x264_param_t 詳解


typedef struct x264_param_t
    /* CPU flags */
    unsigned int cpu;

    /* 並行線程的數量,即同時被編碼的圖像的數量,增加線程數量會影響編碼速度,
     * 同時也會影響編碼延遲(所謂編碼延遲就是 編碼器中得到第一個輸出時已經往輸入的幀數)
    int         i_threads;           /* encode multiple frames in parallel */
    /* 向前看線程的數量,爲了提高壓縮率得到更好的質量,x264會緩存一部分幀用於分析
     * 以得到最優的編碼參數,但是會增加編碼延遲
    int         i_lookahead_threads; /* multiple threads for lookahead analysis */
/* 是否使用基於slice的線程,使用zerolatency將會禁用該選項,和i_threads是互斥的,即frame級別的並性
 * 和slice級別的並行不能同時進行
    int         b_sliced_threads;  /* Whether to use slice-based threading. */
    /* 當進行並行處理時,是否使用使用非確定的優化,默認是true
    int         b_deterministic; /* whether to allow non-deterministic optimizations when threaded */
    /* 是否使用cpu相關的優化算法,如果否,那麼選擇傳統的規範的算法(性能可能不高)
    int         b_cpu_independent; /* force canonical behavior rather than cpu-dependent optimal algorithms */
    /* 前向緩存的幀的數量,前向緩存的目的是爲了得到更好的比特率或畫面質量
    int         i_sync_lookahead; /* threaded lookahead buffer */

    /* Video Properties */
    int         i_width;
    int         i_height;
    int         i_csp;         /* CSP of encoded bitstream */
    int         i_level_idc;
    int         i_frame_total; /* number of frames to encode if known, else 0 */

    /* NAL HRD
     * Uses Buffering and Picture Timing SEIs to signal HRD
     * The HRD in H.264 was not designed with VFR in mind.
     * It is therefore not recommendeded to use NAL HRD with VFR.
     * Furthermore, reconfiguring the VBV (via x264_encoder_reconfig)
     * will currently generate invalid HRD. */
    /* 檢驗編碼器產生的符合該標準的NAL單元流或字節流的偏差值。藍光視頻、電視廣播及其它特殊領域有此要求
    int         i_nal_hrd;

    /* 視頻可用信息
        /* they will be reduced to be 0 < x <= 65535 and prime */
         * 樣本的寬高比
        int         i_sar_height;
        int         i_sar_width;

        /* 過掃描的類型:不設置、觀看、過掃描
        int         i_overscan;    /* 0=undef, 1=no overscan, 2=overscan */
        /* see h264 annex E for the values of the following */
        /* 視頻在編碼/數字化之前是什麼類型,默認"undef".
         * 取值有:Component, PAL, NTSC, SECAM, MAC 等
        int         i_vidformat;
        int         b_fullrange;
        /* 原始色度格式,默認"undef"
        int         i_colorprim;
        /* 轉換方式,默認"undef"
        int         i_transfer;
        /* 設置從RGB計算得到亮度和色度所用的矩陣係數,默認"undef"
        int         i_colmatrix;
        /* 設置色度採樣位置,範圍0~5,默認0
        int         i_chroma_loc;    /* both top & bottom */
    } vui;

