

本文列舉了45個 jQuery的導航插件和教程,演示通過jQuery實現一些導航效果,教您如何做一個有創造性和易於使用的導航。

正如我們所知道的,一個新用戶訪問一個網站時,決定他們去留的關鍵是最初的15-20秒種。這是至關重要的,你必須遵循統一的風格來設計您的網站,特別是 導航的風格,可能性規則,讓用戶可以輕鬆地找到他們想要的內容。這裏最大的部分是開發一個菜單,即要直觀易用,又要符合你網站的設計風格。


Mega Drop Down Menu w/ CSS & jQuery | Demo

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一個完善的多級導航欄 | Demo

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使用子畫面創建導航菜單 | Demo

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droppy - 巢式下拉菜單
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jQuery Listmenu | Demo

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Kwicks for jQuery | Demo

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蘋果風格菜單 | Demo

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性感下拉菜單瓦特/ jQuery的&的CSS | Demo

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使用jQuery超級下拉菜單 | Demo

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JQuery Pager | Demo

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簡單的jQuery下拉 | Demo
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平滑動畫菜單與jQuery | Demo

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時尚導航菜單使用jQuery | Demo
In this menu tutorial there are three main classes that define the looks: normalMenu – for the normal state of the navigation links, hoverMenu – lighter link that slides down on hover, selectedMenu – the active (selected) state.

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易風格jQuery的下拉式菜單 | Demo

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A Different Top Navigation | Demo

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Vimeo-Like Top Navigation | Demo
If you’ve ever visited the Vimeo 主頁您可能已經注意到在下拉菜單當你在搜索框上方盤旋,爲你提供不同的搜索選項來縮小搜索範圍。您將學習如何重新在本教程這種效果。

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jQuery'd Bread Crumb – jBreadCrumb

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按鍵導航 | Demo

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jQuery的滑動菜單 | Demo

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Flickr菜單設計 | Demo
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固定淡出菜單 | Demo

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mb.menu | Demo

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該mcDropdown插件是一個UI控件,讓用戶選擇一個複雜的分層樹的選擇,允許爲鼠標和鍵盤輸入。這個插件的整體效果,有點像在Microsoft Windows“開始”>所有程序“菜單。

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簡單的jQuery摺疊菜單 | Demo

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標籤式結構菜單 | Demo
本教程將告訴你如何構建自己的節省空間,標籤式界面,使用jQuery與slideDown / slideUp影響。

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最新的內容可摺疊菜單 | Demo

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水平滾動菜單 | Demo
本教程教你如何創建一個水平滾動菜單,滾動自動根據您的鼠標軸輜運動和使用jQuery.color plugin to animate the background-color changes.

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Create a Slick Tabbed Content Area using CSS & jQuery | Demo

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Slide Out and Drawer Effect | Demo

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“Outside the Box” Navigation with jQuery | Demo
This tutorial offers three different ‘out-of-the-box’ OS X dock-style navigation options. There are the, as expected, horizontal and vertical examples, and finally the very cool OS X stack and drop stack.

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Sproing! – Thumbnail Menu | Demo
Sproing! is a plugin that creates an elastic effect for your navigation that magnifies the menu items when they are hovered over.

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Cool Animated Navigation | Demo
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to build a really cool animated navigation menu with background position animation using just CSS and jQuery.

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jQuery File Tree | Demo
jQuery File Tree is a configurable, Ajax file browser plugin for jQuery. You can create a customized, fully-interactive file tree with as little as one line of JavaScript code. Currently, server-side connector scripts are available for PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, and Lasso. If you’re a developer, you can easily make your own connector to work with your language of choice.

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Creating a Floating HTML Menu Using jQuery and CSS | Demo
For all of us who deal with long web pages and need to scroll to the top for the menu, this tutorial offers a nice alternative: floating menus that move as you scroll a page. This is built using HTML, CSS and jQuery, and it’s W3C-compliant.

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BDC DrillDown Menu, an iPod-style menu | Demo
A drill-down menu takes up constant space like an accordion menu but offers the deep hierarchy of a fly-out menu at the same time. Because of this, it not only features a small footprint but is also easier to navigate than a fly-out menu, where more mouse movement and accuracy are required.

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jQuery Context Menu Plugin | Demo
The goal of this plugin was to streamline the way actions bind to menu items and to use 100% CSS for styling. Keyboard shortcuts have been added for navigation once the menu is opened, and there are five methods that will allow you to control and clean-up your context menu on the fly.

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A ‘Mootools Homepage’ Inspired Navigation | Demo
This tutorial takes you through the process of developing the menu that had previously been used on the homepage of MooTools, but with jQuery.

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jQuery UI Selectmenu
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美麗滑出導航 Demo
在本教程中,您顯示瞭如何創建一個驚人的滑出式菜單或導航。導航將幾乎隱藏 - 項目僅滑出時,對該地區的未來給他們的用戶左右。這給出了一個漂亮的效果,使用這種技術可以節省您在網站上一些空間。

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Superfish – Suckerfish on 'roids | Demo

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