
On December 1, the Information Office of the State Council issued the White Paper on the Right to Development, which elaborated on the concept, practice and contribution of China's right to development.

The following is the full text of the document.

The Right to Development: China's Philosophy, Practice and Contribution

Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China

December 2016

2016 First Edition



I. The Philosophy of the Right to Development Keeping up with the Times

Two. The System of Guaranteeing the People's Right to Development

3. Realizing Economic Development Effectively

IV. Strengthening Political Construction

5. Promoting Cultural Progress

VI. Promoting Social Development

Seven. Accelerating Environment-friendly Development

Eight. Promoting common development



Development is a universal human theme, which provides people with basic needs and brings them hope for a better life. The right to development is an inalienable human right, symbolizing dignity and honor. Only development can meet global challenges; only development can protect people's basic human rights; only development can promote the progress of human society.

With a population of more than 1.3 billion, China is the largest developing country in the world. Development is the top priority of the CPC in governing and rejuvenating the country, and the key to solving all problems. China adheres to the socialist road of China and adheres to the principle of development first. China combines the principle of universal application of human rights with the reality of the country. While striving to improve people's well-being and realize the right to development through development, China strives to achieve higher-level development by protecting the right to development. In this regard, China has made remarkable progress in the development of human civilization and opened up a road to safeguard human rights.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as its core has highlighted the idea of people-oriented development. In the process of realizing the goal of "two hundred years"[Note: The two goals are: the Communist Party of China was founded in 1921, building a well-off society in an all-round way, and building China into a socialist modern country with rich and strong democratic culture. The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949 and has been developing harmoniously for a hundred years. It is the Chinese dream of the People's Republic of China to revitalize China. Its focus is to safeguard and improve the well-being of the people, promote various social undertakings and guarantee the people's right to equal participation. Development and development. Its purpose is to share the interests of development among the people of the whole country and achieve common prosperity.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development, China is committed to advocating, practicing and promoting the right to development, and is ready to share with the international community the concept and experience of the right to development. Promote the healthy development of global human rights.

I. The Philosophy of the Right to Development Keeping up with the Times

Equal access to development opportunities and interests is the ideal of human society. Every citizen can achieve all-round development and enjoy full right to development.

The Chinese people are industrious, wise, innovative and progressive. In traditional Chinese culture, the concepts of "well-off", "Datong", "clothing, food, housing and transportation", "living and working in peace and contentment" fully reflect the aspirations and pursuits of the Chinese people for better and happiness. Better life. In the long history, the Chinese people have always pursued better and more shared development opportunities, conditions and interests. In ancient times, China has been the world's agricultural leader, has made outstanding contributions to human progress, and has made extraordinary development achievements. Research shows that until the mid-19th century, China's GDP and per capita GDP were the highest in the world. Before the 16th century, China contributed 173 of the world's 300 major innovations and discoveries.

After the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 18th century, China began to lose its leading position. The aggression and expansion of Western colonists completely undermined China's development conditions. From 1840 to 1949, foreign powers, especially western powers, invaded China many times. China's corrupt ruling class and backward social system reduced China to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. The war continued, the society was unstable, the economy was depressed, the life was unsafe and the poverty was extreme. Cambridge History of China: The Republic of China, 1912-1949, describes China in the first half of the 20th century: "... The vast majority of Chinese people just maintain and copy themselves at the level of survival... Many people's living standard is even lower than this habitual level. [Note: Chinese History of Cambridge (Volume 12): Part I, 1912-1949, Cambridge University Press, 1983, P. 28] "As a system, even in the mid-20th century, China's economy was no longer"pre-modern". It won't work until 1949... [Note: Ibid. Page 29] During these 110 years, the Chinese people have worked hard for the right to development and equal access to development opportunities. The Chinese people are fully aware of the value of development and the right to development.

The founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 ushered in a new era of China's development. The People's Republic of China has provided the people with sufficient opportunities and conditions for development, and the scope of realizing this right is very wide. After more than 60 years of efforts, China's comprehensive national strength has been greatly improved, people's living standards have achieved a historic leap from poverty to a well-off society, and the people's right to economic, political, cultural, social and environmental development has been effectively guaranteed. CTD.