    /* Bitstream parameters */
    int         i_frame_reference;  /* Maximum number of reference frames */
    /* 強迫DPB(解碼圖像緩存區)的尺寸大於通過(B幀數量和參考幀數量)計算出來的大小
    int         i_dpb_size;         /* Force a DPB size larger than that implied by B-frames and reference frames.
                                     * Useful in combination with interactive error resilience. */
     * IDR幀的間隔
    int         i_keyint_max;       /* Force an IDR keyframe at this interval */
    /* IDR幀的最小間隔,如果遇到場景切換,但是間隔小於keyint_min。那麼它將被看作I幀而不是IDR幀
    int         i_keyint_min;       /* Scenecuts closer together than this are coded as I, not IDR. */
    /* 判斷一個幀是否爲常見切換的閾值
    int         i_scenecut_threshold; /* how aggressively to insert extra I frames */
    /* 是否使用週期幀內刷新代替IDR幀
    int         b_intra_refresh;    /* Whether or not to use periodic intra refresh instead of IDR frames. */
    /* 兩個參考幀之間的B幀數量
    int         i_bframe;   /* how many b-frame between 2 references pictures */
    /* 自適應的B幀判斷,判斷一個幀是否被編碼器設置爲B幀
    int         i_bframe_adaptive;
    /* 控制B幀代替P幀的概率從-100到100,值越大,概率越高
    int         i_bframe_bias;
    int         i_bframe_pyramid;   /* Keep some B-frames as references: 0=off, 1=strict hierarchical, 2=normal */
    /* 是否使用開放式圖像組,所謂開放式圖像組就是當前圖像組的幀可以參考前一個圖像組的幀,默認是false
    int         b_open_gop;x264_param_t
    /* 是否支持藍光碟片
    int         b_bluray_compat;
    /* 這個參數沒搞懂,好像是avc幀內處理的一個東西
    int         i_avcintra_class;
    /* 是否開啓去放開濾波
    int         b_deblocking_filter;
    int         i_deblocking_filter_alphac0;    /* [-6, 6] -6 light filter, 6 strong */
    int         i_deblocking_filter_beta;       /* [-6, 6]  idem */
    /* 是否使用上下文自適應二進制算術編碼x264_param_t
    int         b_cabac;
    /* cabac的初始參數
    int         i_cabac_init_idc;
    /* 場編碼還是幀編碼
    int         b_interlaced;
    /* 強迫進行幀內預測
    int         b_constrained_intra;
    /* 自定義的量化矩陣,量化的模式:flat、jvt、custom
    int         i_cqm_preset;
    /* 自定義量化矩陣的文件名
    char        *psz_cqm_file;      /* filename (in UTF-8) of CQM file, JM format */
    /* 自定義量化矩陣,只有在custom模式下才有效
    uint8_t     cqm_4iy[16];        /* used only if i_cqm_preset == X264_CQM_CUSTOM */
    uint8_t     cqm_4py[16];
    uint8_t     cqm_4ic[16];
    uint8_t     cqm_4pc[16];
    uint8_t     cqm_8iy[64];
    uint8_t     cqm_8py[64];
    uint8_t     cqm_8ic[64];
    uint8_t     cqm_8pc[64];
    /* Log */
    void        (*pf_log)( void *, int i_level, const char *psz, va_list );
    void        *p_log_private;
    int         i_log_level;
    /* 是否進行完整的重建
    int         b_full_recon;   /* fully reconstruct frames, even when not necessary for encoding.  Implied by psz_dump_yuv */
    /* 重建幀,文件名
    char        *psz_dump_yuv;  /* filename (in UTF-8) for reconstructed frames */

    /* Encoder analyser parameters */
        /* 幀內partition(劃分)的數量
        unsigned int intra;     /* intra partitions */
        /* 幀間partition的數量
        unsigned int inter;     /* inter partitions */
        /* 是否使用8x8的DCT變換
        int          b_transform_8x8;
        /* 權重預測中,P幀的權值
        int          i_weighted_pred; /* weighting for P-frames */
        /* B幀的權值是隱式的還是顯示的
        int          b_weighted_bipred; /* implicit weighting for B-frames */
        /* 時域、空間的MV預測方式:是使用時域、還是空域,或者讓編碼器自動選擇
        int          i_direct_mv_pred; /* spatial vs temporal mv prediction */
        /* 色度量化步長的偏移量
        int          i_chroma_qp_offset;
        /* 運動估計的方法:鑽石形狀、三步模式什麼的
        int          i_me_method; /* motion estimation algorithm to use (X264_ME_*) */
        /* 運動搜索的範圍,對編碼速度由很大影響,不同的preset對應不同的搜索範圍
        int          i_me_range; /* integer pixel motion estimation search range (from predicted mv) */
        /* 運動向量的取值範圍,由level決定,-1表示由編碼器自己設置
        int          i_mv_range; /* maximum length of a mv (in pixels). -1 = auto, based on level */
        /* 線程之間的最小運動向量緩存,這個不太理解
        int          i_mv_range_thread; /* minimum space between threads. -1 = auto, based on number of threads. */
        /* 亞像素運動估計的質量(精度)
        int          i_subpel_refine; /* subpixel motion estimation quality */
        /* 是否允許 亞像素色度運動估計和P幀的模式選擇
        int          b_chroma_me; /* chroma ME for subpel and mode decision in P-frames */
        /* 是否允許每個宏塊的分區有自己的參考編號
        int          b_mixed_references; /* allow each mb partition to have its own reference number */
        /* Trellis量化提高效率,對每個8x8的塊尋找合適的量化值,需要CABAC,
         * 0 :即關閉  1:只在最後編碼時使用  2:在所有模式決策上啓用
        int          i_trellis;  /* trellis RD quantization */
        /* 快速P幀跳過檢測
        int          b_fast_pskip; /* early SKIP detection on P-frames */
        /* P幀變換系數閾值
        int          b_dct_decimate; /* transform coefficient thresholding on P-frames */
        /* 自適應僞盲區
        int          i_noise_reduction; /* adaptive pseudo-deadzone */
        /* Psy優化強度,可能會增強細節
        float        f_psy_rd; /* Psy RD strength */
        /* Psy Trellis強度
        float        f_psy_trellis; /* Psy trellis strength */
        /* Psy優化開關
        int          b_psy; /* Toggle all psy optimizations */
        /* 是否使用輸入的mb信息(在x264_picture_t中)
        int          b_mb_info;            /* Use input mb_info data in x264_picture_t */
        /* 是否根據編碼結果更新mb信息
        int          b_mb_info_update; /* Update the values in mb_info according to the results of encoding. */

