opencv: cv2.resize 探究(源碼)

  我們 習慣的座標表示 是 先 x 橫座標,再 y 縱座標。在圖像處理中,這種慣性思維尤其需要擔心。

  因爲在計算機中,圖像是以矩陣的形式保存的,先行後列。所以,一張 寬×高×顏色通道=480×256×3 的圖片會保存在一個 256×480×3 的三維張量中。圖像處理時也是按照這種思想進行計算的(其中就包括 OpenCV 下的圖像處理),即 高×寬×顏色通道

  但是問題來了,cv2.resize這個api卻是個小例外。因爲它的參數輸入卻是 寬×高×顏色通道

  查看官方文檔 Geometric Image Transformations

resize Resizes an image. C++: void resize(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize, double fx=0, double fy=0, int interpolation=INTER_LINEAR )¶ Python: cv2.resize(src, dsize[, dst[, fx[, fy[, interpolation]]]]) → dst C: void cvResize(const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, int interpolation=CV_INTER_LINEAR ) Python: cv.Resize(src, dst, interpolation=CV_INTER_LINEAR) → None Parameters: src – input image. dst – output image; it has the size dsize (when it is non-zero) or the size computed from src.size(), fx, and fy; the type of dst is the same as of src. dsize – output image size; if it equals zero, it is computed as: \texttt{dsize = Size(round(fx*src.cols), round(fy*src.rows))} Either dsize or both fx and fy must be non-zero.

  由以下語段可知, cv2.resizedsize 的參數輸入是 x軸×y軸,即 寬×高

dst – output image; it has the size dsize (when it is non-zero) or the size computed from src.size(), fx, and fy; the type of dst is the same as of src.


import cv2
import numpy as np
import random

seq = [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(256*480*3)]
mat = np.resize(seq, new_shape=[256, 480, 3])
print ('mat.shape = {}'.format(mat.shape))
cv2.imwrite('origin_pic.jpg', mat)
origin_pic = cv2.imread('./origin_pic.jpg')
print ('origin_pic.shape = {}'.format(origin_pic.shape))
resize_pic = cv2.resize(src=origin_pic,
                        dsize=(int(origin_pic.shape[1] * 2),
                               int(origin_pic.shape[0] * 1))
print ('resize_pic.shape = {}'.format(resize_pic.shape))
cv2.imshow('resize_pic', resize_pic)


mat.shape = (256, 480, 3)
origin_pic.shape = (256, 480, 3)
resize_pic.shape = (256, 960, 3)


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