01 Ethical Hacking Introduction

List of Content

  1. Network Hacking
  2. Gaining Access
  3. Post Exploitation
  4. Website Hacking

1. Setting up the Lab

  • Download VirtualBox and VirtualBox Extension Pack
  • Download Kali Linux
  • Install and enter Kali linux
    • Default Username: root
    • Default Password: toor

2. Linux Command

Reference and Descriptions

Command Description Example
ls List information about file(s) ls -la
cd change directory cd /opt/test
pwd Print Working Directory pwd
touch Change file timestamps or Create a new file touch desc.txt
mkdir Display a calendar mkdir -p /opt/test/img
cat Concatenate files and print on the standard output cat desc.txt
more Display output one screen at a time more desc.txt
tail Output the last part of files tail -100 desc.txt
cp Copy one or more files to another location cp desc.txt /mnt/
cp -r test /mnt/
mv Move or rename files or directories mv desc.txt /mnt/
rm Remove files rm -rf test
find Search for files that meet a desired criteria find /opt -name '*.txt'
ln Make links between files ln -s /opt/test ./link2test
ifconfig display current network configuration information ifconfig
netstat display network connections netstat -a
ps Process status ps -ef
ps-ef | grep java
du Estimate file space usage du -h /opt/test
df Display free disk space df -h
top List processes running on the system top
kill Stop a process from running kill -s 9 27810
tar Tape Archiver Compress: tar -zcvf test.tar.gz ./test
Unzip: tar -zxvf test.tar.gz
chown Change the user and group ownership of files chown nginx:nginx desc.txt
chown -R nginx:nginx test
chmod Change the access permissions of files and directories chmod u+x test.sh
chmod u+x -R test
vim / vi Text Editor vim desc.txt
vi hello.txt
shutdown shutdown your computer shutdown -h now
shutdown -r -t 60
man Help manual man ls
apt-get update Update the list of programs your can install
apt-get install Install the program you want apt-get install terminator

Use --help as any Command option for help

3. Network Hacking

  • Pre-connection Attacks
  • Gaining Access
  • Post-connection Attacks
Why change the MAC adrress
  1. Increase anonymity
  2. Impersonate other devices
  3. Bypass filters
How to change the MAC adrress
  1. use ifconfigto list all the network interfaces available
  2. the MAC address is afterether
  3. use ifconfig [devicename] downto turn down the device you want to change
  4. use ifconfig [devicename] [option] [value]to turn down the option you want to change
  5. eg: ifconfig wlan hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55

  6. use ifconfig [devicename] upto turn on

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