





uid-generator是基於Twitter開源的snowflake算法實現的。snowflake雪花算法上文有介紹 傳送門




  • sign(1bit)

  • delta seconds (28 bits)
    當前時間,相對於時間基點"2016-05-20"的增量值,單位:秒,最多可支持約8.7年(注意:1. 這裏的單位是秒,而不是毫秒! 2.注意這裏的用詞,是“最多”可支持8.7年,爲什麼是“最多”,後面會講)

  • worker id (22 bits)

  • sequence (13 bits)
    每秒下的併發序列,13 bits可支持每秒8192個併發。(注意下這個地方,默認支持qps最大爲8192個)




 * Copyright (c) 2017 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserve.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.baidu.fsg.uid.impl;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;

import com.baidu.fsg.uid.BitsAllocator;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.UidGenerator;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.exception.UidGenerateException;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.utils.DateUtils;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.worker.WorkerIdAssigner;

 * Represents an implementation of {@link UidGenerator}
 * The unique id has 64bits (long), default allocated as blow:<br>
 * <li>sign: The highest bit is 0
 * <li>delta seconds: The next 28 bits, represents delta seconds since a customer epoch(2016-05-20 00:00:00.000).
 *                    Supports about 8.7 years until to 2024-11-20 21:24:16
 * <li>worker id: The next 22 bits, represents the worker's id which assigns based on database, max id is about 420W
 * <li>sequence: The next 13 bits, represents a sequence within the same second, max for 8192/s<br><br>
 * The {@link DefaultUidGenerator#parseUID(long)} is a tool method to parse the bits
 * <pre>{@code
 * +------+----------------------+----------------+-----------+
 * | sign |     delta seconds    | worker node id | sequence  |
 * +------+----------------------+----------------+-----------+
 *   1bit          28bits              22bits         13bits
 * }</pre>
 * You can also specified the bits by Spring property setting.
 * <li>timeBits: default as 28
 * <li>workerBits: default as 22
 * <li>seqBits: default as 13
 * <li>epochStr: Epoch date string format 'yyyy-MM-dd'. Default as '2016-05-20'<p>
 * <b>Note that:</b> The total bits must be 64 -1
 * @author yutianbao
public class DefaultUidGenerator implements UidGenerator, InitializingBean {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultUidGenerator.class);

    /** Bits allocate */
    protected int timeBits = 28;
    protected int workerBits = 22;
    protected int seqBits = 13;

    /** Customer epoch, unit as second. For example 2016-05-20 (ms: 1463673600000)*/
    protected String epochStr = "2016-05-20";
    protected long epochSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(1463673600000L);

    /** Stable fields after spring bean initializing */
    protected BitsAllocator bitsAllocator;
    protected long workerId;

    /** Volatile fields caused by nextId() */
    protected long sequence = 0L;
    protected long lastSecond = -1L;

    /** Spring property */
    protected WorkerIdAssigner workerIdAssigner;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
        // initialize bits allocator
        bitsAllocator = new BitsAllocator(timeBits, workerBits, seqBits);

        // initialize worker id
        workerId = workerIdAssigner.assignWorkerId();
        if (workerId > bitsAllocator.getMaxWorkerId()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Worker id " + workerId + " exceeds the max " + bitsAllocator.getMaxWorkerId());

        LOGGER.info("Initialized bits(1, {}, {}, {}) for workerID:{}", timeBits, workerBits, seqBits, workerId);

    public long getUID() throws UidGenerateException {
        try {
            return nextId();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Generate unique id exception. ", e);
            throw new UidGenerateException(e);

    public String parseUID(long uid) {
        long totalBits = BitsAllocator.TOTAL_BITS;
        long signBits = bitsAllocator.getSignBits();
        long timestampBits = bitsAllocator.getTimestampBits();
        long workerIdBits = bitsAllocator.getWorkerIdBits();
        long sequenceBits = bitsAllocator.getSequenceBits();

