
The proposal is due two weeks from Monday. 

We have to submit the final report by Thursday.

We need to report every other week. 或者 We need to report every two weeks. 

We need to do research every single day. 

You can take your time though. 

It took me a while to figure out how to solve this problem. 

We are out of time. 或者We run out of time. 

How much longer will it take you to get all of this stuff done? 或者How much longer would you need? 

Give me ten more minutes. 或者Give me another ten minutes more 

I don't want to be the last-minute person next time. 

When are you free? 你什麼時候有空?

Friday after 3:00. 星期五3點以後有空。

When are you available? 你什麼時候有空?

That's a bad day for me. 那天我不行。

That day is fine. 那天我可以。

When can I come over? 我什麼時候去合適? (*come over“順便拜訪”。)

When can I stop by? 我什麼時候可以去你那兒坐坐?

When should I come? 我什麼時候來合適?

You decide when. 你定時間吧。

I'll leave it up to you. 全交給你了。

It's your decision. 你定吧。

You decide where. 你定地點吧。

Wherever you want is okay. 哪兒都行,只要你覺得好。

Is seven convenient for you? / Is seven okay for you? 7點行嗎?

When can you come over? / What time can you make it? 你幾點能來?

Is it too early? 太早了嗎?

Is it too late? 太晚了嗎

 How's the project going? 項目進展得怎麼樣?

Great! We're way ahead of schedule. 非常好!我們要提前完工了。

We're right on target. 我們正按計劃進行。

Well, frankly, we're running a little behind. 坦白地說,我們有點落後了。

Folks, we're behind the eight-ballin meeting our sales target. Let's speed things up. 兄弟們,我們都快完不成銷售目標了。我們得抓緊啊。

 It's 70% done. 已經完成70%了。

It'll be completed on time. 會按時完成的。

We're halfway there. 我們已經完成一半了。

Have the milestones been identified for the new project? 新項目的關鍵活動都已經確定了嗎?

 What delivery date are we looking at? 什麼時候交貨?

There must be no further delays. The drop-dead date/deadline is next Friday's close of business.不能再推遲了,最後期限是下週五下班的時候。

We are approaching the critical point for success or failure of this project. 我們正處在關係到整個工程成敗的關鍵時刻。

I've been back and forth.我猶豫不定。

what was tonight?今晚本來要做什麼?

this is so meant to be!這就是天意!

she's gonna be crushed.她會崩潰的。

he can't come to the phone now.他現在不能接電話

ready for a refill?我再給你倒一杯吧?

I love what u have done with this place.我喜歡這裏的佈置。

I can't feel my hands.我手麻了。

have an affair 外遇

will anyone miss me if i weren't here? 我在不在這裏有什麼區別嗎?

I saw a lot of stuff.我大開眼界了

call security 通知警衛

does sth. mean squat to u? 對你來說sth狗屁不是嗎?

what's up with the greedy? 怎麼這麼貪啊?

work an extra shift 多輪一班

go on, i dare u! 有種你就去!

u r a freak! 你這個變態!

I sensed it was u.我感覺到是你了、

I apologize on behalf of him. 我替他道歉。

why are u changing the subject? 爲什麼要轉移話題?

there's no need to place blame.沒有指責的必要。

it's gonna leave a stain。這要留印子的。

I have part of the fault.我也有責任。

they are all well received 收到的反響都很好

talk u up 說你的好話

stand firm to 努力堅持

I was just leering 我只是用餘光看看

organize my thoughts 整理思緒

get a little preoccupied 事先有事

no way to recover 沒有掩飾的機會了

admire your candor你還真膽大

we are rolling 攝像機正在拍攝

go through this stack 看看這一疊

r u spying on me?你監視我?

just messing with u!跟你開玩笑呢!

enough is enough!鬧夠了

flyers 尋人(物)海報

it's insensitive of me。我這麼做很傷人

nod along 跟着點頭

a totally separate subject 完全題外話

I thought it was the other way around 我以爲是反過來的

close my bank account 註銷銀行卡

I feel wild today 我今天好亢奮!

I'm kind of beat 我有點累了

can u get the door?你能去開門嗎

make a huge fool of myself 出了洋相

r u mocking me? 你嘲笑我?

sth.is beyond crap 那是扯淡

any luck?找到了嗎?

don't u rush me.別催我!

it doesn't count.那不算。

she's healed.她好了。(病或者傷害)

overreact 反應過度

patch things up with sb.和某人修復關係

corss that off my list 從單子上劃掉

how did it go?怎麼樣?

present an award 頒獎

cut him some slack 放他一馬

get over with 忘記

get in line排隊(everybody get in line)大家排好隊

I don't have the energy for this我沒有能力應付這個

you got me.你還真問住我了



Hello, This is your_name from **** office. Nice talking to you.

Could you speak up a little?     您大聲點好嗎?

I didn't understand what you are trying to say. 我不明白您要說的。

Could you explain with some examples? 您能舉例解釋一下嗎?

Can you say again, please? 您能再重複一次嗎?

Come again, please? 再說一次好嗎?

I’m sorry? 請再說一次。


Can you speak louder? I can‘t hear you. 


Excuse me, I can't hear you clearly. 請再說一遍,我聽不清。

Pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said just now.


I am sorry, I didn't catch that. 對不起,我沒聽清楚。

I want to listen to it once more. 我希望再聽一遍。

I can barely hear you.  我幾乎聽不到您說的。

We have a bad connection. 通訊效果不太好。

You’re talking too fast, I can’t keep up. 你說的太快了,我跟不上了。

Will you explain a little bit more/Could U put that in more specific terms? 