China feeds more than 20% of the world's population on less than 10% of the world's arable land. After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China has lifted 700 million people out of poverty, accounting for more than 70% of global poverty reduction. China has established the largest social security system in the world. The average life expectancy has increased from 35 years in 1949 to 76.34 years in 2015, ranking first in developing countries. The level of education has soared: in 1949, more than 80% of the country's population was illiterate, and only 20% of school-age children enrolled in school. In 2015, the net enrolment rate was as follows: 99.88% of primary school-age children; 93% of nine-year compulsory education; and 87% of senior high schools. The enrollment rate of higher education has reached the level close to that of the middle developed countries. According to the National Human Development Report 2016 issued by the United Nations, China's Human Development Index (HDI) ranks 90th out of 188 countries in 2014, which is already at a high level of human development.

Over the years, China has proceeded from reality, conformed to the trend of the times, adhered to the four basic principles of economic construction as the center, maintained the people's dominant position in the country, and opened up its own development path. It refers to adhering to the principles of socialist road, people's democratic dictatorship, Party leadership, Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. The four basic principles are the foundation of the country and the political cornerstone for the survival and development of the Party and the country. Reform and opening up serve China's socialist practice and follow the philosophy of innovation, balance and ecology. Open and shared development enriches and improves the concept of the right to development.

The right to subsistence and development are the most basic human rights. Poverty is the greatest obstacle to human rights. Without the production and supply of material products, it is difficult or impossible to realize any other human rights. Development is a means to eradicate poverty. It provides the necessary conditions for the realization of other human rights and releases human potential. The right to development is integrated with other human rights, which create conditions for people to promote development and realize the right to development. Guaranteeing the right to development is the prerequisite for realizing economic, cultural, social and environmental rights and gaining civil and political rights. China appreciates the statement in the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development: "The right to development is an inalienable human right, and everyone and all people have the right to participate, contribute and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political rights. Development in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized."

The people are the main body of the right to development. China attaches great importance to people first, regards people as the fundamental driving force for development, strives for the people, relies on the people and shares them. To improve people's livelihood and overall development as the starting point and ultimate goal, fully mobilize people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, participation, contribution and benefit from development. To build a well-off society in an all-round way and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is to provide better education, safer employment, more satisfactory income, more reliable social security, better medical services, more comfortable housing and better life. R environment enables everyone to develop and contribute to society and share opportunities to pursue excellence and realize their dreams.

The right to development is the unity of individual and collective human rights. China attaches great importance to individual and collective human rights and to the balance and mutual promotion between them. Every individual's free development is the condition of all people's free development. "Only the individual's development, the collective can develop, only the collective can develop in an all-round way." The right to development is the human right of every person, country, nation and people as a whole. The right to development can be maximized only in the unity of individuals and collectives. China attaches great importance to the statement in the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development that "Equal opportunities for development are the privileges of the country and the individuals who make up the country", and they all have the right to participate in and share the interests of development on an equal footing.

The realization of the right to development is a historical process. There is no end to development and the realization of the right to development. The latter is a process of continuous improvement. China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain in the primary stage for a long time. The backward social production and the growing material and cultural needs of the people are still the main problems of the society. As an important developing country, China is facing challenges and arduous tasks in its development. In order to achieve more equal participation and development, China needs to make continuous efforts to fully realize the people's right to development.

The protection of the right to development must be sustainable. Sustainable development is a prerequisite for realizing the right to development and a reflection of intergenerational equity. Unbalanced, uncoordinated and unequal development reflects unsustainable development, and a broad development model is unsustainable. China is seeking a sustainable mode of production, utilization and consumption of natural resources. China is now on a sustainable and flexible path of socio-economic development to meet the needs of the present and future generations. China has a balanced and sustainable development concept, which takes the harmonious development of man and nature, economy and society as a new way to realize and protect the right to development.

The right to development must be enjoyed and shared by all peoples. The realization of the right to development is the responsibility of all countries and the obligation of the international community. It requires governments to formulate development strategies and policies that suit their own realities, and requires the international community to work together as a whole. China calls on all countries to pursue common development of equality, openness, comprehensiveness and innovation, promote inclusive development and create conditions for the people of all countries to enjoy the right to development. Global economic governance must be based on equality. It is necessary to better reflect the new world economic pattern, enhance the voice and representation of emerging markets and developing countries, ensure equal rights, opportunities and rules in international economic cooperation and guarantee the right to development. Ladd

II. The System of Guaranteeing the People's Right to Development

In order to safeguard the people's right to development, China has established a system combining legislation, strategic formulation, planning and judicial relief, and has continuously improved it. The people's right to development is realized through a constructive, practical, effective and mandatory framework of institutions, strategies, policies and measures.

