
using namespace std;
const int DefaultVertices=30;//最大頂點數

class Graph
  int maxVertices;
  int numEdges;
  int numVertices;
  int getVertexPos(char vertex);

  bool GraphEmpty()const{return numVertices==0;}
  int NumberOfVertices(){return numVertices;}
  int NumberOfEdges(){return numEdges;}
 // virtual char getValue(int i);
 // virtual int getFirstNeighbor(int v);
 // virtual int getNextNeighbor(int v,int w);
//template<class T>class Graphmtx;
// template<class T>istream& operator>>(istream& in,Graphmtx<T>& G);
 //template<class T>ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,Graphmtx<T>& G);

class Graphmtx:public Graph

 //friend istream& operator>>(istream& in,Graphmtx<T>& G);
 //friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,Graphmtx<T>& G);
  char *VerticlesList;//頂點表
  int **Edge;//鄰接矩陣
  bool *visited;
  int getVertexPos(char vertex)
   for(int i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
     return i;
    return -1;
   delete []visited;
   delete []VerticlesList;
   for (int i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
    delete Edge[i];
   delete []Edge;
  char getValue(int i)//取頂點i的值,i不合理返回空
   //return i>=0&&i<=numVertices?VerticlesList[i]:NULL;
   if (i>=0&&i<=numVertices)
    return VerticlesList[i];
    return NULL;
  int getFirstNeighbor(int v);//取頂點v的第一個鄰接頂點
  int getNextNeighbor(int v,int w);//取v的鄰接頂點w的下一鄰接頂點
  //bool insertVertex(const char vertex);//插入頂點vertex
 // bool removeVertex(int v);//刪去頂點v和所有與它相關聯的邊
 // bool removeEdge(int v1,int v2);//在圖中刪去邊(v1,v2)
        void DFS (const char& v);
  void DFS ( int i, bool visited[]) ;

 char t,t1;
 int i,j,k;
 cout<<"input the number for vextices and edges:"<<endl;
 visited=new bool[numVertices];
 for (i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
 VerticlesList=new char [numVertices];//創建頂點表
 Edge=(int**) new int *[numVertices];
  Edge[i]=new int[numVertices];//鄰接矩陣
 cout<<"input vextices"<<endl;
 for(i = 0; i <numVertices; i++)


int Graphmtx::getFirstNeighbor(int i)
  for(int col=0;col<numVertices;col++)
    return col;
 return -1;
int Graphmtx::getNextNeighbor(int v,int w)
 if (v!=-1&&w!=-1)
  for(int j=w+1;j<numVertices;j++)
    return j;
 return -1;

void Graphmtx::DFS (const char& v) {
    int  loc;   

 loc = getVertexPos(v);
    DFS (loc, visited); //從頂點0開始深度優先搜索

void Graphmtx::DFS (int i, bool visited[]) {
    cout << getValue(i) << ' ';        //訪問頂點v
    visited[i] = true;            //作訪問標記
    int w = getFirstNeighbor (i);     //第一個鄰接頂點
    while (w != -1) { //若鄰接頂點w存在
      if ( !visited[w] )
            DFS(w, visited);
                           //若w未訪問過, 遞歸訪問頂點w
        w = getNextNeighbor (i, w); //下一個鄰接頂點
 for (i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
  if (visited[i]!=true)
void main()
 Graphmtx g;
 char x=g.getValue(0);

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <list>
#include <iterator>

#define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 100
int visited[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];

using namespace std;

typedef char v_type;   //定點的數據類型

typedef struct ArcNode {  
 int adjvex;
 struct ArcNode *nextarc;
 int weight;


typedef struct VNode {   //邊結點
 v_type data;
 ArcNode *firstarc;


typedef struct {
 AdjList vexs;
 int vexnum,arcnum;

bool DirectedorNot() {
 char d;
 cout << "Is your graph directed or not?(Y/N):" ;
A: cin >> d;
 if (d=='Y') return true;
 else if (d=='N') return false;
 else {
  cout << "Please input correctly!" << endl ;
  goto A;

int LocateVex(ALGraph G, v_type u) {
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<G.vexnum; i++) {
  if (u==G.vexs[i].data) return i;

 if (i==G.vexnum) {
  cout << "Error!" ;
  exit (1);

void CreatALGraph(ALGraph &G) {
 int i,j,w,k;
 v_type v1,v2;
 ArcNode *p;
 bool flag = DirectedorNot();

 cout << "Input vexnum & arcnum:" ;
 cin >> G.vexnum >> G.arcnum ;
 cout << "Input vertices" ;
 for (i=0; i<G.vexnum; i++) {   //初始化邊結點
  cin >> G.vexs[i].data;
  G.vexs[i].firstarc = NULL;

 for (k=0; k<G.arcnum; k++) {   //輸入兩定點和他們之間弧的權
  cout << "Input arcs(v1, v2 & w):" ;
  cin >> v1 >> v2 >> w ;

  i = LocateVex(G, v1);
  j = LocateVex(G, v2);

  p = (ArcNode*)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode));
  p->adjvex = j;
  p->weight = w;
  p->nextarc = G.vexs[i].firstarc;
  G.vexs[i].firstarc = p;

  if (!flag) {    //如果是無向圖,執行此步驟
   p->weight = w;

void DFS(ALGraph G, int v) {   //v代表從第v個頂點開始遍歷
 ArcNode *p;
 cout << G.vexs[v].data << ' ' ;
 visited[v] = 1;
 p = G.vexs[v].firstarc;
 while (p) {
  if (!visited[p->adjvex]) DFS(G, p->adjvex);
  p = p->nextarc;

void DFSTraverse(ALGraph G) {   //防止非連通圖不能全部遍歷到
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<G.vexnum; i++) {
  visited[i] = 0;
 for (i=0; i<G.vexnum; i++) {
  if (!visited[i]) DFS(G, i);

void BFS(ALGraph G, int v) {    //v代表從第v個定點開始遍歷
 list<int> v_list;    //定義一個鏈表
 list<int>::iterator iter_front;
 ArcNode *p;

 cout << G.vexs[v].data << ' ' ;
 visited[v] = 1;

 while (!v_list.empty()) {
  iter_front = v_list.begin();   //先把值賦給迭代器,然後通過迭代器提領傳值給v
  v = *iter_front;
  p = G.vexs[v].firstarc;

  while (p) {
   if (!visited[p->adjvex]) {
    cout << G.vexs[p->adjvex].data << ' ' ;
    visited[p->adjvex] = 1;
   p = p->nextarc;

void BFSTraverse(ALGraph G) {
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<G.vexnum; i++) {
  visited[i] = 0;
 for (i=0; i<G.vexnum; i++) {
  if (!visited[i]) BFS(G, i);

int main() {
 ALGraph G;

 cout << "深度優先遍歷:" << endl;
 cout << endl;

 cout << "廣度優先遍歷:" << endl;
 cout << endl;
    return 0;

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