熔斷器 Hystrix 源碼解析 —— 命令執行(二)之執行隔離策略 原 薦

摘要: 原創出處 http://www.iocoder.cn/Hystrix/command-execute-second-isolation-strategy/ 「芋道源碼」歡迎轉載,保留摘要,謝謝!

本文主要基於 Hystrix 1.5.X 版本


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1. 概述

本文主要分享 Hystrix 命令執行(二)之執行隔離策略

建議 :對 RxJava 已經有一定的瞭解的基礎上閱讀本文。

Hystrix 提供兩種執行隔離策略( ExecutionIsolationStrategy ) :

兩種方式的優缺點比較,推薦閱讀 《【翻譯】Hystrix文檔-實現原理》「依賴隔離」

推薦 Spring Cloud 書籍

2. HystrixThreadPoolProperties

com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixThreadPoolProperties ,Hystrix 線程池屬性配置抽象類,點擊 鏈接 查看,已添加中文註釋說明。

com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.properties.HystrixPropertiesThreadPoolDefault ,Hystrix 線程池配置實現類,點擊 鏈接 查看。實際上沒什麼內容,官方如是說 :

Default implementation of {@link HystrixThreadPoolProperties} using Archaius (https://github.com/Netflix/archaius)

3. HystrixThreadPoolKey

com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixThreadPoolKey ,Hystrix 線程池標識接口

FROM HystrixThreadPoolKey 接口註釋
A key to represent a {@link HystrixThreadPool} for monitoring, metrics publishing, caching and other such uses.
This interface is intended to work natively with Enums so that implementing code can be an enum that implements this interface.

  • 直白的說 ,希望通過相同的 name ( 標識 ) 獲得同 HystrixThreadPoolKey 對象。通過在內部維持一個 name 與 HystrixThreadPoolKey 對象的映射,以達到枚舉的效果。

HystrixThreadPoolKey 代碼如下 :

  1: public interface HystrixThreadPoolKey extends HystrixKey {
  2:     class Factory {
  3:         private Factory() {
  4:         }
  6:         // used to intern instances so we don't keep re-creating them millions of times for the same key
  7:         private static final InternMap<String, HystrixThreadPoolKey> intern
  8:                 = new InternMap<String, HystrixThreadPoolKey>(
  9:                 new InternMap.ValueConstructor<String, HystrixThreadPoolKey>() {
 10:                     @Override
 11:                     public HystrixThreadPoolKey create(String key) {
 12:                         return new HystrixThreadPoolKeyDefault(key);
 13:                     }
 14:                 });
 16:         public static HystrixThreadPoolKey asKey(String name) {
 17:            return intern.interned(name);
 18:         }
 20:         private static class HystrixThreadPoolKeyDefault extends HystrixKeyDefault implements HystrixThreadPoolKey {
 21:             public HystrixThreadPoolKeyDefault(String name) {
 22:                 super(name);
 23:             }
 24:         }
 26:         /* package-private */ static int getThreadPoolCount() {
 27:             return intern.size();
 28:         }
 29:     }
 30: }
  • HystrixThreadPoolKey 實現 com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixKey 接口,點擊 鏈接 查看。該接口定義的 #name() 方法,即是上文我們所說的標識( Key )。
  • intern 屬性,name 與 HystrixThreadPoolKey 對象的映射,以達到枚舉的效果。
    • com.netflix.hystrix.util.InternMap ,點擊 鏈接 查看帶中文註釋的代碼。
  • #asKey(name) 方法,從 intern 獲得 HystrixThreadPoolKey 對象。
  • #getThreadPoolCount() 方法,獲得 HystrixThreadPoolKey 數量。

在 AbstractCommand 構造方法裏,初始化命令的 threadPoolKey 屬性,代碼如下 :

protected final HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey;

protected AbstractCommand(HystrixCommandGroupKey group, HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCircuitBreaker circuitBreaker, HystrixThreadPool threadPool,
       HystrixCommandProperties.Setter commandPropertiesDefaults, HystrixThreadPoolProperties.Setter threadPoolPropertiesDefaults,
       HystrixCommandMetrics metrics, TryableSemaphore fallbackSemaphore, TryableSemaphore executionSemaphore,
       HystrixPropertiesStrategy propertiesStrategy, HystrixCommandExecutionHook executionHook) {