Constitution and law

China has established a legal system with Chinese characteristics. Taking the Constitution as the core and the main branches of the Constitution, Civil Law and Commercial Law as the basis, it is composed of laws, administrative regulations and local regulations, which provides the legal basis for the people's right to development.

As the basic law of the country, the Constitution establishes and protects the people's right to development in all aspects. The foreword regards equal development as the fundamental guiding principle. The core task of the country is to promote the coordinated development of material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, and to build our country into a socialist country with rich and strong democratic culture. Unity and progress. "The Constitution establishes the principle of democratic and equal development of the people, stipulating that"all powers of the People's Republic of China belong to the people";"the people manage state affairs, economic, cultural and social affairs." Article 33 of the Constitution stipulates that the state shall, in accordance with the provisions of the law, develop relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance among all nationalities by various means and means. Article 33 of the Constitution stipulates the basic principles of "state respect and presupposition". Chapter II of the Constitution stipulates the economic, political, cultural and social development rights of Chinese citizens.

China has promulgated and implemented a series of laws and regulations to protect the right to development of citizens, especially ethnic minorities, women, children, the elderly and the disabled. The Law on Regional National Autonomy stipulates that the people of all nationalities should "accelerate the economic and cultural development of national autonomous areas, strive to achieve national unity and prosperity, and strive for the common prosperity and transformation of all nationalities". The Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests stipulates that: "Women enjoy equal rights with men in political, economic, cultural, social and family life. Achieving equality between men and women is the basic policy of the country. The State shall take necessary measures to gradually improve the systems for the protection of women's rights and interests and eliminate all kinds of discrimination against women." The Law on the Protection of Minors stipulates that "minors have the right to life, the right to maintenance and the right to maintenance." The Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly stipulates that the state protects the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly. Older people have the right to material assistance from the state and society, the right to social services and preferential treatment, and the right to participate in social development and share the fruits of development. The Law on the Protection of Disabled Persons provides. The state stipulates that the disabled enjoy equal rights with other citizens in political, economic, cultural, social and family life.

National Development Strategy

The world is a colorful place with many different modes of development. China has summed up its historical experience and chosen the socialist road on the basis of its national conditions. We will strive to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, create a better life for the Chinese people and realize their right to development.

To build socialism with Chinese characteristics, China formulates its national development strategy in accordance with the need to safeguard and realize the people's right to development. In the early 1980s, the Communist Party of China put forward a "three-step" development strategy: first, to double the gross national product in 1981 by 1990 and ensure the basic material needs; second, to double the gross national product in 1991 by the end of the 20th century, and to achieve a "reasonable prosperity" level of people's living standards. Thirdly, by the middle of the 21st century, the new gross national product will quadruple, reaching the level of moderately developed countries and making the Chinese people well-off.

In 1997, the fifteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward a new "three-step" strategy in the first half of the 21st century. First, in the first ten years of the 21st century, we will double the gross national product (GNP) compared with 2000, raise the level of prosperity and form a relatively complete socialist market economy. Second, after more than ten years of efforts, we will further develop the economy and improve various systems a hundred years ago. Thirdly, we should realize basic modernization and complete the construction of a prosperous, democratic and cultural socialist country in which the People's Republic of China was founded in the middle of the twenty-first century.

In the 21st century, the Communist Party of China has established the strategic task of "building a well-off society in an all-round way". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the Party Central Committee, with Xi Jinping as its core, has taken "the aspiration of the people for a better life" as the Party's goal of struggle. F governance and set two hundred-year goals. That is to say, by 2020, the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (1921) will enable the people to live well, build a well-off society in an all-round way, make China's per capita GDP reach the level of moderately developed countries, and build China into a well-off society. The centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in the middle of the 21st century (1949) is a rich, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious socialist country.

In order to achieve the goal of "two hundred years", the Communist Party of China strives to promote the coordinated development of economy, politics, culture, society and ecology, and implements four comprehensive strategies of building a well-off society in an all-round way and deepening reform. Fifth, we should fully implement the rule of law and strengthen Party discipline. On the basis of economic construction, we will continue to build a socialist market economy, promote democratic civilization, advanced culture, ecological civilization and a harmonious society, and ensure the well-being of the people, the prosperity of the country and the harmony of the environment. One is beautiful, and the people's right to development has been more effectively protected and promoted.

