onSenUI 常用UI組件 筆記

1.carousel 輪播圖的用法總結


<ons-carousel fullscreen swipeable overscrollable auto-scroll>  <ons-carousel-item>     Carousel Item 1  </ons-carousel-item>  <ons-carousel-item>     Carousel Item 2  </ons-carousel-item></ons-carousel>
   2. <ons-carousel-cover>用於頂部顯示的內容,一直在頂部
  3.initial-index 初始化顯示的項目
  4.滾動方向 可以左右,也可以上下 directionattribute. The possible values are horizontal(default) or vertical.
    5.單項的 item-width or item-height  豎向滾動,只能調節橫寬;橫的話,這能調節高
    6.swipeable屬性 可以用手滾動
  7.auto-refresh 數據自動刷新
  8.auto-scroll-ratio 滾動的比率


用法:可以用var=myCarousel 命名,用此名稱,在控制器中調用
1.next下一個:myCarousel.next({ animation: "none", callback: function(){// Fired when the scroll is done }});
3.setActiveCarouselItemIndex(index, options)指定活躍的當前項
4.如果用js添加<ons-carousel-item>必須用 auto-refresh或refresh()者刷新
  • carousel: Contains the carousel object.所有項
  • activeIndex: The index of the current active item.當前活躍項
  • lastActiveIndex: The index of the previous active item.下一個活躍項
  • waitToReturn():滾動返回監聽
<pre name="code" class="javascript">app.controller("MyController", function($q, $scope) {
  $scope.status = "Init";
  ons.ready(function() {
    carousel.on('overscroll', function(event) {
      var deferred = $q.defer();
      $scope.status = "Overscroll " + event.direction;
      window.setTimeout(function() {
        $scope.status = "Finish";
      }, 1500);


第一大點:懶加載依賴一個代理加載所有數據:Delegate object in AngularJS用angularJS
$scope.MyDelegate = {
  configureItemScope: function(index, itemScope) {
    console.log("Created item #" + index);
    itemScope.item = {
      name: 'Item #' + (index + 1)
  calculateItemHeight: function(index) {
    return 40;
  countItems: function() {
    return 10000000;
  destroyItemScope: function(index, scope) {
    console.log("Destroyed item #" + index);
  • configureItemScope contains the information about the items, which can be dynamically created or loaded from a array of items.(加載數據)
  • calculateItemHeight returns the height of an item. It could be different for every item.(每項的高)
  • countItems returns the total number of items in the list.(展示的項數)
  • destroyItemScope is an optional method that will be triggered everytime an item is unloaded. This can be used to destroy elements and remove event listeners in order to avoid memory leaks.(沒顯示的項目,毀掉)
第二大點:動態的加載數據 angularJS
configureItemScope: function(index, itemScope) {
  if (!itemScope.item) {
    itemScope.canceler = $q.defer();
    itemScope.item = {
      title: 'Item #' + (index + 1),
      label: '',
      desc: '',
      rand: Math.random()

    $http.get('https://baconipsum.com/api/?type=meat-and-filler&sentences=1', {timeout: itemScope.canceler.promise})
    .success(function(data) {
      itemScope.item.desc = data[0];
      itemScope.item.label = data[0].substr(0, data[0].indexOf(" ")) + 'bacon';
    .error(function() {
      itemScope.item.desc = 'No bacon lorem ipsum';
      itemScope.item.label = 'No bacon';

destroyItemScope: function(index, itemScope) {

3.Pull Hook<ons-pull-hook>用於an <ons-page> or an <ons-scroller>

<ons-pull-hook ng-action="load($done)" var="loader">
  <span ng-switch="loader.getCurrentState()">
    <span ng-switch-when="initial"><ons-icon size="35px" icon="ion-arrow-down-a"></ons-icon> Pull down to refresh</span>
    <span ng-switch-when="preaction"><ons-icon size="35px" icon="ion-arrow-up-a"></ons-icon> Release to refresh</span>
    <span ng-switch-when="action"><ons-icon size="35px" spin="true" icon="ion-load-d"></ons-icon> Loading data...</span>
  • initial: default state before any user interaction, the element remains in this status until it’s totally dragged down, going beyond its height limit.()

  • preaction: if the component is in this state it will execute its action if it’s released. It’s still possible to cancel the action by dragging the page up again.

