponent by turning on Constrain Aspect Ratio so that it matches the setting on our CameraActor. This will make transitions between camera views smoother, but it is not required.



        With our world set up, we're now ready to create the class that will control our camera view.


     2.Control Camera View In C++ 在C++中控制攝像機的視角

            ①We're ready to create a C++ class to control our camera view. For this tutorial, we can extend Actor into a new class which we'll call CameraDirector.

              創建類控制相機,本教程,我們可以擴展Actor 到一個新的類,我們叫CameraDirector。

             ②InCameraDirector.h, add the following code to the bottom of the ACameraDirector class definition:


AActor* CameraOne;

AActor* CameraTwo;

float TimeToNextCameraChange;

       !!!The UPROPERTY macro makes our variables visible to Unreal Engine. This way, values set in these variables will not be reset when we launch the game or reload our level or project in a future work session. We have also added the EditAnywhere keyword, which will allow us to set CameraOne and CameraTwo in the Unreal Editor.

       !!!UPROPERTY 宏讓變量在虛幻中可見,通過這種方式,這些設置的變量當我們以後啓動遊戲,重裝載關卡也不會被重置,我們也加了EditAnywhere 這個關鍵字,這允許了虛幻編輯器能對該兩個變量做修改了.

       ③In CameraDirector.cpp, add the following line of code to the top of the file, right underneath the other "#include" lines:



#include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h"

       The GameplayStatics header file gives us access to some useful general-purpose functions, one of which we will need for this tutorial. When that is done, add the following code to the bottom of ACameraDirector::Tick:


const float TimeBetweenCameraChanges = 2.0f;
const float SmoothBlendTime = 0.75f;
TimeToNextCameraChange -= DeltaTime;
if (TimeToNextCameraChange <= 0.0f)
    TimeToNextCameraChange += TimeBetweenCameraChanges;

    // Find the actor that handles control for the local player.
    APlayerController* OurPlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this, 0);
    if (OurPlayerController)
        if ((OurPlayerController->GetViewTarget() != CameraOne) && (CameraOne != nullptr))
            // Cut instantly to camera one.
        else if ((OurPlayerController->GetViewTarget() != CameraTwo) && (CameraTwo != nullptr))
            // Blend smoothly to camera two.
            OurPlayerController->SetViewTargetWithBlend(CameraTwo, SmoothBlendTime);

This code will cause us to switch the default player's view between two different cameras every three seconds.




// Copyright 1998-2015 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "CameraDirector.generated.h"

class HOWTO_AUTOCAMERA_API ACameraDirector : public AActor

    // Sets default values for this actor's properties

    // Called when the game starts or when spawned
    virtual void BeginPlay() override;

    // Called every frame
    virtual void Tick( float DeltaSeconds ) override;

    AActor* CameraOne;

    AActor* CameraTwo;

    float TimeToNextCameraChange;


// Copyright 1998-2015 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#include "HowTo_AutoCamera.h"
#include "CameraDirector.h"
#include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h"//裏面有一些有用的通用函數

// Sets default values
    // Set this actor to call Tick() every frame.  You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.
    PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;


// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void ACameraDirector::BeginPlay()


// Called every frame
void ACameraDirector::Tick( float DeltaTime )
    Super::Tick( DeltaTime );

    const float TimeBetweenCameraChanges = 2.0f;
    const float SmoothBlendTime = 0.75f;
    TimeToNextCameraChange -= DeltaTime;
    if (TimeToNextCameraChange <= 0.0f)
        TimeToNextCameraChange += TimeBetweenCameraChanges;

        //Find the actor that handles control for the local player.//找到這個actor
        APlayerController* OurPlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this, 0);
        if (OurPlayerController)
            if ((OurPlayerController->GetViewTarget() != CameraOne) && (CameraOne != nullptr))
                //Cut instantly to camera one.//直接切換到相機1
            else if ((OurPlayerController->GetViewTarget() != CameraTwo) && (CameraTwo != nullptr))
                //Blend smoothly to camera two.//平滑地切換到相機2
                OurPlayerController->SetViewTargetWithBlend(CameraTwo, SmoothBlendTime);

    3. Place A Camera Director In The World  在世界中放置一個主導攝像機

           ①Once our code has compiled, we can drag an instance of our new class from the Content Browser into the Level Editor.


