ZCMU—2201 Chip Play

time limit per test

4 seconds

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Let's consider the following game. We have a rectangular field n×m in size. Some squares of the field contain chips.

Each chip has an arrow painted on it. Thus, each chip on the field points in one of the following directions: up, down, left or right.

The player may choose a chip and make a move with it.

The move is the following sequence of actions. The chosen chip is marked as the current one. After that the player checks whether there are more chips in the same row (or in the same column) with the current one that are pointed by the arrow on the current chip. If there is at least one chip then the closest of them is marked as the new current chip and the former current chip is removed from the field. After that the check is repeated. This process can be repeated several times. If a new chip is not found, then the current chip is removed from the field and the player's move ends.

By the end of a move the player receives several points equal to the number of the deleted chips.

By the given initial chip arrangement determine the maximum number of points that a player can receive during one move. Also determine the number of such moves.


The first line contains two integers n and m (1≤n,m,n×m≤5000). Then follow n lines containing m characters each − that is the game field description. "." means that this square is empty. "L", "R", "U", "D" mean that this square contains a chip and an arrow on it says left, right, up or down correspondingly.

It is guaranteed that a field has at least one chip.


Print two numbers − the maximal number of points a player can get after a move and the number of moves that allow receiving this maximum number of points.



4 4


10 1


3 5


6 2


In the first sample the maximum number of points is earned by the chip in the position (3,3). You can see its progress at the following picture:

All other chips earn fewer points.










那也很簡單,這個70的存在只是因爲每次從(x,y)向某個方向尋找下一個塊的時候會經過空白塊,所以我們不再經過空白塊就可以了,把找下一塊的複雜度優化到1即可,顯然這件事情鏈表就可以解決...那麼在一張二維圖上我們需要四個方向的鏈表..也就是十字鏈表了...當然同時因爲這張圖是n*m<=5000 ,而不是5000*5000,所以建一張5000*5000的鏈表顯然是沒有意義的...hash一下就可以了


using namespace std;
char s[5010][5010];
int U[5050],D[5050],L[5050],R[5050];
int n,m;
void init(){
    for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i){
        int l = -1;
        for (int j = 0 ; j < m ; ++j)
            if (s[i][j] != '.'){
                int now = i * m + j;
                L[now] = l; //l表示上一個節點的位置,上一個節點就是這個節點的左結點 
                if (l != -1) R[l] = now; //上一個節點的右節點就是這個節點的右節點 
                l = now; //記錄當前的節點狀態。 
        R[l] = -1; //每一行的最後一個節點的右節點是-1 
    //分開處理 上下方向的鏈表和左右方向的鏈表 
    for (int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i){  //同上 
        int l = -1;
        for (int j = 0 ; j < n ; ++j)
            if (s[j][i] != '.'){
                int now = j * m + i; 
                U[now] = l;
                if (l != -1) D[l] = now;
                l = now;
        D[l] = -1;
int dfs(int x,int y){
    int now = x * m + y;
    //到達當前節點(x,y) 首先處理十字鏈表,把當前節點刪除 
    if (U[now] != -1) D[U[now]] = D[now];  //如果這個點a上面還存在節點b,那麼節點b向下的鏈表指向應該跳過a,指向a下面的點 
    if (D[now] != -1) U[D[now]] = U[now];  //如果這個點a下面還存在節點b,那麼節點b向上的鏈表指向應該跳過a,指向a上面的點 
    if (L[now] != -1) R[L[now]] = R[now];  //如果這個點a左邊還存在節點b,那麼節點b右邊的鏈表指向應該跳過a,指向a右邊的點 
    if (R[now] != -1) L[R[now]] = L[now];  //如果這個點a右邊還存在節點b,那麼節點b左邊的鏈表指向應該跳過a,指向a左邊的點 
	int go;
    if (s[x][y] == 'U') go = U[now];
    else if (s[x][y] == 'D') go = D[now];
    else if (s[x][y] == 'L') go = L[now];
    else if (s[x][y] == 'R') go = R[now];
    if (go == -1) return 1;
    return dfs(go/m,go%m) + 1;
int main() 
    int ans = -1, num = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) scanf("%s",s[i]);
    for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
        for (int j = 0 ; j < m ; ++j)
            if (s[i][j] != '.'){   // 遍歷所有方向塊,作爲起點搜索一遍整張圖 
                init();  // 初始化鏈表 
                int now = dfs(i,j);
                if (now > ans) ans = now,num = 1;
                else if (now == ans) ++num;
    printf("%d %d\n",ans,num);
    return 0;





using namespace std;
const int maxn = 5005;
char s[maxn][maxn];
bool a[maxn][maxn];
int n,m,tmp;
int dx[] = { -1,0,1,0 };
int dy[] = { 0,1,0,-1 };
int bin( char a )
    if( a=='U' ) return 0;
    if( a=='R' ) return 1;
    if( a=='D' ) return 2;
    return 3;
int check( int x,int y )
    if( x>=n||x<0 ) return 0;
    if( y>=m||y<0 ) return 0;
    return 1;
void dfs( int x, int y ,int up)
    if( s[x][y]!='.'&&a[x][y]==false )
        tmp++; a[x][y] = true;
        int to = bin( s[x][y] );
        int xx = x+dx[to];
        int yy = y+dy[to];
        if( check( xx,yy ) ) dfs( xx,yy,to );
        int xx = x+dx[up];
        int yy = y+dy[up];
        if( check( xx,yy ) )
            dfs( xx,yy,up );
int main()
    while( scanf( "%d%d", &n, &m )==2 )
        for( int i=0;i<n;i++ )
            scanf( "%s", s[i] );
        int ans = 0, cnt = 0;
        for( int i=0;i<n;i++ )
            for( int j=0;j<m;j++ )
            if( s[i][j]!='.' )
                memset( a, false, sizeof(a) );
                tmp = 0;
                dfs( i,j,bin( s[i][j] ) );
                if( ans<tmp )
                    ans = tmp; cnt = 1;
                else if( ans==tmp )
               // printf( "%d %d\n", ans ,cnt );
        printf( "%d %d\n", ans ,cnt );
    return 0;


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