關於Zend Framework中異常處理的幾個資料

      在Zend Framework中,對異常的使用,整理思路體現其官方Reference Guide的此段描述中:

The MVC components in Zend Framework utilize a Front Controller, which means that all requests to a given site will go through a single entry point. As a result, all exceptions bubble up to the Front Controller eventually, allowing the developer to handle them in a single location.

However, exception messages and backtrace information often contain sensitive system information, such as SQL statements, file locations, and more. To help protect your site, by default Zend_Controller_Front catches all exceptions and registers them with the response object; in turn, by default, the response object does not display exception messages. 

      瞭解Zend Framework中對異常的使用,首先參考官方的資料進行了解:



      1.Zend Framework 錯誤處理

      2.Zend Framework 異常處理及 404/500 錯誤頁面

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