
If Ellanger hadn't stood at the open door and waved to him, he would probably have passed the man's door in the same cold way. When you say waving, it's actually just a slight bend of one index finger. [27] Ellanger was fully prepared to leave. He was wearing a tight-collared black-leather coat with his collar buttoned. A servant was handing him gloves in one hand and a leather cap in the other. "You should have come long ago." Ellanger said. K. Want to say an apology. Ellanger looked tired and lazily closed his eyes to express his refusal to listen to such remarks. "I came to you for the following reason," he said. "The bar used to employ a woman named Frieda. I only heard her name. I don't know her personally. I don't care about her. This Freda sometimes serves Kramer beer. Now it looks like another waitress is there. Of course, changing people is a trivial matter. It may be a trivial matter for everyone, and it is no doubt a trivial matter for Kramer. However, the heavier the work is - Kramer's work is naturally the heaviest - the heavier the work is, the less energy left, and the more difficult it is to resist outside influences, so that any insignificant change in the most insignificant trifles can cause serious interference. Every tiny change on the desk, such as erasing a small stain that has always been there, can interfere with everything, and a new waitress is exactly the same. However, even if these changes interfere with anyone doing anything, they do not interfere with Kramer. Kramer is absolutely immune to any interference.

Nevertheless, we still have a responsibility to ensure that Kramer has the most comfortable environment, which requires the removal of all disturbances, even those that are not disturbances to him - probably nothing can disturb him - and we find that they may interfere with him. We exclude these interferences not out of consideration for him and his work, but out of consideration for ourselves, for our conscience, to make ourselves feel at ease. So that Freda has to go back to the bar right away. Maybe it will interfere with Kramer's return to the bar. That's OK. We'll just move her away, but now she has to go back. I heard that you are living with her now, so please call her back immediately. It is self-evident that personal feelings can not be taken into account in this issue, so I do not intend to spend more time on this issue. If you do a better job in this small matter, it may be good for your future at the right time. I mention this point, which is actually far beyond what I need to say. That's all I have to say to you." Speaking of this, he nodded to K. to say goodbye, then put on the leather cap handed over by the servant, followed by the servant, quickly, but limped a little, and left along the corridor.

Sometimes, the command issued here is very easy to execute, and now this command is the same. Not only did it involve Frieda, but it was a kind of ridicule in K.'s ears when the issuer was an order. No, not only because of this, but also because K. felt that the order declared to him the bankruptcy of all his efforts. Orders of all kinds, against him or in his favour, whizzed up and down over his head, that is, those in his favour might still contain a core of disadvantage. Anyway, all orders ignore his existence, and his position is too low and too low. They can't be helped, they can't be stopped, and their voices can't be heard. Now, what would you do if Ellanger waved you away? What can you say to him if he doesn't let you go? K. Think so. Although it was clear to him that his sleepiness today was more painful to him than all his misfortunes here, why did he, a man who once had full confidence in his body and would never have come here without that belief, have a couple of unpleasant nights and a sleepless night? Can't stand it. Why does he have to be so sleepy in this place that he can't open his eyes and fall down at any time? Nobody here is sleepy, or on the contrary, everyone is sleepy and always sleepy, but this kind of sleepiness does not affect people's work. Well, it seems to have a positive effect on the job. The logical conclusion is that people's sleepiness is another kind, very special, completely different from his K. sleepiness. Perhaps it's the feeling of sleepiness in a pleasant job; it looks like sleepiness on the outside, but in essence it's a kind of solid comfort, a kind of solid calm. For example, people feel a little sleepy at noon, which is an indispensable part of a natural, happy day. For these gentlemen here, it's noon all the time, K. thinks so.