        /* the deadzone size that will be used in luma quantization */
        /* 亮度量化中使用的盲區大小
        int          i_luma_deadzone[2]; /* {inter, intra} */
        int          b_psnr;    /* compute and print PSNR stats */
        /* 是否打印ssim
        int          b_ssim;    /* compute and print SSIM stats */
    } analyse;

    /* Rate control parameters */
        /* 碼率控制的方法,默認是CRF
         * X264_RC_CQP恆定質量,  X264_RC_CRF恆定碼率,  X264_RC_ABR平均碼率
        int         i_rc_method;    /* X264_RC_* */

        /* 指定P幀的量化值
        int         i_qp_constant;  /* 0 to (51 + 6*(x264_bit_depth-8)). 0=lossless */
        /* 允許的最大最小QP值
        int         i_qp_min;       /* min allowed QP value */
        int         i_qp_max;       /* max allowed QP value */
        /* 量化步長,相鄰兩幀之間量化值的最大差值
        int         i_qp_step;      /* max QP step between frames */
        /* 碼率
        int         i_bitrate;
        /* 實際質量,值越大圖像越花,越小越清晰
        float       f_rf_constant;  /* 1pass VBR, nominal QP */
        /* 最大碼率因子,該選項僅在使用CRF並開啓VBV時有效,圖像質量的最大值,可能會導致VBV下溢
        float       f_rf_constant_max;  /* In CRF mode, maximum CRF as caused by VBV */
        /* 允許的碼率誤差
        float       f_rate_tolerance;
        /* 平均碼率模式下,最大瞬時碼率,默認0
        int         i_vbv_max_bitrate;
        /* 碼率控制緩衝區的大小,單位kbit,默認0
        int         i_vbv_buffer_size;
        /* 設置碼率控制緩衝區(VBV)緩衝達到多滿(百分比),纔開始回放,範圍0~1.0,默認0.9
        float       f_vbv_buffer_init; /* <=1: fraction of buffer_size. >1: kbit */
        /* I幀和P幀之間的量化因子(QP)比值,默認1.4
        float       f_ip_factor;
        /* P幀和B幀之間的量化因子(QP)比值,默認1.3
        float       f_pb_factor;

        /* VBV filler: force CBR VBV and use filler bytes to ensure hard-CBR.
         * Implied by NAL-HRD CBR. */
        /* 這個參數還不太明白
        int         b_filler;

        /* 自適應量化(AQ)模式。 0:關閉AQ , 1:允許AQ在整個視頻中和幀內重新分配碼 2:自方差AQ(實驗階段),嘗試逐幀調整強度
        int         i_aq_mode;      /* psy adaptive QP. (X264_AQ_*) */
        /* 自適應量化的強度,減少平趟和紋理區域的塊效應和模糊度
        float       f_aq_strength;
        /* 是否開啓基於macroblock的qp控制方法
         * MBTree File是一個臨時文件,記錄了每個P幀中每個MB被參考的情況。
         *  目前mbtree只處理P幀的MB,同時也不支持b_pyramid
        int         b_mb_tree;      /* Macroblock-tree ratecontrol. */
        /* 決定mbtree向前預測的幀數
        int         i_lookahead;

