




1.在遠程虛機上安裝CentOS7 64位。

    ① 爲了保證統一環境,用linux母盤創建新虛擬機。

    ② 安裝時注意配置ipv4和DNS,配之前ping一下該ip,防止衝突。


    ① 配置WinSCP(其它同類工具均可)。

    ② 上傳並解壓hq-installer。




二、安裝HQ Server。



        adduser hyperic

        passwd hyperic






        /home/hyperic/hq-server-installer.xxx/setup.sh -full



hyperic@Master:/cloudriver/hyperic-hq-installer-5.8.6$ ./setup.sh -full

Unpacking JRE to temporary directory /tmp/jre

Please ignore references to missing tools.jar

Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /tmp/lib/tools.jar

Loading taskdefs...

Taskdefs loaded

Initializing Hyperic HQ 5.8.6 Installation...

Choose which software to install:

1: Hyperic HQ Server

2: Hyperic HQ Agent

You may enter multiple choices, separated by commas.


HQ server installation path [default '/home/hyperic']:#安裝路徑

What port should the HQ server's web-based GUI listen on for http communication? [default '7080']:


What port should the HQ server's web-based GUI listen on for secure https communication? [default '7443']:#agent通信的端口


    1: Yes

    2: No

Would you like to use your own java keystore? [default '2']:#javakeystone認證


Enter the base URL for the HQ server's web-based GUI [default 'http://Master.Hadoop:7080/']:


Enter the fully qualified domain name of the SMTP server that HQ will use to send email messages [default 'Master.Hadoop']:#SMTPServer域名

Enter the email address that HQ will use as the sender for email messages [default '[email protected]']:#郵箱地址



    1: HQ Built-in Database #HQ內置數據庫

    2: PostgreSQL #HQ內置數據庫

The HQ built-in database is provided for EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. For production purposes use vPosgreSQL. What backend database should the HQ server use? [default '1']:


#選擇2 PostgreSQL時,會依次提示用戶輸入主機名、數據庫名、鏈接URL、數據庫用戶名(postgres)以及數據庫用戶密碼,需要注意:在CentOS下,主機名填寫localhost時可能會出現無法連接數據庫的錯誤,建議手動輸入當前主機IP而不使用localhost

What port should HQ's built-in database use? [default '9432']:



    1: Yes

    2: No

Would you like to use an auto generated encryption key to encrypt the database password? [default '1']:


What should the username be for the initial admin user? [default 'hqadmin']:


What should the password be for the initial admin user?:

(again): #Web端登錄密碼(hqadmin

What should the email address be for the initial admin user? [default '[email protected]']:


Loading install configuration...

Install configuration loaded.

Preparing to install...

Validating server install configuration...

Checking server webapp port...

Checking server secure webapp port...

Verifying admin user properties

Validating server DB configuration...

Installing the server...

Unpacking server to: /home/hyperic...

Creating server configuration files...

Using "small" installing profile...

Copying binaries and libraries to server installation...

Copying server configuration file...

Copying server db-upgrade files...

Copying server libs...

Setting up server database...


Now login to another terminal as root and execute this script:




This script sets up the proper shared memory settings to run the

built-in database.


Press Enter after you run the script to continue this installation.



Setting up JDBC driver...

Copying database files...

Configuring database...

Loading taskdefs...

Taskdefs loaded

Starting repopulation of configuration table...

Waiting for built-in database to start (on port 9432)...

Starting built-in database...

Preparing database...

Loading taskdefs...

Taskdefs loaded

Loading taskdefs...

Taskdefs loaded

Loading taskdefs...

Taskdefs loaded

Waiting for server to stop...

Stopping built-in database...

Built-in database stopped.

Installing the server JRE ...

Unpacking JRE amd64-linux-1.7_101.tar.gz to: /home/hyperic/server-5.8.6...

Setting permissions on /home/hyperic/server-5.8.6...

Setting permissions on server binaries...

Fixing line endings on text files...


Installation Complete:

Server successfully installed to: /home/hyperic/server-5.8.6





        /home/hyperic/server-5.8.6/bin/hq-server.sh start



1. Ubuntu下安裝JDK


2. 安裝HQ參考教程


  1. 安裝HQ參考教程


  2. 安裝HQ參考教程







  1. 準備工作
    1. 下載軟件:

      HQ instller:\\\個人文件夾\dzs\HQ\hyperic-hq-5.8.6\hyperic-en-5.8.6\hyperic-hq-installer-x86-64-win-5.8.6.zip


    2. 安裝並配置PostgreSQL:
      1. 參考文檔:http://www.cnblogs.com/liqingwen/p/5894462.html(注意密碼)。
      2. 安裝配置完成後注意用navicat(或其它工具監測)。

    3. 安裝HQ-Server:
    4. 解壓hyperic-hq-installer-x86-64-win-5.8.6.zip得到hyperic-hq-installer-5.8.6。
    5. 右鍵以管理員權限身份運行setup.bat。

    6. 按照教程按步驟安裝(有幾個注意事項,如圖所示)。
      1. 現在只安裝HQ Server,所以只選1。
      2. Server安裝位置,一定要確認位置是當前用戶可讀寫的(不用管理員權限可讀寫的,本次選擇的是用戶根目錄,可以是其它可讀寫的目錄)。
      3. 鏈接URL換成如圖所示(去掉默認的參數就行了)。
      4. PostgreSQL數據庫帳號密碼。
      5. 管理web帳號密碼(帳號默認hqadmin,密碼最好也設成hqadmin)。
      6. 其它的可以直接默認。


    7. 安裝Hyperic HQ Server服務。
      1. 成功進行步驟3。


      2. 打開管理員的命令窗口powershell(windows 10下可以在左下角開始圖標直接右鍵,其它操作系統請自行百度)。

      3. Cd命令進入 \server-5.8.6\bin目錄。
      4. 運行 ./hq-server install 命令,安裝HQ Server服務。
      5. 如圖所示即成功安裝。


    8. 參考文檔



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