        // parse UID
        long sequence = (uid << (totalBits - sequenceBits)) >>> (totalBits - sequenceBits);
        long workerId = (uid << (timestampBits + signBits)) >>> (totalBits - workerIdBits);
        long deltaSeconds = uid >>> (workerIdBits + sequenceBits);

        Date thatTime = new Date(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(epochSeconds + deltaSeconds));
        String thatTimeStr = DateUtils.formatByDateTimePattern(thatTime);

        // format as string
        return String.format("{\"UID\":\"%d\",\"timestamp\":\"%s\",\"workerId\":\"%d\",\"sequence\":\"%d\"}",
                uid, thatTimeStr, workerId, sequence);

     * Get UID
     * @return UID
     * @throws UidGenerateException in the case: Clock moved backwards; Exceeds the max timestamp
    protected synchronized long nextId() {
        long currentSecond = getCurrentSecond();

        // Clock moved backwards, refuse to generate uid
        if (currentSecond < lastSecond) {
            long refusedSeconds = lastSecond - currentSecond;
            throw new UidGenerateException("Clock moved backwards. Refusing for %d seconds", refusedSeconds);

        // At the same second, increase sequence
        if (currentSecond == lastSecond) {
            sequence = (sequence + 1) & bitsAllocator.getMaxSequence();
            // Exceed the max sequence, we wait the next second to generate uid
            if (sequence == 0) {
                currentSecond = getNextSecond(lastSecond);

        // At the different second, sequence restart from zero
        } else {
            sequence = 0L;

        lastSecond = currentSecond;

        // Allocate bits for UID
        return bitsAllocator.allocate(currentSecond - epochSeconds, workerId, sequence);

     * Get next millisecond
    private long getNextSecond(long lastTimestamp) {
        long timestamp = getCurrentSecond();
        while (timestamp <= lastTimestamp) {
            timestamp = getCurrentSecond();

        return timestamp;

     * Get current second
    private long getCurrentSecond() {
        long currentSecond = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(System.currentTimeMillis());
        if (currentSecond - epochSeconds > bitsAllocator.getMaxDeltaSeconds()) {
            throw new UidGenerateException("Timestamp bits is exhausted. Refusing UID generate. Now: " + currentSecond);

        return currentSecond;

     * Setters for spring property
    public void setWorkerIdAssigner(WorkerIdAssigner workerIdAssigner) {
        this.workerIdAssigner = workerIdAssigner;

    public void setTimeBits(int timeBits) {
        if (timeBits > 0) {
            this.timeBits = timeBits;

    public void setWorkerBits(int workerBits) {
        if (workerBits > 0) {
            this.workerBits = workerBits;

    public void setSeqBits(int seqBits) {
        if (seqBits > 0) {
            this.seqBits = seqBits;

    public void setEpochStr(String epochStr) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(epochStr)) {
            this.epochStr = epochStr;
            this.epochSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(DateUtils.parseByDayPattern(epochStr).getTime());


     * Get UID
     * @return UID
     * @throws UidGenerateException in the case: Clock moved backwards; Exceeds the max timestamp
    protected synchronized long nextId() {
        long currentSecond = getCurrentSecond();

        // Clock moved backwards, refuse to generate uid
        if (currentSecond < lastSecond) {
            long refusedSeconds = lastSecond - currentSecond;
            throw new UidGenerateException("Clock moved backwards. Refusing for %d seconds", refusedSeconds);

        // At the same second, increase sequence
        if (currentSecond == lastSecond) {
            sequence = (sequence + 1) & bitsAllocator.getMaxSequence();
            // Exceed the max sequence, we wait the next second to generate uid
            if (sequence == 0) {
                currentSecond = getNextSecond(lastSecond);

        // At the different second, sequence restart from zero
        } else {
            sequence = 0L;

        lastSecond = currentSecond;

        // Allocate bits for UID
        return bitsAllocator.allocate(currentSecond - epochSeconds, workerId, sequence);