   // ... 省略無關代碼

   this.commandGroup = initGroupKey(group);
   this.commandKey = initCommandKey(key, getClass());
   this.properties = initCommandProperties(this.commandKey, propertiesStrategy, commandPropertiesDefaults);
   // 初始化 threadPoolKey
   this.threadPoolKey = initThreadPoolKey(threadPoolKey, this.commandGroup, this.properties.executionIsolationThreadPoolKeyOverride().get());

  • 調用 #initThreadPoolKey(...) 方法,創建最終的 threadPoolKey 屬性。代碼如下 :

    private static HystrixThreadPoolKey initThreadPoolKey(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCommandGroupKey groupKey, String threadPoolKeyOverride) {
       if (threadPoolKeyOverride == null) {
           // we don't have a property overriding the value so use either HystrixThreadPoolKey or HystrixCommandGroup
           if (threadPoolKey == null) {
               /* use HystrixCommandGroup if HystrixThreadPoolKey is null */
               return HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey(groupKey.name());
           } else {
               return threadPoolKey;
       } else { // threadPoolKeyOverride 可覆蓋屬性
           // we have a property defining the thread-pool so use it instead
           return HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey(threadPoolKeyOverride);
    • 優先級 :threadPoolKeyOverride > threadPoolKey > groupKey

4. HystrixConcurrencyStrategy

com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.concurrency.HystrixConcurrencyStrategy ,Hystrix 併發策略抽象類

HystrixConcurrencyStrategy#getThreadPool(...) 方法,代碼如下 :

  1: public ThreadPoolExecutor getThreadPool(final HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixThreadPoolProperties threadPoolProperties) {
  2:     final ThreadFactory threadFactory = getThreadFactory(threadPoolKey);
  4:     final boolean allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize = threadPoolProperties.getAllowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize().get();
  5:     final int dynamicCoreSize = threadPoolProperties.coreSize().get();
  6:     final int keepAliveTime = threadPoolProperties.keepAliveTimeMinutes().get();
  7:     final int maxQueueSize = threadPoolProperties.maxQueueSize().get();
  9:     final BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue = getBlockingQueue(maxQueueSize);
 11:     if (allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize) {
 12:         final int dynamicMaximumSize = threadPoolProperties.maximumSize().get();
 13:         if (dynamicCoreSize > dynamicMaximumSize) {
 14:             logger.error("Hystrix ThreadPool configuration at startup for : " + threadPoolKey.name() + " is trying to set coreSize = " +
 15:                     dynamicCoreSize + " and maximumSize = " + dynamicMaximumSize + ".  Maximum size will be set to " +
 16:                     dynamicCoreSize + ", the coreSize value, since it must be equal to or greater than the coreSize value");
 17:             return new ThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicCoreSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES, workQueue, threadFactory);
 18:         } else {
 19:             return new ThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicMaximumSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES, workQueue, threadFactory);
 20:         }
 21:     } else {
 22:         return new ThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicCoreSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES, workQueue, threadFactory);
 23:     }
 24: }

com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.concurrency.HystrixConcurrencyStrategyDefault ,Hystrix 併發策略實現類。代碼如下( 基本沒做啥 ) :

public class HystrixConcurrencyStrategyDefault extends HystrixConcurrencyStrategy {

     * 單例
    private static HystrixConcurrencyStrategyDefault INSTANCE = new HystrixConcurrencyStrategyDefault();

    public static HystrixConcurrencyStrategy getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

    private HystrixConcurrencyStrategyDefault() {


在 AbstractCommand 構造方法裏,初始化命令的 threadPoolKey 屬性,代碼如下 :

protected final HystrixConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy;

protected AbstractCommand(HystrixCommandGroupKey group, HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCircuitBreaker circuitBreaker, HystrixThreadPool threadPool,
       HystrixCommandProperties.Setter commandPropertiesDefaults, HystrixThreadPoolProperties.Setter threadPoolPropertiesDefaults,
       HystrixCommandMetrics metrics, TryableSemaphore fallbackSemaphore, TryableSemaphore executionSemaphore,
       HystrixPropertiesStrategy propertiesStrategy, HystrixCommandExecutionHook executionHook) {

