EQATEC Profiler: 免費的.NETCF代碼性能分析工具

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.NET Compact Framework Power Toys 3.5中包含了一個.NETCF CLR Profiler工具,它用於監測.NETCF應用程序在CLR(Common Lanaguage Runtime)中的對象分配和垃圾回收情況。.NETCF開發人員可以通過分析結果確定如何改進應用程序的性能,特別是存在內存佔用問題的程序。關於.NETCF CLR Profiler工具的使用,可以看Steven Pratschner寫的Using CLR Profiler for .NET Compact Framework系列文章。

今天又發現一個可以監測.NETCF代碼執行效率的性能分析工具,而且是免費的——EQATEC Profiler


At EQATEC we are experts in embedded development, both native (C/C++) or managed (C#). We have completed many large .NET CF projects. We have the only Microsoft embedded MVP in Scandinavia. We've been doing embedded development for about 10 years now.

In 2006-2007, when developing a really large .NET Compact Framework application in C# for Windows CE, we looked around for a .NET CF code profiler. Surprisingly there were none. All we found were memory-profilers, i.e. for tracking object allocations and memory usage. That's useful too, but not if you want to pinpoint bottlenecks to improve your application's performance.

So we built our own code profiler. And it works really, really well.

We've used it for a year on this particularly large application (7-8000 methods in 40-50 DLLs) and easily found and fixed performance bottlenecks that would have been very hard to spot without a code profiler. We've even integrated the profiling-step in our autobuild. The profiling-step is very quick and the profiled code is only 40-50% bigger and runs 20-25% slower. Profilers can easily make your code run 2-10 times slower, so ours is quite efficient.

Because it works so well, and there are no other code profilers like it, we decided to make it available to all other .NET CF developers. And we decided to do so for free, so it won't cost you anything. Just download it and start optimizing your own application, or try profiling the demo-app we’ve included.

One reason for giving it away free is to get some idea about how much demand there is for tools like this. Therefore we'd kindly ask you to register the download, simply to give us some idea of how many developers - and in what kind of businesses - will find this tool useful.

Best regards,
The EQATEC tool team


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