               ②Next, we'll need to set the CameraOne and CameraTwo variables. Find our CameraDirector in the World Outliner and edit it in the Details Panel.

                下面,我們需要設置CameraOne 和CameraTwo 這兩個變量.在World Outliner (世界大綱視圖)中找到我們的實例,然後編輯:


          ③If we press Play, we will see the camera snap to this view:


We now have a system that moves the player's camera based purely on game logic. This code can be modified for use in any game where the player does not have direct control over the camera, or where blending between camera views is useful.


     4.On Your Own! 你自己做!

Using what you have learned, try to do the following:


  • Attach a Camera to a moving Actor to create a crane or dolly shot.

  • 爲運動的對象添加攝像頭,從而創建一個吊杆或移動攝影車

  • Use a single array variable to store your cameras, instead of CameraOne and CameraTwo, so you can go through a sequence of any number of cameras, instead of just two.

  • 用一個數組保存你的攝像機們,而不是相機1,相機2,因此你能遍歷攝像機們的序列表,而不是僅僅兩個.

  • Instead of using Actor pointers to store your cameras, create a structure that holds the pointer, as well as time before changing the view, and blend time to the new view.

  • 用保存Actor的指針和改變之前的時間 和混合時間的結構體,而不用Actor指針來保存你的相機們

As for the specifics covered in this tutorial:



      --------------------------------解決第一個: 運動的攝像頭的問題--------------------------------

步驟:1.打開player類 ,添加

            AActor* CameraOne;



APlayerController* OurPlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this, 0);
if (OurPlayerController)
	if ((OurPlayerController->GetViewTarget() != CameraOne) && (CameraOne != nullptr))
		// 設置CameraOne爲主相機

--------------------------------解決第二個: 數組保存相機們的問題--------------------------------



當然,程序中CameraOne  要用下標的形式訪問,變成m_Cameras[0];CameraTwo變成m_Cameras[1]


--------------------------------解決第三個: 用結構體保存數據的問題--------------------------------







struct CameraAndTime

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadOnly,Category = "Myct")
	AActor*	camera;		//攝像機
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Myct")
	float	showTime;	//攝像機顯示的時間
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Myct")
	float	blendTime;	//相機混合的時間


struct FCameraAndTime

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadOnly,Category = "Myct")
	AActor*	camera;		//攝像機
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Myct")
	float	showTime;	//攝像機顯示的時間
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Myct")
	float	blendTime;	//相機混合的時間






class HOWTO_AUTOCAMERA_API ACameraDirector : public AActor

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "My")
 TArray<FCameraAndTime> CameraTimes;

 int CameraIndex; //相機索引
 float ShowTimeAdd; //顯示了多少時間?


在構造函數中,CameraIndex = 0;//從第一個相機開始

ShowTimeAdd = 0.0f;//顯示的時間累加



void ACameraDirector::Tick( float DeltaTime )
	Super::Tick( DeltaTime );

	APlayerController* OurPlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this, 0);

	if (CameraTimes[CameraIndex].camera != NULL)//如果相機不爲空
		if (ShowTimeAdd >= CameraTimes[CameraIndex].showTime)//如果顯示的時間到了 該相機要顯示的時間
			if (CameraIndex >= CameraTimes.Num())//如果已經是最後一個相機
				CameraIndex = 0;				 //切換到第一個相機

			if (CameraTimes[CameraIndex].camera != NULL)//如果相機不爲空
				OurPlayerController->SetViewTargetWithBlend(CameraTimes[CameraIndex].camera, CameraTimes[CameraIndex].blendTime);//切換活動的相機
				ShowTimeAdd = 0.0f;//時間清0
			else                                        //相機爲空 
				if (CameraIndex >= CameraTimes.Num())
					CameraIndex = 0;

				ShowTimeAdd = 0.0f;
			ShowTimeAdd += DeltaTime;//累加時間
	else    //相機爲空
		CameraIndex++; //下一個(相機)
		if (CameraIndex >= CameraTimes.Num())//如果已經是最後一個相機
			CameraIndex = 0;				 //切換到第一個相機

		ShowTimeAdd = 0.0f;//混合時間清0







3.Variables, Timers, and Events 變量,定時器和事件

4.Player-Controlled Cameras 玩家控制攝像機

5.Components And Collision 組件和碰撞

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