    // ... 省略無關代碼
    // 初始化 併發策略
    this.concurrencyStrategy = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getConcurrencyStrategy();
  • HystrixPlugins ,Hystrix 插件體系,https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/wiki/Plugins 有詳細解析。
  • 調用 HystrixPlugins#getConcurrencyStrategy() 獲得 HystrixConcurrencyStrategy 對象。默認情況下,使用 HystrixConcurrencyStrategyDefault 。當然你也可以參考 Hystrix 插件體系,實現自定義的 HystrixConcurrencyStrategy 實現,以達到覆寫 #getThreadPool()#getBlockingQueue() 等方法。點擊 鏈接 查看該方法代碼。

5. HystrixThreadPool

com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixThreadPool ,Hystrix 線程池接口。當 Hystrix 命令使用 THREAD 執行隔離策略時,HystrixCommand#run() 方法在線程池執行。點擊 鏈接 查看。HystrixThreadPool 定義接口如下 :

  • #getExecutor() :獲得 ExecutorService 。
  • #getScheduler() / #getScheduler(Func0<Boolean>) :獲得 RxJava Scheduler 。
  • #isQueueSpaceAvailable() :線程池隊列是否有空餘
  • #markThreadExecution() / #markThreadCompletion() / #markThreadRejection() :TODO 【2002】【metrics】

5.1 HystrixThreadPoolDefault

com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixThreadPool.HystrixThreadPoolDefault ,Hystrix 線程池實現類

構造方法,代碼如下 :

  1: private final HystrixThreadPoolProperties properties;
  2: private final BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue;
  3: private final ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool;
  4: private final HystrixThreadPoolMetrics metrics;
  5: private final int queueSize;
  7: public HystrixThreadPoolDefault(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixThreadPoolProperties.Setter propertiesDefaults) {
  8:     // 初始化 HystrixThreadPoolProperties
  9:     this.properties = HystrixPropertiesFactory.getThreadPoolProperties(threadPoolKey, propertiesDefaults);
 10:     // 獲得 HystrixConcurrencyStrategy
 11:     HystrixConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getConcurrencyStrategy();
 12:     // 隊列大小
 13:     this.queueSize = properties.maxQueueSize().get();
 15:     // TODO 【2002】【metrics】
 16:     this.metrics = HystrixThreadPoolMetrics.getInstance(threadPoolKey,
 17:             concurrencyStrategy.getThreadPool(threadPoolKey, properties), // 初始化 ThreadPoolExecutor
 18:             properties);
 20:     // 獲得 ThreadPoolExecutor
 21:     this.threadPool = this.metrics.getThreadPool();
 22:     this.queue = this.threadPool.getQueue(); // 隊列
 24:     // TODO 【2002】【metrics】
 25:     /* strategy: HystrixMetricsPublisherThreadPool */
 26:     HystrixMetricsPublisherFactory.createOrRetrievePublisherForThreadPool(threadPoolKey, this.metrics, this.properties);
 27: }
  • 第 9 行 :初始化 HystrixThreadPoolProperties 。
  • 第 11 行 :初始化 HystrixConcurrencyStrategy 。
  • 第 13 行 :初始化 queueSize
  • 第 16 至 18 行 :TODO 【2002】【metrics】
    • 第 17 行 :調用 HystrixConcurrencyStrategy#getThreadPool(...) 方法,初始化 ThreadPoolExecutor 。
  • 第 21 行 :獲得 ThreadPoolExecutor 。
  • 第 22 行 :獲得 ThreadPoolExecutor 的隊列。
  • 第 26 行 :TODO 【2002】【metrics】