  • action: the pull hook will be in this state while its action is running. After the $done function is called it will return to the initial state.

  • ng-action: used to specify custom behavior when the page is pulled down. A $done function is available to tell the component that the action is completed.

  • height: specifies the height of the component. When pulled down further than this value it will switch to the “preaction” state. The default value is “64px”.

4.Alert Dialog<ons-alert-dialog>有三種

   第一種:Alert dialog ons.notification.alert()  一個button ,一段提醒文字

 $scope.alert = function(material) {
      message: 'An error has occurred!',
      modifier: material ? 'material' : undefined
  第二種:Confirm dialogons.notification.confirm()  but can have multiple buttons.兩個按鈕
  $scope.confirm = function(material) {
    var mod = material ? 'material' : undefined;
      message: 'Are you sure you want to continue?',
      modifier: mod,
      callback: function(idx) {
        switch (idx) {
          case 0:
              message: 'You pressed "Cancel".',
              modifier: mod
          case 1:
              message: 'You pressed "OK".',
              modifier: mod
第三種:Prompt dialogons.notification.prompt() 有輸入框
 $scope.prompt = function(material) {
    var mod = material ? 'material' : undefined;
      message: "Please enter your age",
      modifier: mod,
      callback: function(age) {
          message: 'You are ' + parseInt(age || 0) + ' years old.',
          modifier: mod


<pre name="code" class="javascript"><ons-template id="alert-dialog.html">
<ons-alert-dialog var="alertDialog">
  <div class="alert-dialog-title"><strong style="color: #ff3333">Critical Alert!</strong></div>
  <div class="alert-dialog-content">
    An error has occurred!
  <div class="alert-dialog-footer">
    <button class="alert-dialog-button" ng-click="alertDialog.hide(); alertDialog.show()">OK</button>

ons.ready(function() {
  ons.createAlertDialog('alert-dialog.html').then(function(alertDialog) {

5. Dialog 自定義dialog


show()調用這個dialog<ons-template id="dialogcontent.html">

相關方法:1. show(options)hide(options)Shows or hides the dialog. You can specify animations and callback in the options parameter to get more control.
    • isShown()Returns true if the dialog is shown.判斷是否在顯示

    • destroy()Hides the dialog and remove all related DOM elements.銷燬

    • setDisabled(disabled)isDisabled()Makes the dialog disable and prohibits any interaction from the user.禁用

    • setCancelable(cancelable)isCancelable()Set the dialog cancelable, which means it will close automatically when pressing the back button.

    Any HTML code here
ons.ready(function() {
  ons.createDialog('dialogcontent.html').then(function(dialog) {

<ons-template id="login.html">
  <ons-dialog var="dialog" cancelable>
    <ons-toolbar inline>
      <div class="center">
      <input placeholder="Username" id="username" class="text-input">

      <input type="password" placeholder="Password" id="username" class="text-input">

      <ons-button modifier="large" ng-click="dialog.hide()">Sign in</ons-button>

5. button  usingmodifier(樣式)should-spin(布爾值)animation and disabled attributes. modifier

6.Text input

  • Text input  <inputclass="text-input"id="my-input"> 輸入一條文字

  • Text area  <textareaclass="textarea"id="my-textarea"></textarea> 一大段段文字

  • Search input   <inputtype="search"class="search-input">搜索框

Check box and radio button 多選框,單選框

Check box and radio button are provided as CSS components. Therefore, use the following HTML snippet to display each component.