在實現上, UidGenerator通過借用未來時間來解決sequence天然存在的併發限制; 採用RingBuffer來緩存已生成的UID, 並行化UID的生產和消費, 同時對CacheLine補齊,避免了由RingBuffer帶來的硬件級「僞共享」問題. 最終單機QPS可達600萬。

【採用RingBuffer來緩存已生成的UID, 並行化UID的生產和消費】







  • 程序啓動時,將RingBuffer填充滿,緩存着8192個id

  • 在調用getUID()獲取id時,檢測到RingBuffer中的剩餘id個數小於總個數的50%,將RingBuffer填充滿,使其緩存8192個id

  • 定時填充(可配置是否使用以及定時任務的週期)



因爲delta seconds部分是以秒爲單位的,所以1個worker 1秒內最多生成的id書爲8192個(2的13次方)。



因爲每秒最多生成8192個id,當1秒獲取id數多於8192時,RingBuffer中的id很快消耗完畢,在填充RingBuffer時,生成的id的delta seconds 部分只能使用未來的時間。



 * Copyright (c) 2017 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserve.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.baidu.fsg.uid.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import com.baidu.fsg.uid.BitsAllocator;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.UidGenerator;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.buffer.BufferPaddingExecutor;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.buffer.RejectedPutBufferHandler;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.buffer.RejectedTakeBufferHandler;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.buffer.RingBuffer;
import com.baidu.fsg.uid.exception.UidGenerateException;

 * Represents a cached implementation of {@link UidGenerator} extends
 * from {@link DefaultUidGenerator}, based on a lock free {@link RingBuffer}<p>
 * The spring properties you can specified as below:<br>
 * <li><b>boostPower:</b> RingBuffer size boost for a power of 2, Sample: boostPower is 3, it means the buffer size 
 *                        will be <code>({@link BitsAllocator#getMaxSequence()} + 1) &lt;&lt;
 *                        {@link #boostPower}</code>, Default as {@value #DEFAULT_BOOST_POWER}
 * <li><b>paddingFactor:</b> Represents a percent value of (0 - 100). When the count of rest available UIDs reach the 
 *                           threshold, it will trigger padding buffer. Default as{@link RingBuffer#DEFAULT_PADDING_PERCENT}
 *                           Sample: paddingFactor=20, bufferSize=1000 -> threshold=1000 * 20 /100, padding buffer will be triggered when tail-cursor<threshold
 * <li><b>scheduleInterval:</b> Padding buffer in a schedule, specify padding buffer interval, Unit as second
 * <li><b>rejectedPutBufferHandler:</b> Policy for rejected put buffer. Default as discard put request, just do logging
 * <li><b>rejectedTakeBufferHandler:</b> Policy for rejected take buffer. Default as throwing up an exception
 * @author yutianbao
public class CachedUidGenerator extends DefaultUidGenerator implements DisposableBean {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CachedUidGenerator.class);
    private static final int DEFAULT_BOOST_POWER = 3;

    /** Spring properties */
    private int boostPower = DEFAULT_BOOST_POWER;
    private int paddingFactor = RingBuffer.DEFAULT_PADDING_PERCENT;
    private Long scheduleInterval;
    private RejectedPutBufferHandler rejectedPutBufferHandler;
    private RejectedTakeBufferHandler rejectedTakeBufferHandler;

    /** RingBuffer */
    private RingBuffer ringBuffer;
    private BufferPaddingExecutor bufferPaddingExecutor;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
        // initialize workerId & bitsAllocator
        // initialize RingBuffer & RingBufferPaddingExecutor
        LOGGER.info("Initialized RingBuffer successfully.");
    public long getUID() {
        try {
            return ringBuffer.take();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Generate unique id exception. ", e);
            throw new UidGenerateException(e);

    public String parseUID(long uid) {
        return super.parseUID(uid);
    public void destroy() throws Exception {