#getExecutor() 方法,代碼如下 :

public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor() {
    return threadPool;
  • 調用 #touchConfig() 方法,動態調整 threadPoolcoreSize / maximumSize / keepAliveTime 參數。點擊 鏈接 查看該方法。

#getScheduler() / #getScheduler(Func0<Boolean>) 方法,代碼如下 :

public Scheduler getScheduler() {
    //by default, interrupt underlying threads on timeout
    return getScheduler(new Func0<Boolean>() {
        public Boolean call() {
            return true;

public Scheduler getScheduler(Func0<Boolean> shouldInterruptThread) {
    return new HystrixContextScheduler(HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getConcurrencyStrategy(), this, shouldInterruptThread);

#isQueueSpaceAvailable() 方法,代碼如下 :

public boolean isQueueSpaceAvailable() {
    if (queueSize <= 0) {
        // we don't have a queue so we won't look for space but instead
        // let the thread-pool reject or not
        return true;
    } else {
        return threadPool.getQueue().size() < properties.queueSizeRejectionThreshold().get();
  • 由於線程池的隊列大小不能動態調整,該方法的實現通過 HystrixThreadPoolProperties.queueSizeRejectionThreshold 屬性控制。
  • 注意 queueSize 屬性,決定了線程池的隊列類型。
    • queueSize <= 0 時,#isQueueSpaceAvailable() 都返回 true 的原因是,線程池使用 SynchronousQueue 作爲隊列,不支持任務排隊,任務超過線程池的 maximumPoolSize 時,新任務被拒絕。
    • queueSize > 0 時,#isQueueSpaceAvailable() 根據情況true/false 的原因是,線程池使用 LinkedBlockingQueue 作爲隊列,支持一定數量阻塞排隊,但是這個數量無法調整。通過 #isQueueSpaceAvailable() 方法的判斷,動態調整。另外,初始配置queueSize相對大,否則即使 queueSizeRejectionThreshold 配置的大於 queueSize ,實際提交任務到線程池,也會被拒絕

5.2 Factory

com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixThreadPool.Factory ,HystrixThreadPool 工廠類,不僅限於 HystrixThreadPool 的創建,也提供了 HystrixThreadPool 的管理( HystrixThreadPool 的容器 )。

threadPools 屬性,維護創建的 HystrixThreadPool 對應的映射,代碼如下 :

final static ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixThreadPool> threadPools = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixThreadPool>();
  • Key 爲 HystrixThreadPoolKey#name() ,每個 HystrixThreadPoolKey 對應一個 HystrixThreadPool 對象。

#getInstance(...) 方法,獲得 HystrixThreadPool 對象,代碼如下 :

/* package */static HystrixThreadPool getInstance(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixThreadPoolProperties.Setter propertiesBuilder) {
    // get the key to use instead of using the object itself so that if people forget to implement equals/hashcode things will still work
    String key = threadPoolKey.name();

    // this should find it for all but the first time
    HystrixThreadPool previouslyCached = threadPools.get(key);
    if (previouslyCached != null) {
         return previouslyCached;

     // if we get here this is the first time so we need to initialize
     synchronized (HystrixThreadPool.class) {
        if (!threadPools.containsKey(key)) {
            threadPools.put(key, new HystrixThreadPoolDefault(threadPoolKey, propertiesBuilder));
     return threadPools.get(key);
  • 根據 threadPoolKey 先從 threadPool 獲取已創建的 HystrixThreadPool ;獲取不到,創建對應的 HystrixThreadPool 返回,並添加到 threadPool

#shutdown() / #shutdown(timeout, unit) 方法,比較易懂,點擊 鏈接 查看。

5.3 初始化

在 AbstractCommand 構造方法裏,初始化命令的 threadPool 屬性,代碼如下 :

protected final HystrixThreadPool threadPool;

protected AbstractCommand(HystrixCommandGroupKey group, HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCircuitBreaker circuitBreaker, HystrixThreadPool threadPool,
       HystrixCommandProperties.Setter commandPropertiesDefaults, HystrixThreadPoolProperties.Setter threadPoolPropertiesDefaults,
       HystrixCommandMetrics metrics, TryableSemaphore fallbackSemaphore, TryableSemaphore executionSemaphore,
       HystrixPropertiesStrategy propertiesStrategy, HystrixCommandExecutionHook executionHook) {