<label class="checkbox">  <input type="checkbox">
  <div class="checkbox__checkmark"></div>
  <span class="ons-checkbox-inner"></span>
<label class="radio-button">
  <input type="radio">
  <div class="radio-button__checkmark"></div>

7.Grid <ons-row> and <ons-col> 用法見下面的例子:

 <ons-row align="bottom">
      <div class="Demo">
        This cell should be bottom-aligned.
      <div class="Demo">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do euismod tempor incididunt ut larbore et dolore magna aliqua.
      <div class="Demo">
        This cell should be bottom-aligned.

8.ons-iconOnsen UI offers over 400 icons provided by Font Awesome and over 500 icons by Ionicons.

Using Font Awesome:<ons-iconicon="fa-angle-left"></ons-icon>
Using Ionicons: <ons-iconicon="ion-angle-left"></ons-icon>


  use ng-gestureeventname if you prefer an AngularJS way.

<ons-gesture-detector ng-swipeleft="doSomething()">
  <div id="detect-area" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;">
    Swipe Here

Following gestures are supported.

  • Drag gestures: dragdragleftdragrightdragupdragdown 拖 向左右上下
  • Hold gestures: holdrelease 常安
  • Swipe gestures: swipeswipeleftswiperightswipeupswipedown 輕掃
  • Tap gestures: tapdoubletap 點擊
  • Pinch gestures: pinchpinchinpinchout 捏合
  • Other gestures: touch輕觸transform變形rotate旋轉
10.ons-keyboard-active 鍵盤響應
<div ons-keyboard-active>
  This will only be displayed if the software keyboard is open.
<div ons-keyboard-inactive>
  There is also a component that does the opposite.

11 List 列表 Onsen UI supports scrollable lists by using <ons-list> and <ons-list-item> tags.


  <ons-list-header>Header Text</ons-list-header>

       2.ons-list modifier可修改

12.ons-modal 蒙版 可以在蒙版上加東西show()hide()getDeviceBackButtonHandler()

<ons-modal var="modal">
  <ons-icon icon="ion-load-c" spin="true"></ons-icon>
  <br> Please wait.
  <br>Closing in 2 seconds.

13 Page Navigation
<ons-navigator> is a page stack manager + transition animator 堆棧管理 加 動畫 沒有內容 是個頂部controller 加nav 用 add a toolbar on top of the page
1.入新頁面add a new page to the stack, use pushPage()也可以傳遞參數
<span style="font-size:18px;"><ons-navigator var="myNavigator"></ons-navigator>
var options = {
  animation: 'slide', // What animation to use
  onTransitionEnd: function() {} // Called when finishing transition animation
myNavigator.pushPage("page2.html", options);
<span style="font-size:14px;">myNavigator
  .pushPage("page2.html", {
    data: {
      param1: 'foo',
      param2: 'bar'
  .then(function(page) {
    console.log("Parameter passed: ", page.data)

  返回安卓ios:myNavigator.popPage() 安卓設備返回,自動獲取 navigator’s popPage()
  <div class="left"><ons-if platform="ios"><ons-back-button>Back</ons-back-button></ons-if></div>
  <div class="center">Page Title</div>

<ons-navigator var="myNavigator"></ons-navigator><script>myNavigator.popPage();</script>
2.動畫效果4種pushPage() and popPage() method can specify the following animation patterns: slideliftfadeand none.
navigator.pushPage("page2.html", { animation: "slide" }):
過度動畫 也能定製
navigator.getPages()得到Returns an array of page objects from the navigator.
navigator.insertPage(index, page, options)插入頁面
navigator.replacePage(page, options)替換頁面Replaces the current page with the specified one
<ons-navigator> has several events defined: prepushpostpushprepoppostpop

