thinkphp 3.2 =》0625-6_登錄業務與 驗證碼 =》登錄頁 與 驗證碼

1.登錄控制器  Application/Admin/Controller/ManagerController.class.php

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Administrator
 * Date: 14-6-25
 * Time: 下午2:06

namespace Admin\Controller;

use Think\Controller;
use Think\Verify;

class ManagerController extends  Controller{

    public function  login(){

            $verify = new Verify();

            $managerModel =  D('Manager');
             * 如果登錄成功, 返回 當前用戶的id
             * 如果失敗.. 返回
             * -1  : 用戶名錯誤
             * -2  : 密碼錯誤
            $result = $managerModel->login(I('post.username'),I('post.password'));
            if($result>0){ //登錄成功
//                echo '登錄成功的id'.$result;
                //登錄成功後將 用戶名對應的id和用戶名放到session
                $loginInfo = array(


                $errorInfo = '';
                    $errorInfo = '用戶名出錯';
                }else if($result==-2){
                    $errorInfo = '密碼出錯';
                $this->error('登錄失敗!'.$errorInfo,U('login'));//通過javascript實現.. back


    public function logout(){
        session('login_info',null); //通過名字將一直從session中刪除
        $this->redirect('Manager/login'); //U



1.2  驗證碼控制器   

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Administrator
 * Date: 14-6-25
 * Time: 下午3:24

namespace Admin\Controller;

use Think\Controller;
use Think\Verify;

class VerifyController extends  Controller{

    public function  index(){
        $config = array(
            'useZh'     =>  false,
            'useImgBg'  =>  false,           // 使用背景圖片
            'fontSize'  =>  25,              // 驗證碼字體大小(px)
            'useCurve'  =>  false,            // 是否畫混淆曲線
            'useNoise'  =>  false,            // 是否添加雜點
            'imageH'    =>  0,               // 驗證碼圖片高度
            'imageW'    =>  0,               // 驗證碼圖片寬度
            'length'    =>  2,               // 驗證碼位數
        $verify =  new Verify($config);


2.模型   pplication/Admin/Model/ManagerModel.class.php

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Administrator
 * Date: 14-6-25
 * Time: 下午2:19

namespace Admin\Model;

use Think\Model;

class ManagerModel extends  Model{

    public function  login($username,$password){
          $manager = $this->getByMg_name($username);//select * from 表名  where mg_name = $username limit 1;
                  return $manager['mg_id'];
                    return -2;
             return -1; //用戶名錯誤




3.  視圖 Application/Admin/View/Manager/login.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>ECSHOP 管理中心</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="__CSS__/general.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="__CSS__/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<body style="background: #278296;color:white">
<form method="post" action="{:U()}">
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top:100px" align="center">
                <img src="__IMG__/login.png" width="178" height="256" border="0" alt="ECSHOP" />
            <td style="padding-left: 50px">
                            <input type="text" name="username" />
                            <input type="password" name="password" />
                            <input type="text" name="captcha" class="capital" />
                        <td colspan="2" align="right">
                            <img src="{:U('Verify/index')}" style="cursor: pointer" οnclick="javascript:this.src='{:U('Verify/index')}?xxx='+Math.random()"/>
                        <td colspan="2" align="center">
                            <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="remember" id="remember" />
                            <label for="remember">請保存我這次的登錄信息。</label>
                            <input type="submit" value="進入管理中心" class="button" />
  <input type="hidden" name="act" value="signin" />


4.數據庫   thinkphp0421.sql

Navicat MySQL Data Transfer

Source Server         : localhost
Source Server Version : 50524
Source Host           :
Source Database       : thinkphp0421

Target Server Type    : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50524
File Encoding         : 65001

Date: 2014-06-25 18:27:17


-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for beijing_user
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `beijing_user`;
CREATE TABLE `beijing_user` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of beijing_user
-- ----------------------------