In keeping with K.'s view, the atmosphere on the west side of the corridor began to liven up just after five o'clock. The rooms were full of voices and sounded extremely happy. Sometimes it's like a group of children going on an outing. Sometimes it's like a cock crowing and singing in the chicken pen in the early morning. The sound is full of the joy of waking up at the same time. Somewhere even a gentleman is really imitating the cock crowing. Although the corridor itself is still empty, the doors on both sides have been moving, and the door keeps opening a crack and closing quickly. The whole corridor is open and closing noisily. K. also noticed that from time to time in the gap between the ceiling and the wall, one or two hair-shaggy heads emerged before the morning wash, and then retracted back. Now, a car appeared in the distance. It came slowly down the aisle. A servant pushed the car, which was full of documents. Another servant was walking beside the car with a list in his hand, apparently checking the room number and file number on the door according to the list. The car stopped in front of most doors; then, generally speaking, the door opened; then, the documents that should be received by the room, sometimes just a sheet of paper, in which case the room spoke to the aisle with little, probably a few words of reproach on the steward, were passed into the room. If the door does not open, the documents are carefully stacked on the threshold. In the latter case, K. always felt that although the neighbours of the door had already shared the documents, the activity of those doors did not weaken, but became more intense. Perhaps the tenants in these rooms are gluttonously peeping at the mysterious pile of documents that have been left there all the time without being taken away. They really don't understand how someone can delay taking action when they can enjoy those documents with only one open door effort. Perhaps even this might be the case: the last documents that had not been taken could be distributed to other rooms, so now these gentlemen can't help but peep and see if they are still safe on the threshold, that is to say, whether they have any hope of getting some more. In addition, most of the documents that had not been taken were huge bundles; K. guessed that the gentleman in the door was either trying to show off, or to tease others, or might temporarily leave the bundles of documents in his doorway out of a legitimate desire to whip up the pride of his colleagues. When he saw the following situation, he felt that the speculation was more absurd: on several occasions, when he slightly shifted his eyes, the bag with large bundles of documents and enough exhibits at the door was suddenly dragged into the house, and the door closed as before; The nearby doors were also settled down, apparently disappointed or perhaps satisfied that the ever-tickling excitement had finally been eliminated, but soon they became active again.

K. Watches it not only with curiosity, but also without being sidelined. He almost felt quite comfortable in this busy whirlpool. He looked at this side and that side for a moment. He followed the two servants with his eyes, though near and far, as they handed out documents. Of course, they had looked back at him many times, bowed their heads and pouted their mouths hatefully many times. Stare at him. The more the distribution goes on, the less successful it will be. Either the list is incomplete, or the administrator sometimes can't quickly distinguish which documents should be distributed to which gentleman, or some gentlemen ask for others for other reasons not to accept the documents distributed to him. All in all, there has been a need to reclaim some of the documents that have been distributed. At this time, the car returned, the servant in front of the door through the door crack with the inside gentleman on the return of documents for negotiation. This kind of negotiation itself has been very difficult, but it has been aggravated again and again. As long as the purpose of negotiation is to return documents, it is precisely those doors which were the most active in the past are now closed to the servant, and seem to indicate that there is no room for further discussion on this matter. At this time, the real difficulties begin. The man who believed that the documents belonged to him showed extreme agitation, made a lot of noise in his room, clapped his hands and stamped his feet, and shouted a file number into the aisle through the crack of the door one after another. Cars are often left unattended. Because one servant was busy trying to placate and comfort the restless gentleman and the other servant was struggling for the return of documents in front of the closed door. Both of them had a hard job to do. The restless gentleman tends to be more restless after being comforted. He has no intention of listening to the empty words of the servant. He does not want comfort. He asks for documents. Once, a gentleman poured a whole basin of water on his servant from the wall. The other servant was obviously higher in rank than the servant to appease him, but he had more difficulties.

If at least the gentleman was willing to talk, then there would be a series of on-the-spot discussions, when the servant cited the list as evidence, and the gentleman cited his earlier records to prove that there were exactly the documents that he was now asking for his return. He held them tightly, covered them tightly, and supervised the servant. The eager eyes of a man could hardly see a small corner. Then, in order to obtain new evidence, the servant had to run back to the car, which, because of the slight gradient of the aisle, was always sliding automatically for a long distance, making him tired of running. Or, he had to go to the gentleman who claimed to be the winner of the document and put the objection of the gentleman who currently held the document in his possession. Send it to him and bring back his new objections to these objections. This kind of back-and-forth goes on for a long time, and occasionally comes to an agreement, such as when the gentleman finally handed in some documents or got other documents to compensate him, because the problem was that he was wearing a crown at the time of the previous distribution. However, there was also a situation in which the gentleman who was asked to return the documents had to give up all the documents without reservations, perhaps because he was made speechless by the various evidences put forward by the servant in charge, or because he was tired of such endless nagging.