14.ons-sliding-menu 滑動菜單
menu-page 滑動菜單
main-page 主頁面
swipeable 手滑動
swipe-target-width 滑動寬度
max-slide-distance 菜單寬度
direction 方向"left" and "right"
type reveal (default), push and overlay
<span style="font-size:14px;"><ons-sliding-menu main-page="page1.html" menu-page="menu.html" side="left" max-slide-distance="250px" var="menu">
<ons-template id="page1.html">
      <div class="left">
        <ons-toolbar-button ng-click="menu.toggleMenu()">
          <ons-icon icon="ion-navicon" style="font-size: 32px; width: 1em;"></ons-icon>
      <div class="center">Page 1</div>
   <p style="text-align: center; color: #999; padding-top: 100px;">Page1 Contents</p>
<ons-template id="page2.html">
      <div class="left">
        <ons-toolbar-button οnclick="menu.toggleMenu()">
          <ons-icon icon="ion-navicon" style="font-size: 32px; width: 1em;"></ons-icon>
      <div class="center">Page 2</div>
    <p style="text-align: center; color: #999; padding-top: 100px;">Page2 Contents</p>
<ons-template id="menu.html">
    <ons-list-item modifier="chevron" οnclick="menu.setMainPage('page1.html', {closeMenu: true})">
    <ons-list-item modifier="chevron" οnclick="menu.setMainPage('page2.html', {closeMenu: true})">

ons-tabbar, ons-tab <ons-tabbar> component and <ons-tab> 3個-5個
page 添加頁面
icon  圖標
active-icon 活躍圖標
label tab 中間添加label
active Boolean設置活躍
<span style="font-size:14px;"><ons-tabbar position="top">
  <ons-tab page="page1.html" label="Page 1" icon="fa-square" active="true"></ons-tab>
  <ons-tab page="page2.html" label="Page 2" icon="fa-square"></ons-tab>
  <ons-tab page="page3.html" label="Page 3" icon="fa-square"></ons-tab>
<span style="font-size:14px;"><ons-tab page="page.html">
  <div ons-tab-active>
  <div ons-tab-inactive>
  </div></span><span style="font-size: 16px;">
hide-tabs 顯示Boolean
animation "none""slide" and "fade". Default is "none"Optional.
position "bottom" and "top"

There are prechangepostchange and reactive events in <ons-tabbar>.
<span style="font-size:14px;">ons.ready(function() {
  var myTabbar = document.querySelector("ons-tabbar")
  myTabbar.addEventListener("prechange", function(e) {
    if (e.index == 1) {

setActiveTab(index, options)
direction"up", "down", "left" and "right". 
cancelable 點擊取消
animation "none" or "fade"
mask-color background mask
<span style="font-size:14px;"><script>
ons.ready(function() {
  ons.createPopover('popover.html').then(function(popover) {
<script type="text/ons-template" id="popover.html">
  <ons-popover cancelable>
    <p style="text-align: center; opacity: 0.5;">This popover will choose which side it's displayed on automatically.</p>


              1. <ons-toolbar> or <ons-bottom-toolbar>
 toolbar is divided into 3 sections (left, center, and right)

<span style="font-size:14px;"><ons-toolbar>
  <div class="left"><ons-toolbar-button>Button</ons-toolbar-button></div>
  <div class="center">Title</div>
  <div class="right"><ons-toolbar-button><ons-icon icon="ion-navion" size="28px"></ons-icon></ons-toolbar-button></div>

1.ons-if-orientation portrait and landscape 橫屏樹屏


Either "opera", "firefox", "safari", "chrome", "ie", "android", "blackberry", "ios" or "windows". 
<span style="font-size:14px;"><div ons-loading-placeholder="page.html">

5.ons 全局的

ready 等Onsen UI 初始化後,調用此方法
enableAutoStatusBarFill() 狀態欄填充
disableAutoStatusBarFill() 狀態欄不填充
findParentComponentUntil(name, [dom])找父視圖DOM

<divons-keyboard-active> This will only be displayed if the software keyboard is open.</div><divons-keyboard-inactive> There is also a component that does the opposite.</div>
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