        /* 2pass */
        /* 是否允許把2pass的統計信息寫入psz_stat_out中
        int         b_stat_write;   /* Enable stat writing in psz_stat_out */
        char        *psz_stat_out;  /* output filename (in UTF-8) of the 2pass stats file */
        /* 2pass是否允許從psz_stat_in中讀取統計信息
        int         b_stat_read;    /* Read stat from psz_stat_in and use it */
        char        *psz_stat_in;   /* input filename (in UTF-8) of the 2pass stats file */

        /* 2pass params (same as ffmpeg ones) */
        /* 量化曲線(quantizer curve)壓縮因子 0.0 => 恆定比特率,1.0 => 恆定量化值。
        float       f_qcompress;    /* 0.0 => cbr, 1.0 => constant qp */
        /* 時間上模糊量化,減少QP的波動
        float       f_qblur;        /* temporally blur quants */
        /* 時間上模糊複雜性,減少QP的波動
        float       f_complexity_blur; /* temporally blur complexity */
        /* 碼率控制覆蓋
        x264_zone_t *zones;         /* ratecontrol overrides */
        int         i_zones;        /* number of zone_t's */
        /* 指定區的另一種方法
        char        *psz_zones;     /* alternate method of specifying zones */
    } rc;

    /* Cropping Rectangle parameters: added to those implicitly defined by
       non-mod16 video resolutions. */
    /* 裁剪矩形窗口參數:隱式添加到分辨率非16倍數的視頻中
     * 在碼流層指定一個切除(crop)矩形。若不想x264在編碼時做crop,
     * 但希望解碼器在回放時進行切除,可使用此項。單位爲像素
        unsigned int i_left;
        unsigned int i_top;
        unsigned int i_right;
        unsigned int i_bottom;
    } crop_rect;

    /* frame packing arrangement flag */
     * 編碼3D視頻時,此參數在碼流中插入一個標誌,告知解碼器此3D視頻是如何封裝的。
     * 3D視頻幀封裝格式:幀封裝、場交錯、線交錯、左右全景、左右半景、上下半景、L+深度、L+深度+圖形+圖形深度
    int i_frame_packing;

    /* Muxing parameters */
    /* 是否生成nalu分隔符
    int b_aud;                  /* generate access unit delimiters */
     * 是否複製sps和pps放在每個關鍵幀的前面
    int b_repeat_headers;       /* put SPS/PPS before each keyframe */
    /* nalu是否符合標準
     * 值爲true,則NALU之前是4字節前綴碼0x00000001;值爲false,則NALU之前的4個字節爲NALU長度
    int b_annexb;               /* if set, place start codes (4 bytes) before NAL units,
                                 * otherwise place size (4 bytes) before NAL units. */
    int i_sps_id;               /* SPS and PPS id number */
    /* VFR輸入。1 :時間基和時間戳用於碼率控制  0 :僅幀率用於碼率控制
    int b_vfr_input;            /* VFR input.  If 1, use timebase and timestamps for ratecontrol purposes.
                                 * If 0, use fps only. */
    /*以某個預設模式將輸入流(隔行,恆定幀率)標記爲軟交錯(soft telecine)。默認none. 可用預設有:
     * none, 22, 32, 64, double, triple, euro.  使用除none以外任一預設,都會連帶開啓--pic-struct
    int b_pulldown;             /* use explicity set timebase for CFR */
    /*  幀率的分子
    uint32_t i_fps_num;
    /* 幀率的分母
    uint32_t i_fps_den;
    /* 時間基的分子
    uint32_t i_timebase_num;    /* Timebase numerator */
    /* 時間基的分母
    uint32_t i_timebase_den;    /* Timebase denominator */

    int b_tff;