However, in any case, when abandoning the documents, they were not handed over to the steward. Instead, they changed colour and threw all the files far into the aisle. As a result, all the ropes in the files were unbounded and the papers were flying in the air, so that the two stewards took a lot of time to put them into practice. They are reorganized. However, these things are relatively simple. When the servant repeatedly requests for the return of documents but can not get any answer at all, it is serious. When the servant simply ignores the other party, the servant stands in front of the closed door and pleads repeatedly, complains bitterly, and constantly reads the relevant parts of the list. The rules and regulations were quoted, but all efforts were in vain, and no sound could be heard in the room. Without permission, the servant obviously had no right to enter the room without permission. In this way, sometimes even the loyal and conscientious administrator lost self-restraint and could not persevere. He went back to his car, sat down on the papers, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and did nothing for a while, but helplessly tossed his empty feet back and forth. There was a great deal of interest in what had happened, and there was a whisper everywhere. There was hardly any door to guard itself. At high altitudes, under the ceiling, there were strange faces with scarves and almost all of their faces covered. They did not wait for a second, but kept squirming and staring. Watch what happens below. During the turmoil, K. noticed that Bill's door had been closed for a long time, and that two servants had passed through the aisle without distributing documents to Bill. Maybe he's still asleep, but he can still sleep soundly in such a noisy environment. Does that mean he's sleeping well? But why didn't he get the documents? There are very few rooms where cars like this pass through their doors without issuing documents, and most of them are probably uninhabited. On the contrary, Ellanger's room was now occupied by a particularly noisy new tenant, who was supposed to have driven him out of the house at night. This conjecture was quite incompatible with Ellanger's frosty, big and mellow character, but the fact that Ellanger had to stand on the threshold and wait for K. It does seem vague that he was expelled.

K. always looked at the bustle on both sides of the aisle and then looked back at the servant. For this steward, the general descriptions K. had heard before about the stewards of the castle, such as how they did nothing, how they lived a comfortable life, how they were conceited and so on, were totally out of place. Maybe there are exceptions in the management, or, more likely, they are also divided into different types, because K. now sees many subtleties in the management, and he has hardly seen the shadow of these differences before. Especially the steward's indomitable tenacity he appreciated very much. In his battle with these stubborn little rooms, K. often felt that it was a battle between man and room, because he could hardly see the people who lived in these rooms at all. The servant had been struggling hard, and now, although he looked exhausted, who could do such a thing without exhaustion? —— But after a while, he regained his spirits and jumped out of the car, straightened his waist, clenched his teeth, and marched down to the next door to be conquered. In the future, he was defeated two or three times. How did he defeat? Simply, he was defeated by the deadly silence tactic, but he did not lose the battle even though he was defeated.

This is the case: since he saw that it was impossible to achieve any success in an open fire attack, he tried to change tactics. For example, if K. had not misread it, he decided to use ingenuity and wisdom. When he had made up his mind, he pretended not to call the door any more. It was like this that he let himself gradually exhaust the silent energy. He left the door behind and went to deal with the other doors. After a while he came back and called out to another servant. Walking with a deliberate tread on the ground, and calling with an open voice like a peddler swaggering through the market, he began to pile up bundles of files on the threshold of the closed door. It was like he had changed his mind. Now he thought that not only could he not take any documents from the silent gentleman, but on the contrary, he should distribute some more to him before it was reasonable and legal. After stacking, he walked away, but the light from his eyes was always on the door. Then, when the gentleman, as is often the case, carefully opened the door in a moment to drag the stack of papers into the room, the servant leaped back with several arrows and quickly put one foot in the crack of the door, forcing the gentleman at least to have a face-to-face talk with him first. Judgment, therefore, usually yields a slightly unsatisfactory result. If it still doesn't work, or if he feels it's inappropriate in front of a certain door, he'll find another way. Let's say all the strength is put on the gentleman who claims to be the owner of the document. He pushed aside another steadfast servant, a useless assistant, and began to persuade the gentleman to chirp with him and bite his ears in a mysterious manner, with his head stretched out long enough to go deep into the room, presumably for the gentleman. Wish, guarantee that the next time you distribute the document, you will punish the gentleman who refuses to hand in the document. Whatever you say. At least, he pointed at the enemy's door many times, and if he was not too tired at that time, he would laugh a few times.

However, about once or twice, he completely abandoned all his efforts, but even at this time, K. still felt that it was only a superficial abandonment, or a reasonable abandonment. See, he walked on quietly, silently endured the cries and scolds of the injured gentleman, and walked away without turning his head. From the fact that he closed his eyes for a while, we can infer that he was not very happy to hear the noise. But after a while, the man's anger gradually subsided, just as the constant crying and shouting of children would gradually turn into a sobbing of longer and longer intervals, and the man's scolding gradually became sparse; but even after the calm wind and waves, he could occasionally hear a cry or open the door in a hurry. Slam it off. Anyway, the situation shows that the servant in charge here is probably doing exactly the right thing. At last, there was only one gentleman left, who could not be persuaded to move. He remained silent for a long time, but only for the sake of refreshing himself, and then he started to make a lot of noise, which was no less vigorous than before. It's not clear why he's making such a fuss. Maybe it's not about distributing documents at all. Now the steward had finished his work. Only one document, in fact a thin piece of paper, was torn from the notebook. It was lost in the car because of the assistant's slip. Now it is impossible to know who should give it to. Well, it's probably a document about me, and K. has this idea in mind. Didn't the village chief say it was the smallest business? With this in mind, no matter how unrealistic and ridiculous he actually felt the conjecture, K. still moved towards the servant who was at this moment concentrating on the contents of the paper. It's not so easy, because the servant's active participation in K. has been cold-eyed, even in the most intense and busy work just now, he always can't forget to squeeze out time, nervously stretch his neck, breathe out, or gaze at K. several times impatiently. Now that the distribution had been completed, he seemed to have forgotten K. for a moment. In addition, he was generally not as energetic as he had just been. The work had exhausted him, and it was perfectly understandable that he had relaxed. He was not so interested in the note.

