
這些天在研究flashcom的mp3 庫.flashcom,我比較陌生.只在大四上的時候,花了一天半的時間搞過一個視頻錄製的.以前在工作室沒把音箱帶過去, 省得吵,結果一年多沒有聽到機器發聲.對音頻這方面知道的甚少, 快成盲了  . 在這裏非常感謝雲開的無私幫助.
看macromedia媒體組件的流媒體包,覺得還是收穫蠻大,以下分析的是基於RTMP協議的Netconnection的一個子類. 在mx.controls.streamingmedia包中. 

//Copyright (C) 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
//The following is Sample Code and is subject to all restrictions on
//such code as contained in the End User License Agreement accompanying
//this product.
import mx.controls.streamingmedia.RTMPPlayer;
import mx.controls.streamingmedia.Tracer;//做調試的trace

* A subclass of NetConnection that is tailored to work with the RTMPPlayer
* class.
* 一個專門爲RTMPPlayer定製的NetConnection類的子類
* @author Stephen Cheng
class mx.controls.streamingmedia.RTMPConnection
extends NetConnection
        /** Flag to indicate whether a thread is already in connect(). Only one thread
        *  at a time should be in this function.
        * 標記是否已有一個線程在連接,同一時刻只能有一個線程連接
        static var _connectFlag:Boolean;
        /** Array of queued RTMPPlayers, awaiting their turn to call connect(). */
        static var _connectorQueue:Array = new Array();
        private var _targetURI:String;//目標資源地點
        private var _streamName:String;//流的名稱
        private var _player:RTMPPlayer;//運行的RTMPPlayer實例
        public function RTMPConnection(player:RTMPPlayer)
                _player = player;
        // 當元數據從flash communication server到來時
        // 播放器從服務器發來的信息設置總播放時間
        public function onMetaData(info)
        /* Only one thread can be in this function at a time.
        * 同一時刻只有一個線程可以使用這個連接函數
        public function connect(targetURI:String, streamName:String):Void
                if (_connectFlag == true)
                        pushConnection(targetURI, streamName);
                _connectFlag = true;
                super.connect(targetURI, streamName);
        private function pushConnection(targetURI:String, streamName:String):Void
                _targetURI = targetURI;
                _streamName = streamName;
                //queue the connection attempt and retry later
        private function popConnection():Void
                _connectFlag = false;
                if ( _connectorQueue.length != 0)
                        var poppedConnection:RTMPConnection = RTMPConnection(_connectorQueue.pop());
                        poppedConnection.connect(poppedConnection._targetURI, poppedConnection._streamName);
當中的連接隊列, 與其就是個隊列不如說是個堆棧.這樣使得連接變成先進後出了,這可不太好. 假如pop出來的RTMPConntion連接時間過長,此時又有新的連接.
那在棧底的豈不是永遠天日.而且連接也不分個等級,有可能因爲都是爲Player服務的,所以乾脆不分~~~~~ 好faint.
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