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for itcast_c_user
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `itcast_c_user`;
CREATE TABLE `itcast_c_user` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `age` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of itcast_c_user
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `itcast_c_user` VALUES ('1', '劉備', '27');
INSERT INTO `itcast_c_user` VALUES ('2', '關羽', '26');
INSERT INTO `itcast_c_user` VALUES ('3', '張飛', '25');
INSERT INTO `itcast_c_user` VALUES ('4', '趙雲', '24');
INSERT INTO `itcast_c_user` VALUES ('5', '黃忠', '23');
INSERT INTO `itcast_c_user` VALUES ('6', '馬超', '22');
INSERT INTO `itcast_c_user` VALUES ('7', '魏延', '21');
INSERT INTO `itcast_c_user` VALUES ('8', '1111', '111');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for itcast_goods
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `itcast_goods`;
CREATE TABLE `itcast_goods` (
  `goods_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增id',
  `goods_name` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '商品名稱',
  `goods_sn` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `goods_price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '價格',
  `goods_number` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100' COMMENT '數量',
  `goods_category_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `goods_introduce` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT '詳細介紹',
  `goods_big_img` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '商品圖片',
  `goods_small_img` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '商品小圖',
  `goods_create_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '添加時間',
  `goods_last_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`goods_id`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of itcast_goods
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('3', '諾基亞666原裝充ee電器1', null, '331.00', '1111', '0', '貨品簡介11111', '', '', '1241422082', '1376313495');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('4', '諾基亞N85原裝充電器', null, '111.00', '222', '8', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241422402', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('6', '勝創KIN33GMAX', null, '42.00', '15', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241422573', '1376313927');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('7', '諾基亞N85原裝立體聲耳機HS-82', null, '100.00', '20', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241422785', '1376309276');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('8', '飛利浦6@6v', null, '1200.00', '55', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241425512', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('9', '諾基亞E33', null, '5000.00', '4', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241511871', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('10', '索愛C706', null, '1500.00', '7', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241965622', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('11', '索愛C702c', null, '1300.00', '1', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241966951', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('12', '摩托羅拉A810', null, '983.00', '8', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1245297652', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('13', '諾基亞5320 XpressMusic', null, '1311.00', '8', '4', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241967762', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('14', '諾基亞5800XM', null, '2625.00', '1', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241968492', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('15', '摩托羅拉A810', null, '788.00', '3', '2', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241968703', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('16', '恆基偉業G101', null, '823.33', '0', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241968949', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('17', '夏新N7', null, '2300.00', '1', '4', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241969394', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('18', '夏新T5', null, '2878.00', '1', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241969533', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('19', '三星SGH-F258', null, '858.00', '12', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241970139', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('20', '三星BC01', null, '280.00', '12', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241970417', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('21', '金立 A30', null, '2000.00', '40', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241970634', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('22', '多普達Touch HD', null, '5999.00', '1', '5', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241971076', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('23', '諾基亞N97', null, '4000.00', '8', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241971488', '1376313982');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('24', 'P807', null, '2000.00', '100', '13', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241971981', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('25', '小靈通/固話50元充值卡', null, '48.00', '2', '13', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241972709', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('26', '小靈通/固話20元充值卡', null, '19.00', '2', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241972789', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('27', '聯通100元充值卡', null, '95.00', '2', '15', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241972894', '1376309295');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('28', '聯通50元充值卡', null, '45.00', '0', '14', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241972976', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('29', '移動100元充值卡', null, '90.00', '0', '14', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241973022', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('30', '移動20元充值卡', null, '18.00', '9', '3', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1241973114', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('31', '摩托羅拉E8 ', null, '1337.00', '1', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1242110412', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('32', 'htc_one', null, '3999.00', '25', '23', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('33', 'htc_s', null, '3456.00', '12', '23', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('34', 'htc_ss', null, '3456.00', '12', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '1370660527', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('35', 'apple5s', null, '5999.00', '34', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('36', 'LV包', null, '12000.00', '13', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('37', '三星耳機', null, '109.00', '59', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('39', 'HTC_one', null, '3555.00', '100', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('41', '三星耳機', null, '109.00', '59', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('44', '南孚34電池', null, '50.00', '59', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('45', '波導手機333', null, '1200.00', '40', '4', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('47', 'haier999', null, '3210.00', '101', '0', '貨品簡介', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('56', '新貨品1新貨品1', null, '100.00', '20', null, null, '', '', '1403514677', '1403514677');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('57', '新貨品1', null, '1001.00', '501', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('58', '新貨品1', null, '1001.00', '501', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('59', '新貨品1', null, '1001.00', '501', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('60', '新貨品1', null, '1001.00', '501', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('61', '新貨品1', null, '1001.00', '501', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('62', '新貨品1', null, '1001.00', '501', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('63', '新貨品1', null, '1001.00', '501', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('64', '新貨品', null, '100.00', '50', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('65', '新貨品', null, '100.00', '50', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('66', '新貨品', null, '100.00', '50', null, null, '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('70', '123', '123123132', '12313.00', '222', null, 'asdfsdf', '/Uploads/Pictrue/2014-06-25/53aa8fc4a5978.jpg', '', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('71', '', '', '0.00', '0', null, '222', '/Uploads/Pictrue/2014-06-25/53aa972e47103.jpg', 'Uploads/Pictrue/2014-06-25/53aa972e47103.jpg', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_goods` VALUES ('72', '234', '234', '0.00', '0', null, '', '/Uploads/Pictrue/2014-06-25/53aa974fb8eeb.jpg', '/Uploads/Pictrue/2014-06-25/small_53aa974fb8eeb.jpg', '0', '0');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for itcast_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `itcast_log`;