Maybe he didn't look at what was written on the note at all, but just pretended to look at it. Besides, although he might surprise the man by sending the paper to any room owner on either side of the aisle, he made another decision and was tired of distributing documents. He put his index finger on his lips to imply that his companion was silent, and then tore the paper into pieces, which K. was quite far away from him, and then stuffed the pieces into his pocket, perhaps the first example K. had ever seen in his official duties that he did not follow the rules. Of course, it is also possible that he misunderstood this matter. In addition, even if this is an extraordinary thing, it can be excused. It is impossible to work in such an environment without making any mistakes. The more angry and irritable you are, the more irritable you will be. There will always be an outbreak. If the outbreak is merely to tear up a small piece of paper, it should not be blamed anyway. Listen, even now, the harsh scream of the disobedient gentleman is still roaring in the aisle, and his colleagues, on other issues, are not very friendly with each other, but on the current loud issue, it seems that the views are entirely the same; gradually, the development of the situation makes real estate. It was as if the gentleman had undertaken the task of shouting on behalf of all the people there, so the audience naturally had to keep applauding and nodding their heads to encourage him to persist. But now the servant did not pay any attention to it at all. His work was over. He pointed to the handrail of the cart and indicated that another servant was going to push the cart. Then the two men, like when they came, pushed the cart away. The difference was that now they had finished their work and were in a better mood. So he pointed to the handrail of the cart and indicated that the other servant was going to push the cart away. The car was pushed so fast that it jumped up and down in front of them. Only once did they suddenly look back and see that K., the man who had been screaming all the time, was walking around the door of his room because he wanted to know what he wanted to do. Obviously, for a long time, they could not find the step. At this time, they probably found the bell button, so maybe because they finally found it. Be ecstatic about the way out, stop shouting and ring the bell. Then there was a whisper in the other rooms, which seemed to support him. It seemed that the gentleman had done something that everyone had long wanted to do, but had to do for some unknown reason only.

Perhaps the man wanted to ring the bell for the waiter, or Freda? If so, let him press it. Frieda is busy with cold compress for Jeremia at the moment. To put it another way, even if he's completely recovered from his cold now, she won't have time to come, because then she'll lie in his arms. But when the bell rang, it was instant. Look, in the distance, did not the owner of the VIP Building come over busily in person? He was dressed as usual in black and buckled tightly; but he ran very fast, as if he had forgotten his dignity; his arms were half-open on both sides, as if a great misfortune had happened here, calling him in order to hold the culprit barrier in his arms for a moment and cover it immediately in front of his chest. Yes. In the course of running, as long as the ringtone changes irregularly, he jumps up like a sting and runs faster. Behind him, far away from him, his wife came with her, her arms open, but she was hesitant and jogged. K. thought that she must be late. By the time she arrived, the boss must have finished all the work she had to do. To make way for the running boss, K. pressed himself against the wall. But the boss stopped right beside K. as if K. was the target of his gallop. Soon the landlady arrived. So the two men opened their bows around the same time and gave K. a solid count. They spoke too quickly, and he was in a state of unexpected shock, so he couldn't understand them at all. Especially that gentleman's ringing tone is also mixed with it, and even other room's ringing tones come to make fun of it. For a moment, the ringing tone is loud. Now it's no longer for emergency, but just for pleasure, it's a relief of overwhelming joy. Because he was eager to hear what he had done wrong, K. was willing to let his boss take his arm and walk out of the noisy place with him. The noise was still increasing. It turned out that behind them, K. couldn't look back at it at all, because the boss from one side, the more aggressive wife from the other side, and the two men chattered and clamped him down on both sides. The doors on both sides of the aisle were now open, and the aisle was full of excitement. I heard only the noise and bustle of people. It was like a bustling alley, shoulder-to-shoulder. The doors they had not yet passed were obviously waiting impatiently for K. to come quickly so as to release the gentlemen who lived in it. And what reverberates with all this is the constant whispering and screaming of the electric bell, which has risen one after another, as if celebrating a victory.

