
        第二部分 密鑰加密

In the Part 1 we learnt the basics of Cryptography and related .NET Framework classes. In this article we are going to see how to work with Secret Key Encryption using Triple-DES algorithm. 

 在命名空間System.Security.Cryptography 中包含了一個叫TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider的類提供了3-DES加密數據的方法.DES的含義是數據加密標準這三個英文單詞的首字母,單詞Triple的使用實際是說這種加密方式將原始數據加密了3次.


  • A secret key    密鑰
  • An initialization vector  初始化向量




Example of using TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider class


Let's examine the code step by step:


  • We create a class called SecurityHelper with two functions Encrypt() and Decrypt(). The former accepts the string to be encrypted and returns encrypted form of the string as a byte array. The later accepts the encrypted data in the form of a byte array and returns decrypted data as a string.


  • The class has two public variables of byte array type. They are used to assign the secret key and initialization vector.


  • In the Encrypt() function we first convert the string to be encrypted into a byte array using GetBytes() method.


  • We then create an instance of TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider class


  • The key and initialization vector can be supplied externally by you or TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider class can generate one automatically for you. If user has not supplied key and IV we call GenerateKey() and GenerateIV() methods respectively. These methods create a random key and IV automatically for you. We assign the generated key and IV to public variables Key and IV.

        密鑰和初始化向量可以由你自己從外部提供,也可以由TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider 類自動爲你生成.如果用戶沒用提供密鑰和初始化向量,我們就分別調用GenerateKey() 和GenerateIV() 方法自動生成.這兩個方法將爲你隨機生成密鑰和初始化向量.然後我們再把它們分別賦值給公共變量Key 和 IV.

  • Then we call CreateEncryptor() method of TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider class and collect its return value in a variable of type ICryptoTransform. The ICryptoTransform interface defines the basic operations of cryptographic transformations.

       然後我們調用 TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider類的 CreateEncryptor() 方法,並以ICryptoTransform作爲返回值類型得到.ICryptoTransform 接口定義了加密轉換的一些基本操作.

  • We then create a memory stream. The encrypted data will be put inside this stream.


  • We also create a CryptoStream and pass the memory stream and the encryptor created above.

        我們也創建一個CryptoStream 流,並連同上一步創建的流一起傳遞.

  • Next, we write the data to be encrypted to the CryptoStream object. The CryptoStream object stores the encrypted version of the data in the supplied memory stream.


  • Finally, we read the memory stream for encrypted data. Put that data in an array of bytes and return it to the caller.



    Decryption process is similar but follows reverse path. The only major difference between encryption and decryption code is that in case of decryption we call CreateDecryptor() method of TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider class.

    解密過程是類似的,只是把這個過程反過來.在加密和解密代碼中的主要不同是:在解密過程中我們使用TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider 類的CreateDecryptor() 方法.

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