(visual)c++ 內存分配








堆區提供動態內存,供程序隨機申請。程序員通過new操作符從堆上申請內存,通過delete操作符釋放動態申請的堆內存。如果由new動態申請的內存在使用完之後沒有釋放,則此塊內存無法再次分配,這種情況稱之爲內存泄露(memory leak)。沒有釋放的堆內存,直到整個程序結束運行之後,由操作系統自動回收。










以vc2008爲例,Properties->Linker->System->Heap Reserve SizeHeap Commit SizeStack Reserve SizeStack Commit Size。msdn中關於此4個參數的解釋如下:(此4個參數設置爲0,表示使用默認值)


  The /HEAP option sets the size of the heap in bytes. This option is only for use when building an .exe file.

  The reserve argument specifies the total heap allocation in virtual memory. The default heap size is 1 MB. The linker rounds up the specified value to the nearest 4 bytes.

  The optional commit argument is subject to interpretation by the operating system. In Windows NT/Windows 2000, it specifies the amount of physical memory to allocate at a time. Committed virtual memory causes space to be reserved in the paging file. A higher commit value saves time when the application needs more heap space, but increases the memory requirements and possibly the startup time.


  The /STACK option sets the size of the stack in bytes. Use this option only when you build an .exe file.

  The reserve value specifies the total stack allocation in virtual memory. For x86 and x64 machines, the default stack size is 1 MB. On the Itanium chipset, the default size is 4 MB.

  commit is subject to interpretation by the operating system. In Windows NT and Windows 2000 it specifies the amount of physical memory to allocate at a time. Committed virtual memory causes space to be reserved in the paging file. A higher commit value saves time when the application needs more stack space, but increases the memory requirements and possibly the startup time. For x86 and x64 machines, the default commit value is 4 KB. On the Itanium chipset, the default value is 16 KB.

【學習資料】 《編寫高質量代碼 c++》

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