It wasn't until the end, when they came to the quiet, snow-covered yard, where several sledges were waiting, that K. gradually understood what was going on. It turned out that neither the boss nor the proprietress could understand how K. dared to do such bold things. "But what did I do wrong?" K. asked again and again, but for a long time did not ask why, because for those two people, his fault is too obvious, too self-evident, so they did not consider K. what kind will be at all. It took a long time for K. to figure it out. It turned out that it was illegal for him to stay in the aisle. Under normal circumstances, he could go to the bar at most, and he had to be granted permission by his superior, who had the right to revoke the permission at any time. If he had been summoned by a gentleman, he would certainly have to go to the designated place of interrogation, but he would have to keep in mind all the time there - he would never have understood the least of the truth, would he? —— I stayed in a place that I shouldn't have gone by myself. It was only because a gentleman had no choice but to get accommodation from his official needs that he was reluctantly called in. Therefore, he must quickly arrive at the designated place for interrogation, once the interrogation is completed, he must leave as soon as possible. Didn't he even feel a little out of place on the aisle? If so, then how can you wander around there, like animals on the grass? Didn't he get a night trial? Didn't he know why night trials were conducted? The purpose of the night trial --- here K. hears a new explanation about the purpose of the night trial --- is it not just for the sake of reassuring gentlemen to listen to the complaints of ordinary people they can't bear to see in the daytime? Night interrogations can be conducted faster, in less intense artificial light, and after interrogations can sleep in order to forget all those ugly faces and gestures. However, K. acted in total disregard of all measures to ensure that the trial proceeded smoothly. Even the ghost avoided at dawn, while K. stayed with his hands in his pockets, looking like he was waiting for all the gentlemen in all the rooms on both sides of the aisle to go, but he couldn't go himself! As far as walking is concerned, K. can fully believe that as long as there is a little possibility, the gentlemen will not hesitate to pull out their legs, because the gentlemen are very considerate, very careful in their work.

For example, there will never be any gentleman who comes to blow K. away, even if it's really reasonable to ask him to go quickly. Although K. is likely to tremble with anger when he stands by, and their prime time, the morning, has been spoiled in vain, no one will rush K. to leave. They prefer to suffer for themselves rather than ask K. aggressively. Of course, they may also hold a glimmer of hope that K. will eventually come to realize the very embarrassing scenes that can be seen with eyes. Then, seeing the misery of gentlemen, they will surely feel more and more anxious about themselves, who are so dazzling in the early morning in the public eye. When the pain is unbearable, it finally becomes unbearable and goes away automatically. Their hopes were dashed. They don't know, or because they are too soft-hearted and love the people like children, they refuse to admit that there are so many numb and hard-hearted people in the world who can't be touched by any education that reveres officials. Even the little insect moth would not lie down in a quiet corner after dawn, hoping to get into the ground. If it could not do that, it would show a look of depression. On the contrary, K. went boldly to the most eye-catching place to stand, and if he could stop the day coming by this way, he would do it right. He couldn't stop the day coming, but unfortunately he could delay it, making it difficult for the day to begin. Didn't he stand by and see the distribution? This is not allowed to be seen by anyone other than the people directly concerned, not even by them, the boss and the proprietress in their own hotel. They only heard one and a half sentences from other people in a very general way. Today, for example, they listened to two servant stewards. Didn't he see how difficult it was to distribute documents? Speaking of it, this should never be the case, because every gentleman is dedicated to his business and never considers his own personal interests, so he must do his utmost to promote the distribution of documents, which is an important and fundamental work, to be done quickly, smoothly and without mistakes.

So why is it so difficult? Didn't he really think that even if he had a vague flash of thought, the main reason for all the difficulties was that the distribution had to be done almost with the door closed, and there was no direct exchange of ideas between gentlemen and gentlemen - if they could, of course, only one. In the blink of an eye, one can comprehend each other's heart and soul--and by serving as a middleman, the distribution of work will inevitably take time and trouble, lasts for several hours, and must not go very smoothly, so that it will be a painful pain for both the master and the servant, and will probably cause harm to the future work. Consequence. Why can't gentlemen and gentlemen exchange ideas face to face? K. Why don't you always understand? She has never met a person like K. who is so unknowledgeable in any way - and here the boss interrupts and says that he has never seen such a person either - even a person like them who has dealt with a variety of grumpy tempers. Look, if you dare not say anything at any other time, you have to tell him nothing now, or he doesn't even understand the most basic principles. Well, if you have to say it, you can say it all: it is because he is alone, not for any other reason, that gentlemen and gentlemen can't come out of their rooms, because they are too embarrassed and impulsive in the early morning and soon after they get up, so they don't want to expose themselves. In front of the eyes of strangers, even though they are well dressed, they still feel that they are too exposed to be seen. As for why they feel embarrassed, it is hard to say why. Perhaps their tireless, dedicated workers feel that they should sleep. Be embarrassed.