    // ... 省略其他代碼

    // 初始化 threadPoolKey
    this.threadPoolKey = initThreadPoolKey(threadPoolKey, this.commandGroup, this.properties.executionIsolationThreadPoolKeyOverride().get());
    // 初始化 threadPool
    this.threadPool = initThreadPool(threadPool, this.threadPoolKey, threadPoolPropertiesDefaults);

  • 調用 #initThreadPool(...) 方法,獲得 HystrixThreadPool ,點擊 鏈接 查看。

6. HystrixScheduler

Hystrix 實現了自定義的 RxJava Scheduler ,整體類圖如下 :

  • HystrixContextScheduler ( 實現 RxJava Scheduler 抽象類 ),內嵌類型爲 ThreadPoolScheduler ( 實現 RxJava Scheduler 抽象類 )的 actualScheduler 屬性。
  • HystrixContextWorker ( 實現 RxJava Worker 抽象類 ),內嵌類型爲 ThreadPoolWorker ( 實現 RxJava Worker 抽象類 )的 worker 屬性。

6.1 HystrixContextScheduler

構造方法,代碼如下 :

public class HystrixContextScheduler extends Scheduler {

    private final HystrixConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy;
    private final Scheduler actualScheduler;
    private final HystrixThreadPool threadPool;
    // ... 省略無關代碼
    public HystrixContextScheduler(HystrixConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy, HystrixThreadPool threadPool, Func0<Boolean> shouldInterruptThread) {
        this.concurrencyStrategy = concurrencyStrategy;
        this.threadPool = threadPool;
        this.actualScheduler = new ThreadPoolScheduler(threadPool, shouldInterruptThread);
  • actualScheduler 屬性,類型爲 ThreadPoolScheduler 。

#createWorker() 方法,代碼如下 :

public Worker createWorker() {
    return new HystrixContextSchedulerWorker(actualScheduler.createWorker());
  • 使用 actualScheduler 創建 ThreadPoolWorker ,傳參給 HystrixContextSchedulerWorker 。

6.2 HystrixContextSchedulerWorker

構造方法,代碼如下 :

private class HystrixContextSchedulerWorker extends Worker {

    private final Worker worker;

    // ... 省略無關代碼

    private HystrixContextSchedulerWorker(Worker actualWorker) {
        this.worker = actualWorker;
  • worker 屬性,類型爲 ThreadPoolWorker 。

#schedule(Action0) 方法,代碼如下 :

public Subscription schedule(Action0 action) {
    if (threadPool != null) {
        if (!threadPool.isQueueSpaceAvailable()) {
            throw new RejectedExecutionException("Rejected command because thread-pool queueSize is at rejection threshold.");
    return worker.schedule(new HystrixContexSchedulerAction(concurrencyStrategy, action));
  • 調用 ThreadPool#isQueueSpaceAvailable() 方法,判斷線程池隊列是否有空餘。這個就是 HystrixContextScheduler 的實際用途。

#unsubscribe() / #isUnsubscribed() 方法,使用 worker 判斷,點擊 鏈接查看。

6.3 ThreadPoolScheduler

ThreadPoolScheduler 比較簡單,點擊 鏈接 查看。

6.4 ThreadPoolWorker

構造方法,代碼如下 :

private static class ThreadPoolWorker extends Worker {

    private final HystrixThreadPool threadPool;
    private final CompositeSubscription subscription = new CompositeSubscription();
    private final Func0<Boolean> shouldInterruptThread;

    // ... 省略無關代碼

    public ThreadPoolWorker(HystrixThreadPool threadPool, Func0<Boolean> shouldInterruptThread) {
        this.threadPool = threadPool;
        this.shouldInterruptThread = shouldInterruptThread;
  • subscription 屬性,訂閱信息。