Overall development plan

In accordance with the goal and development strategy of building a socialist modern country, the Chinese government regularly formulates national development plans to safeguard the people's right to development. From 1953 to 2001, it issued a national development plan every five years to address the economic, cultural and social problems of the country concerned. Since 2006, the plan has been changed into a plan with less detailed contents and fewer digital goals to guide macroeconomic and social development. So far, China has devoted 13 consecutive five-year plans (including those started in 2006) to national economic and social development. These plans link the overall development goals of the country with specific implementation plans, and steadily promote the construction of the people's right to development in stages, with medium- and long-term policies, objectives and directions, basic requirements and concrete measures. S.

On October 29, 2015, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved the "Recommendations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development", which was adopted by the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress on March 16, 2016. The Outline of the Thirteenth Five-Year Development Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China, adopted by the vote, follows the new concept of development, emphasizes equality of opportunity on the basis of universal participation and universal benefit, and focuses on economic and social development. We should uphold basic living security, improve people's livelihood and build a well-off society in an all-round way. China has made breakthroughs in gaining development results on an equal footing, mainly in increasing the supply of public services, implementing poverty eradication plans, improving the quality of education, gaining equal access to educational resources, promoting employment and entrepreneurship, and so on, which has promoted China's economic development. Eliminate the income gap, establish a fairer and more sustainable social security system, improve public health and health, and strengthen the balanced development of the people.

China also guarantees the people's right to development by formulating a national human rights action plan. It issued the National Plan of Action for Human Rights (2009-2010), (2012-2015) and (2016-2020). In these plans, the government places the people's right to development at the core of human rights and strives to solve the most pressing issues of public concern. While promoting sound and rapid economic and social development, China ensures that all members of society enjoy the right to equal participation and development.

Special Action Plan

The Chinese government has formulated special action plans in the fields of economy, culture, society and environment to safeguard the people's right to development. A wide range of action plans have been implemented in the areas of poverty alleviation, Internet, innovation and entrepreneurship, science and technology, trade and regional development. Specifically, these plans aim to promote the entrepreneurship and innovation of farmers, send agricultural experts to rural areas to develop agriculture, develop rural and agricultural resources, and support the entrepreneurship of returning workers. Through the development of high-tech industries in selected counties, enterprises can improve people's livelihood, transform the growth mode of the western region through science and technology, and revitalize the old industrial base in Northeast China through science and technology. The state has effectively implemented a series of action plans, such as the Action Plan for the Revitalization of Education in the 21st Century, for the development of education, the improvement of health, the award of high-level talents and the cultural industry, to improve the status of teachers in higher education. Comprehensive education in rural areas will promote special education, help girls who drop out of school return to school, and support more developed cities in eastern China to train professionals in Western China. China has implemented a series of action plans on employment, social security, food and medical care, disability prevention, health and fitness, such as the Spring Wind Action Plan for Employment Promotion and other plans to achieve full coverage of social security, with a view to eliminating malaria, preventing and controlling hospital infections and carrying out rehabilitation plans for disabled children. Reduce the number of disabled newborns, prevent the occurrence of disabilities, and improve the nutritional status and health level of the Chinese people. The state has issued action plans for pollution control, energy conservation and biodiversity, including water pollution control, reduction of high-risk pollutants, clean and efficient use of coal, renewal and transformation of energy, coal and electricity. Save and reduce emissions, build barrier-free cities or counties for the disabled, and protect biodiversity.

China has also formulated special plans to ensure the right to development of ethnic minorities, women, children, the elderly and the disabled. These plans include development plans for ethnic minorities, women, children, the elderly and the disabled, with clear objectives and targeted policies for different groups to address the problems that hinder their development and ensure that they can pursue self-development and enjoy life. Reform achievements based on Y equality.

Judicial relief mechanism

Strengthen judicial protection and relief to protect the people's right to development. A judicial remedy mechanism has been established to prevent and punish violations of the people's right to development.

The government promotes the reform of the judicial relief system in depth and guarantees the right to development of vulnerable groups. The State shall provide judicial relief to victims of crime or parties who infringe upon civil rights who fail to obtain effective compensation in lawsuits; and shall assist in certain cases that are in urgent need of relief and are entitled to relief. The eligible parties mainly receive relief and provide assistance in the form of consultation and education. Judicial remedy is a supplement to legal aid and litigation remedy, which is closely related to other forms of social relief and relief. The government is conducting research to set up emergency rapid access for the injured in criminal cases in hospitals, to provide psychological treatment for patients with severe post-traumatic stress disorder, and to send social workers to help immobilize patients in order to further strengthen judicial relief. In 2014, the State issued the Opinions on Establishing and Improving the National Judicial Relief System (Trial). The scale of judicial relief cases has been significantly expanded and the number of cases has been increasing. In 2014 and 2015, the central and local governments allocated 2.47 billion yuan and 2.95 billion yuan for judicial relief, benefiting more than 80,000 interested parties. From 2013 to 2015, the people's courts at all levels reduced and exempted litigants by 625 million yuan, guaranteeing the litigation rights of the poor.