But perhaps even more embarrassing than being seen is seeing strangers; after the night trial, they are glad that they have managed to overcome the unbearable suffering of facing the common people, seeing the common people, and now how are they willing to let this miserable face of all beings suddenly happen? Lively and vividly to break into their eyes again? They can't stand such a blow. If anyone does not respect their feelings, then who is he? By the way, this kind of person can only be the same person as K. People like him are ignorant, vague and indifferent. They don't pay attention to anything. They don't care about the law and respect for people at the very least. The work of issuing documents can hardly go on. The reputation of the hotel is destroyed and they don't care about it. They have created unprecedented serious situation, that is to say, the unprecedented situation. After experiencing great self-restraint beyond ordinary people's imagination, they could not bear to even use the bell to call for help in order to drive away K. who could not be moved in any other way. Even they, gentlemen and gentlemen, got up and called for help! If the owner, the landlady and all the hotel staff dare not call in, dare to come here early in the morning and show their faces, even if they just come to help quickly and leave immediately, then they have already come over? They had been waiting at this entrance of the aisle, trembling with anger at K.'s absurd behavior, and not just anxious for themselves. That was the unexpected ringing of the bell, which saved them from this angry and anxious situation. Well, now the worst time is over! How exciting it would be to have a glimpse of the cheerful and joyful scenes of the gentlemen after they finally got rid of K. at this moment! ____________ Of course, for K. it's not over yet. He has to take full responsibility for the chaos and destruction he created here.

They talked and walked, and arrived at the bar early. The reason why the boss brought K. here in spite of his anger is not clear. Maybe he saw K. too tired to ask him to leave the hotel right now. Here K. sat down on a barrel before he was asked to sit down and wait for his hair to fall. He just collapsed there and could not move. He felt comfortable staying in the dark corner of the barrel. In this large hall, only a faint electric light shines above the tap of the beer barrel. Outside, it was still pitch-black, and there seemed to be a snowstorm. Now that I'm staying here so warm, I should be grateful. Thank goodness, I have to try to prevent it from happening, but don't be driven out. The owner and the proprietress are still standing in front of him. It seems that there is still some danger in him even when he comes to this point. It seems that because he is not reliable at all, the possibility that he suddenly jumps up, slips away, and then jumps into the aisle to make waves again must not be ruled out at present. 。 The owner and the landlady were also very tired because of the fright of the night and getting up too early. Especially the landlady, who was wearing a big coffee dress with a silk-like noise, not all the buttons buttoned up, and not all the belt fastened. Where did she turn it out in such a hurry? —— Her neck was like a broken neck, her head was soft on her husband's shoulder, and she wiped her eyes with a small handkerchief of fine cloth. She stared at K. like a child from time to time.

To reassure the couple, K. said that he had heard all these things for the first time, but even though he didn't know anything about them, he would not have stayed in the aisle for that long, because there was nothing he could do, let alone torture anyone and cause all the unpleasant culprits and culprits. It's all his over-fatigue. He said that he would like to thank both of them for putting an end to the embarrassing situation. If he was to be held accountable, he would be very happy to cooperate in doing so, because only by checking the situation can we prevent misinformation and misunderstanding of his actions. There was no other reason for his mistake. The only reason was that he was too tired. And he was so tired because he was not used to the tension of interrogation. After all, it was not long before he came here. If he had some experience in this field in the future, similar things would not happen again. Maybe he values interrogation too much, but there is no shortcoming in attaching importance to interrogation itself. He had to undergo two interrogations today, one after another, the first at Bilger, the second at Ellanger, especially the first, which exhausted him, but the second time did not take long. Ellanger only asked him for help, but the two times combined exceeded the limit he could bear. If you change people, for example, let your boss meet you, maybe you can't afford it. In fact, after the second interrogation, he had left the interrogation site in an awkward manner. At that time, he was almost unconscious and confused, for he was the first time to see the two gentlemen and listen to them for the first time, but he had to answer their questions. As far as he can remember now, he felt that the results were good for both occasions, but then something regrettable happened. However, if you look at the special circumstances he had experienced before, it would be very difficult to put the regret on his account as a crime. Unfortunately, only Ellanger and Bilger knew about his physical and mental state at that time, and if there were no special reasons, they would surely take care of him and avoid what happened later. The special reason was that once the trial was over, Ellanger had to leave and seemed to be going to the castle. What about Bilger, who was probably very tired from the trial too - so how could he be asked to keep K. in full spirits? —— When he fell asleep, he even overslept, delaying the whole process of distributing documents. If K. had the same conditions and blessings as Bilger, he would be eager to seize the opportunity to make use of and enjoy it, and would be very willing to give up standing by and watching the things that were forbidden to watch, not to mention that in terms of his physical condition at that time, he could hardly see anything at all and gave up the chance to have a full eye. It's easier to do that. Since he can't see anything good, even the most sensitive and embarrassing gentlemen can not be shy to answer, just dare to appear in front of him.

