


我負責問一些關於測試相關的技巧及知識。我的第一個問題很簡單,首先我讓對方說出所知道的所有測試方法。此項是想考察其對測試領域的理解。雖然從簡歷上可以看出,他曾經的項目經歷都是開發,但我想既然感興趣測試領域,自然應該可以應對一些測試的理論知識。但是,他似乎並沒什麼準備。不但對測試知識技能一無所知,更是將開發與測試混爲一談。這至少可以看出,他對待這個職位的態度並不是很認真。我想任何一個求職的人都要讓面試官看到他想做這個職位的熱情。記得《Jack Welch》書中講到什麼是他們認爲的人才。Jack Welch也是經過長時間的摸索才最後總結出真正人才所應具備的素質。他對人才的看法分幾個不同階段。書中是這樣講的:

     I realized more than ever before – how much my success would spend on the people I hired. From my first days in plastics, I understood the importance of getting the right people. It was clear that when I found someone great, it made all the difference in the world.

     I learned a lot of this the hard way – by making some big mistakes. The in consistency of my first hires was laughable. One of my most common errors was to hire on appearances. In marketing, I’d sometimes recruit good-looking, slick-talking packages. Some of those were good and some were just empty suits.


     I was 30 when I began hiring in Asia. Obviously, I couldn’t speak Japanese. I had little feel for the culture. So I did the obvious. If a Japanese candidate spoke English well, I usually hired him. It took me a while to find out that using language as a “hiring screen” was a marginal idea at best.


     For engineering talent, I’d tried to hire MIT, Princeton, and Cal Tech graduates. I should have reminded myself where I had come from. Often, I found out that where they came from wouldn’t determine how good they’d be.

     In the early days, I fell in love with great resume filled with degrees in different disciplines. They could be bright and intellectually curious, but they turned out to be unfocused dabblers, unwilling to commit, lacking intensity and passion for any one thing.

     In the hands of the inexperienced, resumes are dangerous weapons.


     Eventually, I learned that I was really looking for people who were filled with passion and a desire to get things done. A resume didn’t tell me much about that inner hunger. I had to “feel” it.


Ÿ   第一個階段:外表談吐 (外表談吐高雅者,自然容易立其威信,做事專業性強。當然也有徒有其表、紙上談兵、虛張聲勢的無能力者。)

Ÿ   第二階段:語言 (如果語言都不通,那麼就更談不上什麼溝通了,沒有溝通如何成事? 但語言亦是工具而已,達到溝通目的足以。)

Ÿ   第三階段:教育背景 (好的教育環境即像好的家庭環境,給人格素養的薰陶都是不凡的。但也不乏在逆境中自學成才者。)

Ÿ   第四階段,也是最後階段: 對完成要做的事情充滿熱情和渴望




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