The government strives to enhance the effectiveness of legal aid and guarantee the right of poor people to judicial relief. In 1994, China began to establish a legal aid system to provide free consultation, agency, criminal defense and other legal services to those in need. In 2003, the State Council promulgated the Regulations on Legal Aid, stipulating the scale of legal aid, empowering the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government to supplement legal aid, and formulating the Regulations on Legal Aid. The criteria by which he receives legal aid in accordance with local conditions. At present, 23 provinces have expanded the scope of legal aid, and 19 provinces have adjusted the standard of receiving legal aid. The Criminal Procedure Law (revised in 2012) lists suspects and defendants as recipients of legal aid. In the past five years, the number of legal aid cases has increased by 11.4% year by year. Women, children, the elderly, the disabled and migrant workers have received timely and high-quality legal aid services. In May 2015, the 12th Leading Group of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China considered and adopted the Opinions on Improving the Legal Aid System. Measures were taken to further expand the coverage of legal aid in civil and administrative litigation and reduce the threshold for receiving legal aid. State legal aid will gradually provide legal aid to low-income groups, benefiting those in need.

The government strengthens judicial relief and protects the right to development of vulnerable groups. China has always attached great importance to the judicial protection of basic human rights such as the right to development in criminal cases. The state punishes crimes committed by women, children, the elderly, the disabled and peasant workers, and strengthens the protection of the right to physical and mental health development and economic and social rights of special groups. The government has made great efforts to prevent and severely punish the abduction and trafficking of women and children, effectively curbing the crime of abduction and trafficking of women and children. The State promulgates Opinions on Punishing Sexual Crimes of Minors and Opinions on Dealing with Guardians'Infringement on the Rights and Interests of Minors to strengthen the judicial protection of the rights and interests of minors. The State promulgated the Opinions on Protecting the Legal Rights and Interests of Disabled Persons in Procuratorial Work, and severely punished the crimes that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of disabled persons according to law.

The government attaches great importance to the role of arbitration and protects the right of certain groups to equal development. China resolves disputes through arbitration, punishes torts according to law, and strives to strengthen the procedural protection of people's rights. By the end of 2015, 80% of township and community employment and social security centers had set up agencies to mediate labor disputes, an increase of 14% over 2014. There are 2919 administrative divisions above county level (about 91%) with labor dispute arbitration institutions, an increase of 208% compared with 946 at the end of the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010). From 2010 to 2015, China's mediation and arbitration institutions accepted 7.57 million cases, with the closing rate reaching 90%.

3. Realizing Economic Development Effectively

China has always regarded economic development as its central task and laid a solid foundation for safeguarding the right to development. At the same time, we should strengthen economic development by guaranteeing the people's right to development. Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China's economy has developed rapidly and has become the second largest economy in the world. There are two historic leaps in living standards, from poverty to basic material needs and then to moderate prosperity.

The right of the poor to subsistence is effectively guaranteed. China's poverty alleviation campaign is the most important symbol of China's human rights progress. Since the end of 1978, China has achieved "the fastest large-scale poverty reduction in human history in the past 25 years". [Note:'Global Poverty Reduction: Learning and Innovation: Development Outcomes of the Shanghai Global Learning Initiative', World Bank, 15 November. 14, 2016] According to the existing rural poverty standards, the poverty population has decreased by more than 700 million people, exceeding the total population of the United States, Russia, Japan and Germany, and the poverty rate has dropped to 5.7%, becoming the first statistics. Achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals. By the end of 2015, the rural poor population had dropped to 55.75 million. In the five autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia and Xinjiang, and in Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai provinces where ethnic minorities live together, the poverty-stricken population in rural areas has dropped to 18.13 million. China's poverty reduction campaign has effectively promoted the development rights of vulnerable groups and laid a solid foundation for building a well-off society in an all-round way. In November 2015, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Decision on Winning the Strong Battle of Poverty Alleviation, and fully deployed the work of poverty alleviation in the next five years. In March 2016, the Outline of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China was promulgated, and the Chinese Government formulated a strategic plan for the full implementation of the overall goal of poverty eradication. In order to achieve the grand goal of poverty alleviation for the rural poor by 2020, China is implementing the basic strategies of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation.