K. impressed his employer by mentioning two interrogations, especially with Ellanger, and his respect for the two gentlemen. Seeing that he would agree to K.'s request to let him put a board on several barrels and lie down on the board until at least daybreak, but the landlady made clear her objection. Now she realized that her dress was not neatly worn, so she tugged her head uselessly and shook her head constantly. A long-standing controversy about the purity of hotels is on the verge of eruption. The conversation between the couple is of great significance for K., who is exhausted and tired. If someone were to be driven away from here again, he would feel more unfortunate than all the bad things he had encountered so far. Even if the shopkeeper and his wife finally unite to clean him up, they can't let them blow themselves away! With this in mind, he curled up on the barrel and stared at the two men alertly, waiting for change, ready for change. Finally, out of her unusual sensitivity, which had already attracted K. attention, the landlady suddenly took two steps horizontally --- perhaps she had already said something else to her boss -- "What kind of energy does he keep staring at me?" she cried. Tell him to leave!" K. seized the opportunity immediately, and now he firmly believed that he would stay, grasping it to the point where he almost didn't care. He said, "I'm not looking at you, I'm just looking at your dress."

"What about my dress?" The landlady said angrily. K. shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's go!" The landlady said to her boss, "He's drunk, this rascal. Let him sleep here and wake up and drink!" So she called for Peppy again, and she came out of the dark with her hair in disorder, sleepy face, and a broom in her hands. The landlady ordered her to throw a pillow at K.