    /* Pulldown:
     * The correct pic_struct must be passed with each input frame.
     * The input timebase should be the timebase corresponding to the output framerate. This should be constant.
     * e.g. for 3:2 pulldown timebase should be 1001/30000
     * The PTS passed with each frame must be the PTS of the frame after pulldown is applied.
     * Frame doubling and tripling require b_vfr_input set to zero (see H.264 Table D-1)
     * Pulldown changes are not clearly defined in H.264. Therefore, it is the calling app's responsibility to manage this.
    /* 強制在Picture Timing SEI傳送pic_struct. 默認是未開啓
    int b_pic_struct;

    /* Fake Interlaced.
     * Used only when b_interlaced=0. Setting this flag makes it possible to flag the stream as PAFF interlaced yet
     * encode all frames progessively. It is useful for encoding 25p and 30p Blu-Ray streams.
     * 將視頻流標記爲交錯(隔行),哪怕並非爲交錯式編碼。可用於編碼藍光兼容的25p和30p視頻。默認是未開啓
    int b_fake_interlaced;

    /* Don't optimize header parameters based on video content, e.g. ensure that splitting an input video, compressing
     * each part, and stitching them back together will result in identical SPS/PPS. This is necessary for stitching
     * with container formats that don't allow multiple SPS/PPS. */
    /* 不要根據視頻內容優化標頭參數
    int b_stitchable;

    /* openCL 相關的設置
    int b_opencl;            /* use OpenCL when available */
    int i_opencl_device;     /* specify count of GPU devices to skip, for CLI users */
    void *opencl_device_id;  /* pass explicit cl_device_id as void*, for API users */
    char *psz_clbin_file;    /* filename (in UTF-8) of the compiled OpenCL kernel cache file */

    /* Slicing parameters */
    /* slice的參數,大小尺寸等
    int i_slice_max_size;    /* Max size per slice in bytes; includes estimated NAL overhead. */
    int i_slice_max_mbs;     /* Max number of MBs per slice; overrides i_slice_count. */
    int i_slice_min_mbs;     /* Min number of MBs per slice */
    int i_slice_count;       /* Number of slices per frame: forces rectangular slices. */
    int i_slice_count_max;   /* Absolute cap on slices per frame; stops applying slice-max-size
                              * and slice-max-mbs if this is reached. */

    /* Optional callback for freeing this x264_param_t when it is done being used.
     * Only used when the x264_param_t sits in memory for an indefinite period of time,
     * i.e. when an x264_param_t is passed to x264_t in an x264_picture_t or in zones.
     * Not used when x264_encoder_reconfig is called directly. */
    /* x264_param_t參數釋放的函數指針
    void (*param_free)( void* );

    /* Optional low-level callback for low-latency encoding.  Called for each output NAL unit
     * immediately after the NAL unit is finished encoding.  This allows the calling application
     * to begin processing video data (e.g. by sending packets over a network) before the frame
     * is done encoding.
     * This callback MUST do the following in order to work correctly:
     * 1) Have available an output buffer of at least size nal->i_payload*3/2 + 5 + 64.
     * 2) Call x264_nal_encode( h, dst, nal ), where dst is the output buffer.
     * After these steps, the content of nal is valid and can be used in the same way as if
     * the NAL unit were output by x264_encoder_encode.
     * This does not need to be synchronous with the encoding process: the data pointed to
     * by nal (both before and after x264_nal_encode) will remain valid until the next
     * x264_encoder_encode call.  The callback must be re-entrant.
     * This callback does not work with frame-based threads; threads must be disabled
     * or sliced-threads enabled.  This callback also does not work as one would expect
     * with HRD -- since the buffering period SEI cannot be calculated until the frame
     * is finished encoding, it will not be sent via this callback.
     * Note also that the NALs are not necessarily returned in order when sliced threads is
     * enabled.  Accordingly, the variable i_first_mb and i_last_mb are available in
     * x264_nal_t to help the calling application reorder the slices if necessary.
     * When this callback is enabled, x264_encoder_encode does not return valid NALs;
     * the calling application is expected to acquire all output NALs through the callback.
     * It is generally sensible to combine this callback with a use of slice-max-mbs or
     * slice-max-size.
     * The opaque pointer is the opaque pointer from the input frame associated with this
     * NAL unit. This helps distinguish between nalu_process calls from different sources,
     * e.g. if doing multiple encodes in one process.
    /* nalu處理的函數指針
    void (*nalu_process)( x264_t *h, x264_nal_t *nal, void *opaque );
} x264_param_t;

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