The right to work has been fully realized. Economic development has created more employment opportunities. Urban and rural employment continued to increase from 761 million in 2010 to 775 million in 2015. Among these figures, urban employment increased from 347 million to 404 million, with an average annual growth of more than 11 million. In 2015, urban employment increased by 13.12 million people, the registered unemployment rate was 4.05% at the end of the year, and the work was steadily advancing. From 2008 to 2015, the central government arranged employment subsidies of 305.51 billion yuan. Since 2009, the Chinese government has implemented a fiscal discount policy on women's micro-guaranteed loans. By June 2016, a total of 279.4 billion yuan of loans had been provided to 538 million women, supporting more than 10 million women (including poor women) to start businesses or find jobs. The number of women in employment is increasing, and the number of jobs is increasing. In 2014, 45% of the total workforce was employed by women, and 46.5% of the total workforce was employed by women professionals and technicians. The government strengthens skills training and promotes fairer employment sharing through capacity-building. By the end of 2015, the total number of skilled workers in China had reached 167 million, of which 45.01 million were highly skilled workers. The government actively promotes the transfer of rural labor to local or nearby areas to ensure that 65% of the labor force is employed in the local county economy. The government vigorously develops the service industry, creates employment opportunities for migrant workers, and establishes farmers'markets and food stalls with reduced or zero income. As a result, more than 80% of migrant workers have found jobs in small and micro enterprises. The government also encourages migrant workers to return home and start businesses. By the end of 2015, 4.5 million migrant workers had returned home to start their own businesses and 699 million small and micro enterprises in rural areas. By the end of 2014, there were 15.46 million private enterprises and nearly 50 million individual businesses in China, an increase of 83% and 44% over 2010, and 250 million employees. Internet start-ups help nearly 10 million people to get employed. "Internet +" is an important channel for job creation. The government has taken measures to guide graduates to obtain employment through various channels, encourage entrepreneurship, provide better employment services for graduates, and give more help to those with employment difficulties. In recent years, the employment rate of college graduates is over 70% every year, and the total employment rate at the end of the year is over 90%. By helping enterprises and providing employment support and assistance, the government helps the unemployed and the unemployed to find employment opportunities, and pays special attention to zero-employment families. From 2011 to 2015, more than 5.5 million urban unemployed people find jobs every year, while an average of nearly 1.8 million people find jobs every year. Employment for the disabled has been steadily promoted. During the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), the government helped 1.52 million urban disabled people find jobs. In 2015, 215,9630 disabled persons of the right age were employed in China.

The people's basic living standards have been greatly improved. In 1978, the Engel coefficient of urban households was 57.5%, and that of rural households was 67.7%. In 2015, it dropped to 29.7% and 33.0%, respectively. From 1978 to 2015, the living area of urban residents increased from 6.7 square meters per capita to over 33 square meters, and that of rural residents increased from 8.1 square meters to over 37 square meters. The main form of housing security system is low-rent housing and affordable housing supported by the government. In 2015, the national residential investment was 802.47 billion yuan. Among them, 7.72 million urban housing units were subsidized by the government and 7.83 million units were started. The central government allocated 36.5 billion yuan to 4.32 million poor peasant households nationwide for the renovation of standard houses. From 2011 to 2015, under the government-subsidized urban housing project, 40.13 million new housing units were built, 21.91 million families were renovated in shanty towns, and a large number of people with housing difficulties moved into apartments to achieve "livable" living. From 2011 to 2015, 675,000 families with disabilities received barrier-free reconstruction subsidies from all levels of finance to improve their quality of life.

Tourism conditions have been greatly improved. From 1978 to 2015, the number of highways in service increased from 890,000 km to 4.58 million km, and the passenger throughput of civil aviation increased from 2.32 million km to 915 million km. In 2015, China's expressway mileage reached 123,500 kilometers, and the high-speed railway operation mileage reached 19,000 kilometers. 94.5% of villages paved roads and 94.3% of villages received bus services.