#schedule(Action0) 方法,代碼如下 :

  1: @Override
  2: public Subscription schedule(final Action0 action) {
  3:     // 未訂閱,返回
  4:     if (subscription.isUnsubscribed()) {
  5:         // don't schedule, we are unsubscribed
  6:         return Subscriptions.unsubscribed();
  7:     }
  9:     // 創建 ScheduledAction
 10:     // This is internal RxJava API but it is too useful.
 11:     ScheduledAction sa = new ScheduledAction(action);
 13:     // 添加到 訂閱
 14:     subscription.add(sa);
 15:     sa.addParent(subscription);
 17:     // 提交 任務
 18:     ThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) threadPool.getExecutor();
 19:     FutureTask<?> f = (FutureTask<?>) executor.submit(sa);
 20:     sa.add(new FutureCompleterWithConfigurableInterrupt(f, shouldInterruptThread, executor));
 22:     return sa;
 23: }
  • 第 4 至 7 行 :未訂閱,返回。
  • 第 11 行 : 創建 ScheduledAction 。在 TODO 【2013】【ScheduledAction】 詳細解析。
  • 第 14 至 15 行 :添加到訂閱( subscription )。
  • 第 18 至 20 行 :使用 threadPool ,提交任務,並創建 FutureCompleterWithConfigurableInterrupt 添加到訂閱( sa )。
  • 第 22 行 :返回訂閱( sa )。整體訂閱關係如下 :

#unsubscribe() / #isUnsubscribed() 方法,使用 subscription 判斷,點擊 鏈接查看。

6.5 FutureCompleterWithConfigurableInterrupt

com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.concurrency.HystrixContextScheduler.FutureCompleterWithConfigurableInterrupt ,實現類似 rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledAction.FutureCompleter ,在它的基礎上,支持配置 FutureTask#cancel(Boolean) 是否可打斷運行( mayInterruptIfRunning )。

構造方法,代碼如下 :

private static class FutureCompleterWithConfigurableInterrupt implements Subscription {
    private final FutureTask<?> f;
    private final Func0<Boolean> shouldInterruptThread;
    private final ThreadPoolExecutor executor;

    // ... 省略無關代碼

    private FutureCompleterWithConfigurableInterrupt(FutureTask<?> f, Func0<Boolean> shouldInterruptThread, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {
        this.f = f;
        this.shouldInterruptThread = shouldInterruptThread;
        this.executor = executor;

當命令執行超時,或是主動取消命令執行時,調用 #unsubscribe() 方法,取消執行
當命令執行超時,或是主動取消命令執行時,調用 #unsubscribe() 方法,取消執行
當命令執行超時,或是主動取消命令執行時,調用 #unsubscribe() 方法,取消執行

#unsubscribe() 方法,代碼如下 :

public void unsubscribe() {
    // 從 線程池 移除 任務
    // 根據 shouldInterruptThread 配置,是否強制取消
    if (shouldInterruptThread.call()) {
    } else {
  • 根據 shouldInterruptThread 方法,判斷是否強制取消。
  • shouldInterruptThread 對應的方法,實現代碼如下 :
subscribeOn(threadPool.getScheduler(new Func0<Boolean>() {
    public Boolean call() {
        return properties.executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout().get() && _cmd.isCommandTimedOut.get() == TimedOutStatus.TIMED_OUT;
  • executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout = true 時,命令可執行超時。當命令可執行超時時,強制取消。
  • 當使用 HystrixCommand.queue() 返回的 Future ,可以使用 Future#cancel(Boolean) 取消命令執行。從 shouldInterruptThread 對應的方法可以看到,如果此時不滿足命令執行超時的條件,命令執行取消的方式是非強制的。此時當 executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnFutureCancel = true 時,並且調用 Future#cancel(Boolean) 傳遞 mayInterruptIfRunning = true ,強制取消命令執行。

666. 彩蛋

一邊寫一邊想明白了 RxJava 的一些東西,挺舒服的趕腳。

繼續 Go On ~ 週末嗨不停。


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