HashSet 源碼解讀 JAVA8

本文將就JDK1.8的HashSet源碼逐行講解與解釋。由於其內部主要運用了HashMap的實現,涉及到這部分的,可以參考https://blog.csdn.net/u010867670/article/details/87623022 查看HashMap的實現講解。


public class HashMap<K,V> extends AbstractMap<K,V>
    implements Map<K,V>, Cloneable, Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 362498820763181265L;

其中基礎了一個抽象類,實現了3個基本的接口,特別是Set<E>接口,其中transient關鍵字表示 該類的對象在序列化的過程中該屬性不參與序列化,也就是這個字段的生命週期僅存在於調用者的內存中。



static final long serialVersionUID = -5024744406713321676L;


private transient HashMap<E,Object> map;


// Dummy value to associate with an Object in the backing Map

private static final Object PRESENT = new Object();



 * Constructs a new, empty set; the backing <tt>HashMap</tt> instance has
 * default initial capacity (16) and load factor (0.75).
public HashSet() {
    map = new HashMap<>();

 * 入參爲集合的構造函數,類型爲E的子類
public HashSet(Collection<? extends E> c) {
    map = new HashMap<>(Math.max((int) (c.size()/.75f) + 1, 16));

 * 含初始化容量和負載因子的構造函數
public HashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
    map = new HashMap<>(initialCapacity, loadFactor);

 * 包含初始化容量的構造函數
public HashSet(int initialCapacity) {
    map = new HashMap<>(initialCapacity);

* Constructs a new, empty linked hash set.  (This package private
* constructor is only used by LinkedHashSet.) The backing
* HashMap instance is a LinkedHashMap with the specified initial
* capacity and the specified load factor.
HashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, boolean dummy) {
    map = new LinkedHashMap<>(initialCapacity, loadFactor);


 * Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.  The elements
 * are returned in no particular order.
 * 返回一個hashmap的鍵集的迭代器(Set接口中的迭代器)
public Iterator<E> iterator() {
    return map.keySet().iterator();

 * Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
 * 返回set中的元素個數,其實就是返回實現中hashmap的size()方法。
public int size() {
    return map.size();

 * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this set contains no elements.
 * 判斷HashSet是否爲空
public boolean isEmpty() {
    return map.isEmpty();

 * 返回是否包含某個指定的Object類型的對象,內部實現爲HashMap的containsKey方法
public boolean contains(Object o) {
    return map.containsKey(o);

 * 調用hashmap的put方法,向set中的hashmap對象map添加一個指定的鍵值對,key爲入參e,value爲final類型的對象PRESENT
public boolean add(E e) {
    return map.put(e, PRESENT)==null;

 * 通過調用hashmap的remove方法,刪除一個指定的元素,此處通過用返回值是否等於final的PRESENT判斷刪除是否成功
public boolean remove(Object o) {
    return map.remove(o)==PRESENT;

 * 調用hasnmap的clear方法,請出當前HashSet中的所有元素。
public void clear() {


 *  HashSet的clone方法,淺拷貝(只拷貝引用,並未創建新的獨立複製)。
public Object clone() {
    try {
        HashSet<E> newSet = (HashSet<E>) super.clone();
        newSet.map = (HashMap<E, Object>) map.clone();
        return newSet;
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        throw new InternalError(e);

 * Save the state of this <tt>HashSet</tt> instance to a stream (that is,
 * serialize it).
private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s)
    throws java.io.IOException {
    // Write out any hidden serialization magic

    // Write out HashMap capacity and load factor

    // Write out size

    // Write out all elements in the proper order.
    for (E e : map.keySet())

 * HashSet的讀方法
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s)
    throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    // Read in any hidden serialization magic

    // Read capacity and verify non-negative.
    int capacity = s.readInt();
    if (capacity < 0) { //基礎判斷是否容量小於0
        throw new InvalidObjectException("Illegal capacity: " +

    // Read load factor and verify positive and non NaN.
    float loadFactor = s.readFloat();
    if (loadFactor <= 0 || Float.isNaN(loadFactor)) {
        throw new InvalidObjectException("Illegal load factor: " +

    // Read size and verify non-negative.基礎校驗當前元素數量大於等於0
    int size = s.readInt();
    if (size < 0) {
        throw new InvalidObjectException("Illegal size: " +
    // Set the capacity according to the size and load factor ensuring that
    // the HashMap is at least 25% full but clamping to maximum capacity.
    capacity = (int) Math.min(size * Math.min(1 / loadFactor, 4.0f),

    // Constructing the backing map will lazily create an array when the first element is
    // added, so check it before construction. Call HashMap.tableSizeFor to compute the
    // actual allocation size. Check Map.Entry[].class since it's the nearest public type to
    // what is actually created.

                 .checkArray(s, Map.Entry[].class, HashMap.tableSizeFor(capacity));

    // Create backing HashMap
    map = (((HashSet<?>)this) instanceof LinkedHashSet ?
           new LinkedHashMap<E,Object>(capacity, loadFactor) :
           new HashMap<E,Object>(capacity, loadFactor));

    // Read in all elements in the proper order. 逐個讀取然後放入到實現map對象中
    for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
            E e = (E) s.readObject();
        map.put(e, PRESENT);

 * 創建一個HashMap的分割迭代器用於迭代HashSet,KeySpliterator後面的幾個參數分別爲對象,當前節點,當前遍歷的通的索引,遍歷的個數,變化量。HashMapSpliterator(HashMap<K,V> m, int origin,
                   int fence, int est,
                   int expectedModCount)
public Spliterator<E> spliterator() {
    return new HashMap.KeySpliterator<E,Object>(map, 0, -1, 0, 0);



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