CREATE TABLE `itcast_log` (
  `module` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `controller` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `action` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `user` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `operate_time` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of itcast_log
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1572', 'Admin', 'Goods', 'index', null, '1403691244');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1573', 'Admin', 'Goods', 'add', null, '1403691261');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1574', 'Admin', 'Manager', 'index', null, '1403691278');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1575', 'Admin', 'Manager', 'login', null, '1403691298');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1576', 'Admin', 'Verify', 'index', null, '1403691299');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1577', 'Admin', 'Manager', 'login', '', '1403691471');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1578', 'Admin', 'Verify', 'index', '', '1403691471');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1579', 'Admin', 'Manager', 'login', '', '1403691486');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1580', 'Admin', 'Index', 'index', '', '1403691487');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1581', 'Admin', 'Index', 'menu', '', '1403691487');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1582', 'Admin', 'Index', 'top', '', '1403691487');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1583', 'Admin', 'Index', 'main', '', '1403691487');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1584', 'Admin', 'Index', 'Js', '', '1403691488');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1585', 'Admin', 'Index', 'Js', '', '1403691488');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1586', 'Admin', 'Index', 'Js', '', '1403691488');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1587', 'Admin', 'Index', 'index', '', '1403691497');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1588', 'Admin', 'Index', 'menu', '', '1403691497');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1589', 'Admin', 'Index', 'main', '', '1403691497');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1590', 'Admin', 'Index', 'top', '', '1403691497');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1591', 'Admin', 'Index', 'Js', '', '1403691498');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1592', 'Admin', 'Index', 'Js', '', '1403691498');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1593', 'Admin', 'Index', 'Js', '', '1403691498');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1594', 'Admin', 'Index', 'index', '', '1403691595');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1595', 'Admin', 'Index', 'menu', '', '1403691595');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1596', 'Admin', 'Index', 'top', '', '1403691595');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1597', 'Admin', 'Index', 'main', '', '1403691595');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1598', 'Admin', 'Index', 'index', '', '1403691603');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1599', 'Admin', 'Index', 'menu', '', '1403691603');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1600', 'Admin', 'Index', 'top', '', '1403691603');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1601', 'Admin', 'Index', 'main', '', '1403691603');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1602', 'Admin', 'Index', 'index', '', '1403691656');
INSERT INTO `itcast_log` VALUES ('1603', 'Admin', 'Goods', 'add', 'admin', '1403691699');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for itcast_manager
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `itcast_manager`;
CREATE TABLE `itcast_manager` (
  `mg_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `mg_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `mg_pwd` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `mg_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '時間',
  `mg_role_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '角色id',
  PRIMARY KEY (`mg_id`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of itcast_manager
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `itcast_manager` VALUES ('1', 'admin', '123456', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_manager` VALUES ('2', 'tom', '123456', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `itcast_manager` VALUES ('3', 'linken', '123456', '0', '2');
INSERT INTO `itcast_manager` VALUES ('4', 'mary', '123456', '1387785044', '2');
INSERT INTO `itcast_manager` VALUES ('5', 'yuehan', '123456', '1387785056', '1');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for itcast_user
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `itcast_user`;
CREATE TABLE `itcast_user` (
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增id',
  `username` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '登錄名',
  `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '登錄密碼',
  `user_email` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '郵箱',
  `user_sex` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '性別',
  `user_qq` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'qq',
  `user_tel` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '手機',
  `user_xueli` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '學歷',
  `user_hobby` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '愛好',
  `user_introduce` text COMMENT '簡介',
  `user_time` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `last_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of itcast_user
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('1', 'zhangsanff', '1234', '[email protected]', '1', '', '', '1', '', '', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('3', 'jack', 'jack', '[email protected]', '1', '', '', '1', '', null, null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('98', 'linken', 'abcd', '[email protected]', '1', '78347832', '13245671234', '4', '', 'I am linken', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('100', 'tom', 'tom', '[email protected]', '3', '263872', '13465432345', '5', '1,3', 'I am tom', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('113', '', '1234', '', '1', '', '13425364536', '5', '1,4', 'I am aobama', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('114', 'xiaoming', 'ming', '[email protected]', '1', '9273982', '1349874834', '4', '1,3,4', 'I am xiaoming', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('115', 'xiaoqiang', 'qiang', '[email protected]', '1', '92382738', '13425364536', '4', '1,3,4', 'qiang', '1385107783', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('116', 'xiaomingg', '1234', '[email protected]', '1', '92382738', '13425364536', '3', '1,2,3', 'sdfs', '92382738', '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('117', 'tom', '1234', '[email protected]', '1', '297398273', '13245673214', '5', '', 'I am tom', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('118', 'slkjdlks', 'lsjdksjd', '', '1', '', '', '1', '', '', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('119', 'linken', '1234', '', '1', '', '', '1', '', '', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('120', 'zhangsan', '123', '[email protected]', '1', '2398273', '329492843', '5', '', 'I am zhangsan', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('121', 'xiaoli', 'abc', '[email protected]', '1', '24234', '24323432', '4', '2,3,4', 'i am xiaoli', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('122', 'aaa', '123', '[email protected]', '1', '344444', '13248457', '4', '1,2,3', 'sfddsf', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `itcast_user` VALUES ('124', 'xiaoming', '1234', '[email protected]', '3', '2973982', '23982789', '4', '1,3,4', 'I am xiaoming', null, '0');
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