When K. woke up, he felt at first as if he hadn't slept. The bar was as empty as before. It was still warm. The walls were dark. The lamp above the tap of the beer barrel was out and the windows were dark. But as soon as he stretched out, his pillow fell to the ground and the panels and barrels rattled, Peppy immediately came over, and he knew that it was night and he had slept for more than twelve hours. During the day, the landlady had asked him several times, as well as Galsteick. When K. spoke to the landlady this morning, he had been waiting for K. in the dark beside the beer barrel, but he dared not disturb K. later. During the day, he came again to see what happened to K. at that time. Finally, it was said that Frieda had come and stood by K. for a while, but she had to make preparations here instead of coming to K. because it was time for her to resume her duties in the evening. "She probably doesn't love you anymore?" When coffee and snacks arrived, Pebby asked. But she spoke in a low tone instead of the vicious tone she used to have. It seemed that she had tasted the evil in the world during this period of time. In the face of this evil, her own ferocity had no effect. Now she talks to K. like a difficult friend. When K. tastes coffee, she seems to see that K. feels the coffee is not sweet enough. She runs to fetch him a box full of sugar. Of course, her depressed mood did not prevent her from spending more time dressing herself today than she did last time; her bows and ribbons on her hair were dazzling, her forehead bangs and temples were carefully ironed, her shirt collar was low, and a chain of necklaces hung down to the front of the bare. Chest. K. had a good night's sleep, and now he could enjoy a good cup of coffee. When he reached out to touch a bow on Peppy's body and tried to pull it away, Peppy said lazily, "Let me go." Then he sat down on a barrel next to him. Without waiting for K. to ask her what her distress was, she opened the conversation box and stared at K.'s coffee cup as she talked. It seemed that she needed a little distraction in her narration. It seemed that she could not concentrate on the narration even when she was talking about her distress, because it was beyond her power. Now. K. First of all, I heard that he was the root of Pebby's sadness, but she said that she would not give a tooth for a tooth. In the narration, she kept nodding her head to prevent K. from interrupting and refuting. She said that he had taken Frieda from the bar at first, which gave her a chance to move up. Frieda sat in the bar, just like a spider in the middle of a web she knitted. The silk was drawn very long and stretched out in all directions. Only she knew where it was related. It is absolutely impossible to dig her out against her will. Only by falling in love with a low-ranking person, who is far from her place, can she be forced to leave the bar. Apart from that, I really can't think of any other factors that would make Frieda give up her bar job. And what about her Perry? When did she think of fighting for the position? She's a housemaid. It's an unimportant job with few prospects. Like every girl, she also dreams of a bright future. People can't forbid her to dream. But she hasn't thought seriously about when she will rise. She's already satisfied with her current job. Now, Frieda left the bar all of a sudden. The boss was surrounded by no suitable person to replace him. When he hurried to find someone, his eyes fell on Pebby. Of course, when she heard that there was a vacancy in the position, she pushed herself forward. At that time, she was in love with K., who she had never fallen in love with before. Before she came to the bar, she sat down in her own small, dark room for many years, and had planned to live there silently for many years, even for the worst part of her life. But just at this moment K. suddenly appeared, a hero, the girl's savior, he came to clear the obstacles on her way to promotion. Of course, he did not know her at all, nor did he do it for her sake, but it did not detract from her gratitude at all. She was officially used on the first night of her trip to the bar. She had not yet decided whether to use her at that time, but it was almost the same thing. She did not spend hours with him. Talk and whisper your thanks to him? In addition, he volunteered to carry the burden of Freda rather than anything else on his back, which increased the weight of his heroic behavior in her mind. In order to make Pebby stand out, he regards Frieda as his lover. This action contains the spirit of selflessness that ordinary people can't imagine. Frieda, this is an ugly, thin, young woman with short and thin hair. Besides, she is a vicious woman. She always has some secrets, which probably has something to do with her appearance. Since the shame on her face and body was obvious, she had to have at least some other secrets that others could not find out, such as her claim to be intimate with Kramer. At that time, Pebby even came up with the following ideas: Could K. really fall in love with Frieda? Would he ever lie to himself? Or is he just trying to fool Frieda? Will the only result of all this be Peppy's promotion? K. Would you find out later that you were wrong, or that you didn't want to cover up your mistakes anymore, so you didn't want to see Frieda anymore but Peppy? Perhaps this latter point is not Pebby's fantasy at all, because, compared with girls, she is fully qualified to compete with Frieda, which no one can deny. In fact, it was mainly Frieda's position that blinded K. for a moment, when she blew it all over the place with her clever teeth. Inspired by these considerations, Pebby dreamed that when she had this position, K. would come to her and pursue her, and then she would face two choices: either to promise K., to throw it away, or to refuse K., to rise steadily. Now she carefully considers herself. She decides to give up all her prospects and give him a good look at what real love is. He will never get it from Frieda. It is love that is not affected by any prominent position in the world. But what happened later was not what she had imagined. Whose fault is it? The main one is K., and the second, of course, is the cunning Frieda. First of all, K., because what exactly does K. want to do? What a monster! What on earth is he pursuing? What is the most important thing in his mind? In the end, he completely forgot the most intimate, the best, the most beautiful and beautiful things. Peppy is a victim, everything is nonsense, everything is over; she really hates, who should have the ability to set fire to the whole VIP hotel, burning up, like putting a piece of paper in the stove burning not a bit left, then he is Peppy's sweetheart today! ___________ Yes, and then again, Peppy moved to the bar, just three days ago, just before lunch. It's not easy to live here. It's just killing people, but there are many things that can be done. Even before she came here, Pebby did not fool around. Although she never dared to fantasize about getting the position, she did observe the job for a long time and knew how important it was. She did not accept it without preparation. No one dares to take the job without preparation, otherwise he will lose it after several hours. If you move the housemaid set here, you'll lose it even faster! When the housemaid receptionist gradually feels lonely and unconcerned. It's like working under a mine, at least in the aisles of secretaries. There, for many days in a row, except for a few days of lawsuits, there were just a few people who came in and out like the wind and dared not lift their heads, plus at most two or three other hostesses. In addition, you can't see anybody. Just say those two or three colleagues are almost the same as yourself. They are also full of resentment. In the morning, secretaries were not allowed to go out of their rooms at all. At that time, secretaries wanted to stay alone for a while. Breakfast was delivered directly to them by servants from the kitchen. Usually, it had nothing to do with the housemaid and mealtime was not allowed to come to the aisle. It is only when the gentlemen are working that the housemaid is allowed to come in and tidy up. But of course, instead of going to the rooms where people live, she can only go to those rooms which are just empty. When working, she has to be very light-handed and silent, so as not to disturb the work of the gentlemen. But how is it possible to be light-handed and silent? The gentlemen and gentlemen have lived in those rooms for several days, and the servants, those dirty guys, have been working in the room in such a mess that the room looks like nothing when handed over to the housekeeper. I'm afraid it was in ancient times. When the flood comes, it won't wash out. It's true that they're all noble gentlemen, but cleaning up the rooms they used to live in requires a lot of effort to resist nausea and vomiting. The housemaid's job is not too much, but it takes a lot of patience to do it. Also, I can never hear a good word, and my ears are full of scolding, especially the most sad and always talkative scolding: I said I lost my papers when I cleaned up my room.

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