People's living standards have improved significantly. From 1978 to 2015, the annual GDP increased from 367.9 billion yuan to 685.56 billion yuan, and the per capita GDP increased from more than 200 dollars to more than 8000 dollars. In 1978, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was only 343.4 yuan, while the per capita net income of rural residents was only 133.6 yuan. In 2015, the per capita disposable income of residents in the city reached 2166 yuan, that of urban residents was 31195 yuan and that of rural residents was 11422 yuan. By the end of 2015, the total number of mobile phone users in China had reached 153,673,000, of which 13,574,000 were mobile phone users, with a penetration rate of 95.5/100. There are 213.37 million fixed broadband households and 78.53 million mobile broadband users. 688 million netizens and 50.3% of household fixed broadband penetration. In 2015, 127.86 million outbound tours were conducted by Chinese residents, including 121.72 million private tours. Civil car ownership is 95.08 million, of which private car ownership is 87.93 million.

IV. Strengthening Political Construction

China will continue to enrich and improve the political system suited to its own development, comprehensively promote the construction of socialist democracy and the rule of law in China, effectively safeguard civil and political rights, and improve the level of political participation and promotion. The process of development enables people to participate in the interests of political development.

The system of the People's Congress is the fundamental institutional guarantee for the political development of the people. According to the Constitution, all the powers of the People's Republic of China belong to the people, and the organs for the people to exercise state power are the National People's Congress and the local people's congresses at all levels. The people's congress system guarantees citizens'right to participate in development from five aspects and shares the benefits arising therefrom.

(1) State organs concerned with the generation, supervision and implementation of the right to development. Article 3, paragraph 3, of the Constitution stipulates that all administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs of the State shall be established by the People's Congress and shall be responsible and supervised by the People's Congress.

(2) Formulating laws and regulations to promote development. As of September 2016, the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee had enacted a valid constitution and 252 laws. As of July 2016, the local people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees with legislative power have formulated 9 915 existing local laws and regulations.

(3) Consideration and approval of development policy initiatives. Article 62 of the Constitution stipulates that the National People's Congress shall exercise its functions and powers to examine and approve the plans for national economic and social development and the reports on their implementation; and to examine and approve the reports on the state budget and implementation, etc.

(4) Providing an open mechanism for the expression of public opinion. By exercising the right to put forward opinions, suggestions and criticisms, and by lodging complaints, complaints and supervision, the people express and advocate their own interests for rational development.

(5) Correctly define the relationship between public power and development interests.

In recent years, China has introduced three related systems: power list, negative list and responsibility list. Since 2013, the State Council has promulgated the list of administrative examination and approval items of various departments, forbidding the increase of unlisted items and canceling or decentralizing 618 items. In this way, the State Council endeavors to eliminate the opportunities for public officials to make profits and to strengthen the procedures for the exercise of power.

Democratic elections are an important part of citizens'political rights. Since the reform and opening up, great progress has been made in the establishment of people's democracy and equal right to vote. In 2010, the National People's Congress passed an amendment to the Electoral Law, which provides for broader equality of voting rights. Among other measures, it is also required to elect deputies to the People's Congress in urban and rural areas at the same proportion of the population.

From 2011 to 2012, more than 981 million registered voters for deputies to county-level people's congresses and more than 723 million registered voters for deputies to township-level people's congresses were elected, with a turnout rate of 90.25%. In these elections, measures were taken to ensure the voting rights of 200 million migrants and to promote their voting according to the conditions of each constituency. The basic principle is that voters can vote in the constituency where their household registration is located, and they can entrust others to vote for them. Voters who hold voter qualification certificates in the constituency where their household registration is located can vote in the constituency where their household registration is located. Others can vote in the constituency where they currently live.

In 2013, 2987 deputies were elected at the third session of the 12th National People's Congress, of which 401 were workers and peasants, accounting for 13.42%, 699 were women, accounting for 23.4%, and 409 were representatives of 55 ethnic minorities, accounting for 13.69%.

Consultative democracy is an important channel for orderly participation in the political process. A broad, multi-level and institutionalized system of deliberative democracy has been established for multi-party, people's congresses, governments, people's organizations, grassroots and non-governmental organizations, and orderly participation in the political process and democratic political construction has been expanded. Guarantee citizens'right to development.

The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is an important organ for the implementation of deliberative democracy, involving the participation of nine political parties, including the Communist Party of China, eight people's organizations, 56 ethnic groups, five religions and 34 social strata. The CPPCC has more than 3000 committees and more than 600,000 members at all levels. In 2015, the CPPCC organized 41 major consultative activities and 107 visits, forming a framework for political consultation, taking various forms, such as plenary meetings, symposiums on administrative affairs of the Standing Committee, and symposiums on thematic consultation. Biweekly consultation seminar.