     * Get the UIDs in the same specified second under the max sequence
     * @param currentSecond
     * @return UID list, size of {@link BitsAllocator#getMaxSequence()} + 1
    protected List<Long> nextIdsForOneSecond(long currentSecond) {
        // Initialize result list size of (max sequence + 1)
        int listSize = (int) bitsAllocator.getMaxSequence() + 1;
        List<Long> uidList = new ArrayList<>(listSize);

        // Allocate the first sequence of the second, the others can be calculated with the offset
        long firstSeqUid = bitsAllocator.allocate(currentSecond - epochSeconds, workerId, 0L);
        for (int offset = 0; offset < listSize; offset++) {
            uidList.add(firstSeqUid + offset);

        return uidList;
     * Initialize RingBuffer & RingBufferPaddingExecutor
    private void initRingBuffer() {
        // initialize RingBuffer
        int bufferSize = ((int) bitsAllocator.getMaxSequence() + 1) << boostPower;
        this.ringBuffer = new RingBuffer(bufferSize, paddingFactor);
        LOGGER.info("Initialized ring buffer size:{}, paddingFactor:{}", bufferSize, paddingFactor);

        // initialize RingBufferPaddingExecutor
        boolean usingSchedule = (scheduleInterval != null);
        this.bufferPaddingExecutor = new BufferPaddingExecutor(ringBuffer, this::nextIdsForOneSecond, usingSchedule);
        if (usingSchedule) {
        LOGGER.info("Initialized BufferPaddingExecutor. Using schdule:{}, interval:{}", usingSchedule, scheduleInterval);
        // set rejected put/take handle policy
        if (rejectedPutBufferHandler != null) {
        if (rejectedTakeBufferHandler != null) {
        // fill in all slots of the RingBuffer
        // start buffer padding threads

     * Setters for spring property
    public void setBoostPower(int boostPower) {
        Assert.isTrue(boostPower > 0, "Boost power must be positive!");
        this.boostPower = boostPower;
    public void setRejectedPutBufferHandler(RejectedPutBufferHandler rejectedPutBufferHandler) {
        Assert.notNull(rejectedPutBufferHandler, "RejectedPutBufferHandler can't be null!");
        this.rejectedPutBufferHandler = rejectedPutBufferHandler;

    public void setRejectedTakeBufferHandler(RejectedTakeBufferHandler rejectedTakeBufferHandler) {
        Assert.notNull(rejectedTakeBufferHandler, "RejectedTakeBufferHandler can't be null!");
        this.rejectedTakeBufferHandler = rejectedTakeBufferHandler;

    public void setScheduleInterval(long scheduleInterval) {
        Assert.isTrue(scheduleInterval > 0, "Schedule interval must positive!");
        this.scheduleInterval = scheduleInterval;



    public long getUID() {
        try {
            return ringBuffer.take();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Generate unique id exception. ", e);
            throw new UidGenerateException(e);





  • Tail指針

  • Cursor指針


由於數組元素在內存中是連續分配的,可最大程度利用CPU cache以提升性能。但同時會帶來「僞共享」FalseSharing問題,爲此在Tail、Cursor指針、Flag-RingBuffer中採用了CacheLine 補齊方式。


public class RingBuffer {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RingBuffer.class);

    /** Constants */
    private static final int START_POINT = -1; 
    private static final long CAN_PUT_FLAG = 0L; //用於標記當前slot的狀態,表示可以put一個id進去
    private static final long CAN_TAKE_FLAG = 1L; //用於標記當前slot的狀態,表示可以take一個id
    public static final int DEFAULT_PADDING_PERCENT = 50; //用於控制何時填充slots的默認閾值:當剩餘的可用的slot的個數,小於bufferSize的50%時,需要生成id將slots填滿

    /** The size of RingBuffer's slots, each slot hold a UID */
    private final int bufferSize; //slots的大小,默認爲sequence可容量的最大值,即8192個
    private final long indexMask; 
    private final long[] slots;  //slots用於緩存已經生成的id
    private final PaddedAtomicLong[] flags; //flags用於存儲id的狀態(是否可填充、是否可消費)

