如何發表頂級期刊論文 (轉)

吳信東 博士(美國佛蒙特大學計算機科學系正教授和系主任, TKDE 等多種國際著名學術雜誌的主編和編委)


1 技術貢獻、證據

2 、切忌打擊面太廣、針對的問題多,切入點不能超過 2 

3 、知道你的敵人是誰

4 、選題

5 、實驗結果、說服力

6 好的前言

7 相關工作、引用(該期刊)

8 修改文章(詳細說明各點)

9 、寬容態度、堅韌不拔




1 注意你的貢獻,說明你的證據

2  idea 有兩種:

----Your technique solves a problem for the first time 第一次,在某一點上第一次,革命性的,創造性的

---- 如果不是第一次, Your technique performs better,in one or more of the the following dimensions:

    1)Behaviour 效果比他好

    2)Coverage 覆蓋面廣

    3)Efficiency 速度快、佔用空間少

    4  Useability:Users find X easier to use than its rivals  使用方便

You should avoid claiming too many dimensions but one or two with in-depth evidence.


論文的架構( typical structure of a research paper ):

title:  Catchy and indicative of your research contribution

       Catchy 引入注目     indicative 特殊性

    題目越長,被拒的可能性越高:例如:愛因斯坦提出“相對論”,就三個字, 接下來就是“相對論的能量公式”字多了

    indicative---- 說文章的大意,不要太抽象。例如:計算理論 --- 太抽象了


abstract:A summary of the research problem,your chaim,and the evidence 以上三部分

introduce:  abstract 中的 A summary 的兩三句話展開

        1  motivation 動機

        2) significance 意義

        3  an outline of the rest of the paper

        Related work:

        1) A critical review 評判幾大典型算法,各存在什麼問題

        2 )我們的方法對於第一類問題怎麼解決,對於第二類問題怎麼解決




Problem statement and algorithm design:Explain your ideas in detail

Evaluation:evidence to support the claim of your research contribution---unless you can provide proofs for a theoretical on theorems,experimental results and always expected

Conclusion: 畫龍點睛、說你發出文章之後,此刻正在做的,接下來要做的,實驗中還有哪些值得接着做的。

How to write and publish Research papers for the premier forums


what to know and how to write a top-quality paper


1  A promising topic ( 一個有前途的主題 )

2  A convincing case (讓人信服的例證)

3  In-depth analysis of empirical results( 經驗結果的深度分析(例如,經驗值、參數的設定) )

4  the most important part:the introduction  ( 最重要的部分,前言 )


Scientific Paper 的撰寫(這類論文需要有自己的想法,不是綜述文章,如 review 

Why write a scientific paper

1  Advance knowledge in your research field with evidence 有證據表明,在你研究的領域有了提高 / 前進

2  Explain your ideas and make them accessible to others   介紹你的主意,使他人理解

3  Two key components in a research paper

--An explicit claim on your contribution on a research problem

針對某個研究問題,直接陳述你的貢獻 ( 自己做的工作要寫出來 )

--Your contribution can possibly be a refutation of a hypothesis on the research problem



What to know before you write

1. 考慮讀者是誰:根據所投的期刊

To whom are you writing?why will they be reading your writing?

  2.Assess the purpose:What should the reader take away?


3.Read other people's writing from the forums that you are targeting


4.Know your enemy:Check who are on the program committee or editorial board,and cite their relevant work with due credit


5.Follow the rules----length limits,formatting standards,etc


choose a promising topic


10 challenging problems

-----How to present a convincing case?

-----How are your ideas significant (to justify a paper)?

-----Some ideas are so simple that have been used many times W/O being published.

-----Is all related work referenced and reviewed?


-----Are the comparative studies with previous work convincing?

----Have your system been implemented and used,and if so what did it demonstrate from the real world.

-----Enough details for your experiment setting.(so that other researchers can verify and improve your results)

-----What were the alternatives considered at various points of your experiments?Why and how have you made the choices for your experiments?

( 讓別人知道你各種實驗參數設置都考慮到了 )

  consistent and conclusive 一致性和總結性

-----Can you fine-tune some key parameters to get better or worse results?If so,use figures and tables to show their impacts on your system performances


------How do the experimental results correspond to the motivation of the paper?

------What have you found surprising and tried to avoid in these experiments?How generally applicable are these lessons?

如果論文是 8 頁紙,那麼 4 頁是做實驗的。

------The 1/3-2/3 Rule from a reviewer's perspective.

    如果論文是 8 頁紙,那麼前言佔 1 

1  1/3 time to read your introduction and make a decision

2)  Remaining 2/3 time to find evidence for the decision

-----A good introduction with a good motivation is half of your success.

    what to cover in the introduction

    ----The research problem

    ----The movivation of your research on the research problem

    ----The claim of your contribution

     -----A summary of your evidence to support your claim

-----The significance of your contribution

-----An outline of the rest of the paper

Most important of all:the uniqueness of you research in the field!


首先投頂級的會議,若被錄用,則對論文進行擴展,在題名上加“ * ”,說明:論文縮寫版已經被某國際會議錄用,投國際期刊

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