At the Third Session of the Twelfth CPPCC in 2015, 87.5% or 1948 CPPCC members put forward 5857 proposals, of which 85.1% or 4984 were considered. Since the first meeting of the 12th CPPCC National Committee in 2013, the rate of handling and responding to proposals has reached over 99.5%.

Regional ethnic autonomy is an important way for ethnic minorities to exercise their political rights. Under the unified government system, China has established a system of regional ethnic autonomy, which effectively protects the democratic rights of ethnic minorities. Of the 55 ethnic minorities in China, 44 ethnic autonomous areas have been established. 71% of ethnic minorities practise regional autonomy, and 64% of the land area of ethnic autonomous areas in China. At the end of July 2016, 967 autonomous regulations and separate regulations were enacted and amended in national autonomous areas, which consolidated the legal basis for minorities to exercise their right to development.

The heads of government of five autonomous regions, thirty autonomous prefectures and 120 autonomous counties are citizens of the nationalities that practice regional autonomy. The leaders and functional departments of Party committees, people's congresses, governments and CPPCC at all levels in ethnic autonomous areas have ethnic minorities, whose proportion is generally close to or higher than that of ethnic minorities in the local population. By the end of 2015, the number of minority civil servants reached 765,000, almost four times that of 1978, accounting for 10.7% of the total number of civil servants in China. Ethnic minorities account for 8.3% of civil servants above county level.

Grass-roots democracy is an effective way for people to safeguard and realize the right to equal development. China has established a system of grass-roots autonomy implemented by rural villagers'committees and urban residents' committees. Of the 581,000 villagers'committees nationwide, about 98% are directly elected, and village rules and regulations for villagers' autonomy have been formulated. Among the 600 million eligible voters, the average turnout in direct elections is 95%. There are 100,000 urban residential committees in China, with 512,000 staff and 5.4 million volunteers. Through direct election, grid management platform, volunteer service, hearings, coordinating committee, Council and other channels, the democratic participation of urban residents has been significantly expanded, and their autonomy ability and level have been improved. Community liaison stations, community online forums and community public welfare stations have all contributed to China's grassroots autonomy system. The staff congress system has been widely used in enterprises and institutions. Enterprises and institutions with trade unions, 46.44 million people, accounting for 88.6%, have established propaganda systems for enterprise affairs respectively. There are 2.75 million grass-roots trade unions with 280 million members, of which 109 million rural migrant workers.

As of June 2016, there were 670,000 non-governmental organizations registered in the Civil Affairs Department, including 329,000 mass organizations, 5,028 foundations and 336,000 private non-profit units. The services and influence of these NGOs extend to education, science and technology, culture, health, sports, community, environmental protection, public welfare, charity, rural economy and other areas of public life.

Public participation provides citizens with the opportunity to enter the decision-making process at any time. China has deepened democratic legislation and improved the channels and forms of public participation in legislation. Efforts have also been made to establish a system of entrusting third parties to draft legislation and evaluation, and to improve the mechanism of soliciting public opinions and feedback on draft laws and regulations. Some localities have passed the Regulations on Administrative Decision Procedure on major issues, listing public participation as an important legal procedure, and clarifying the forms and methods of public participation in administrative decision-making. To this end, public opinions, hearings, seminars and questionnaires are widely used.

In 2007, the State Council promulgated the Regulations on Opening Government Information, emphasizing the disclosure of information on administrative approval, financial budget and final accounts, government subsidized poor housing, food and drug safety, land allocation, demolition and resettlement, etc. The supernatant. The Regulations stipulate that government information should be disclosed to the public promptly and accurately, the right to know of the public should be protected, and the effective review of government work should be ensured, at the same time, the transparency of government information and the efficiency of law enforcement should be improved.

The channels for public participation in judicial proceedings have been continuously broadened. The number of people's jurors has exceeded 220,000. From the trial implementation of the people's supervision mechanism in 2003 to April 2016, there were more than 48,000 people in China, and more than 49,000 cases of duty-related crimes were supervised. By the end of 2015, there were nearly 800,000 people's mediation committees and more than 3.9 million mediators. In the past eight years, more than 67 million disputes had been investigated and dealt with.

The forms of public prosecution are more diversified, which further widens the channels of public political participation. The national complaint filing system opens online complaint filing, resolution and result evaluation to the public through the application of Wechat public account platform on computers, mobile phones and social media. A total of 1.41 million online cases were filed in 2015, of which 140,000 were for advice.

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