Jan 9th, 2009

1. rubble [ˈrʌbl] n. 破瓦,粗石堆
Exg: His home was reduced to rubble by the earthquake.

2. bleak
[bli:k] a. 淒涼的
Exg: I was afraid of facing the bleak scene in my hometown.

3. vicious
[ˈviʃəs] a. 惡毒的
Exg: Your vicious dog is menacing my cat.

4. menace
[ˈmenəs] vt(i). n. 有危險性的人或物,威脅
Exg: Our country is menaced by war.

5. murmur
[ˈmə:mə] v/n 小聲說話
Exg: There was a low murmur of conversation in the hall.

6. snuggle
[ˈsnʌg(ə)l] v. 挨近,依偎
Exg: She snuggled up beneath the covers.

7. torture
[ˈtɔ:tʃə] n. 折磨

8. rhythmically 
['riðmikli] ad. 有節奏的
Exg: The clock was ticking rhythmically in the dorm.

9. vent 
[vent] vt 表達,發泄 n. 通風口
Exg: When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone.

10. spleen 
[spli:n] n. 脾氣, 怒氣

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