I’m not sure what you mean. 我無法確定你的意思


In my opinion…  依我看來...  I think… 我認爲…

I agree with what you say, but… 我同意您說的,但是…

I'm afraid I can't agree with you. I think… 我恐怕不能同意您的觀點,我認爲…

I don't know how to say, but let me express this way... 我不確定該怎麼說不如讓我這樣吧…

What's the meaning of SPIIKER?  SPIIKER 是什麼意思?

I’m sorry, My English is not good enough. If I don't say anything clearly, you can interrupt me at any time. 抱歉,我的英語不是太好,如果



Nice talking to you. If you have any problem, call me again any time.




1.since everyone is here, shall we get started?

2.I’d like to call the meeting to order.

3.Today, we are going to discuss……

4.Shall we move on to the next item on the agenda?

5.let’s turn to the second issue

6.I’m afraid you are getting side track

7.Shall we get back to the main point?

8.I’m sorry to cut you off.

9.May I come in here?

10.Have you got anything to say?

11.Are you with me on this?

12.What do you mean by saying that?

13.Are we all agreed?

14.Could we have your report now?

15.Whose turn is it to take the floor?

16.Mr chairman, may I have the floor?

17.Could you elaborate on that? 你能詳細談談那一點嗎?

18.I’d like to make a point. 我想說一點

19.Are you for or against this proposal?

20.Has anyone got any objection to this regulation?

21.Those against raise your hands.

22.Is there any other business? 還有別的事情嗎?


1. 寒暄語如何說?

Are we all on? 大家都在嗎?

Can I ask that we all state our names, please? 我們大家先說下各自名字吧。

I’m here. It’s [your name] in [your city]. 我在線哦。我是來自(某某城市)的(某某)。

Can everybody hear me? 大家都能聽到我的聲音嗎?

2. 如何請求別人解釋?

Could you speak more slowly, please? 勞駕,您能說慢點兒嗎?

Could you repeat that, please? 勞駕,能重複一遍嗎?

Would you mind spelling that for me, please? 不好意思,您能拼寫下嗎?

Could you explain that in another way, please? 您能用其他方式再解釋下嗎?

I’m afraid I didn’t get that.不好意思,我沒聽清楚你的話。

3. 如何在電話會議中請求休息下?

 [Your name] speaking. I need to leave for ten minutes. Is that okay with everyone?



[Your name] here. I’m back on the line again. 我是XX,我又回來了。

[Your name] just coming back in here, thanks everyone. 我回來了,謝謝大家。

4. 如何談論自己觀點?

Today I’m here to talk to you about…今天主要談談……

I’m delighted to be here today to tell you about…今天很高興告訴大家

Today I would like to outline our plans for…今天我們就要框定計劃

Firstly I’ll talk about…/ I’ll start with some general information on…首先來說說……

Hi everyone, I’m [your name]. I’m going to keep this brief, as I know you’re all busy people. I’m going to make this quick for you…


Then I will look at…/ then we’ll go over… 然後,我們再看看……

And finally we’ll look at…/ To conclude we’ll touch on…最後,來談談……

I will be glad to answer any questions that you may have. 如果你們有什麼問題,請儘快提問。

5. 觀點表達結束,如何收場?

Well, that brings me to the end of my idea, thanks so much for listening. 這就是我想說的,謝謝大家。

It was a real pleasure being here today. Goodbye and thank you.今天真得非常愉快,那麼再見了,謝謝大家。

Well that’s it from me. Thanks a lot. 以上就是我想講的,多謝各位。

6. 如何在電話會議中成爲積極參與者?

A: 如何有禮貌打斷別人說話?

Sorry, I interrupted you. You were saying…? 對不起,打擾你一下。你是說……

Please go on… 請繼續

After you…你先說

I’m sorry, but could you speak up a little? 對不起,你能說得再詳細點嗎?

I didn’t quite hear that, sorry, can you say that again? 我沒怎麼聽清楚,你能再說一遍嗎?

I didn’t catch that last bit. Can you say it again please? 最後一點我沒聽清。能再說一遍嗎?

B: 你有一些問題,如何表達?

Am I to understand that… 我能……這樣理解嗎?

Sorry, but just to clarify…對不起,我只是想澄清下……

So, what we’re saying is…所以,我們現在的意思是……

C: 贊同別人想法,怎麼說?

That’s an excellent point [person’s name], I totally agree with you on that.


Okay, I think we are all on the same page here…好了,我想大家的想法都統一了。

Yes, I get what you’re saying…是的,我明白你的意思

D: 不贊同別人,如何反駁?

I’m sorry but I think you may have that slightly wrong…不好意思,但我覺得你講的有點問題。

From our perspective, it’s a little different. Let me explain. 從我們這邊來看,情況可能不一樣,下面我們來解釋下。

Well, yes and no—can I tell you how we see it? 嗯,我們既贊成,也不贊成,我能具體講講我們的想法嗎?

7. 如何有理有據地談判?



Professional businesspeople never lose control of their emotions.

那麼此時,最重要的就是守住自己的底牌(deal breaker),有所堅持、但有所妥協。


I understand that we can’t do that, but can we discuss some other alternatives?


I hear what you’re saying, but our bottom line is very clear on this one.


This is the deal breaker for us, we can’t budge. 這是我們的底線,這是沒法討價還價的。

8. 如何約定後續電話會議?

很多事情不是一次電話會議就能搞定的。那麼如何和對方約定下一次通話機會呢? 請看下面這些常用句式。

I’d like to set up a meeting with you at your earliest convenience. When are you free? 我們想盡早再與您通個電話。不知你什麼時候方便?

Are you free to talk again next week? 下個星期可以再通一次電話嗎?

How does 2:30 p.m. Thursday sound? 週四下午2:30怎麼樣?

Does Thursday at 2:30 p.m. suit you? 週四下午2:30,你們OK嗎?

還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.