    /** Tail: last position sequence to produce */
    private final AtomicLong tail = new PaddedAtomicLong(START_POINT); //

    /** Cursor: current position sequence to consume */
    private final AtomicLong cursor = new PaddedAtomicLong(START_POINT);

    /** Threshold for trigger padding buffer*/
    private final int paddingThreshold; //用於控制何時填充slots的閾值
    /** Reject put/take buffer handle policy */
    private RejectedPutBufferHandler rejectedPutHandler = this::discardPutBuffer;
    private RejectedTakeBufferHandler rejectedTakeHandler = this::exceptionRejectedTakeBuffer; 
    /** Executor of padding buffer */
    private BufferPaddingExecutor bufferPaddingExecutor;


  • 程序啓動時,將RingBuffer填充滿,緩存着8192個id

  • 在調用getUID()獲取id時,檢測到RingBuffer中的剩餘id個數小於總個數的50%,將RingBuffer填充滿,使其緩存8192個id

  • 定時填充(可配置是否使用以及定時任務的週期)


     * Padding buffer fill the slots until to catch the cursor
    public void paddingBuffer() {
        LOGGER.info("Ready to padding buffer lastSecond:{}. {}", lastSecond.get(), ringBuffer);

        // is still running
        if (!running.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            LOGGER.info("Padding buffer is still running. {}", ringBuffer);

        // fill the rest slots until to catch the cursor
        boolean isFullRingBuffer = false;
        while (!isFullRingBuffer) {
            List<Long> uidList = uidProvider.provide(lastSecond.incrementAndGet());
            for (Long uid : uidList) {
                isFullRingBuffer = !ringBuffer.put(uid);
                if (isFullRingBuffer) {

        // not running now
        running.compareAndSet(true, false);
        LOGGER.info("End to padding buffer lastSecond:{}. {}", lastSecond.get(), ringBuffer);


     * Get the UIDs in the same specified second under the max sequence
     * @param currentSecond
     * @return UID list, size of {@link BitsAllocator#getMaxSequence()} + 1
    protected List<Long> nextIdsForOneSecond(long currentSecond) {
        // Initialize result list size of (max sequence + 1)
        int listSize = (int) bitsAllocator.getMaxSequence() + 1;
        List<Long> uidList = new ArrayList<>(listSize);

        // Allocate the first sequence of the second, the others can be calculated with the offset
        long firstSeqUid = bitsAllocator.allocate(currentSecond - epochSeconds, workerId, 0L);
        for (int offset = 0; offset < listSize; offset++) {
            uidList.add(firstSeqUid + offset);

        return uidList;


關於僞共享,可以參考這篇文章《僞共享(false sharing),併發編程無聲的性能殺手

    private final PaddedAtomicLong[] flags;

    /** Tail: last position sequence to produce */
    private final AtomicLong tail = new PaddedAtomicLong(START_POINT);

    /** Cursor: current position sequence to consume */
    private final AtomicLong cursor = new PaddedAtomicLong(START_POINT)
 * Represents a padded {@link AtomicLong} to prevent the FalseSharing problem<p>
 * The CPU cache line commonly be 64 bytes, here is a sample of cache line after padding:<br>
 * 64 bytes = 8 bytes (object reference) + 6 * 8 bytes (padded long) + 8 bytes (a long value)
 * @author yutianbao
public class PaddedAtomicLong extends AtomicLong {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3415778863941386253L;

    /** Padded 6 long (48 bytes) */
    public volatile long p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 = 7L;

     * Constructors from {@link AtomicLong}
    public PaddedAtomicLong() {

    public PaddedAtomicLong(long initialValue) {

     * To prevent GC optimizations for cleaning unused padded references
    public long sumPaddingToPreventOptimization() {
        return p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6;



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