Git 筆記

1. Checkout Remote Branches:

$ git remote show origin

 $ git checkout -t origin/haml

參考:checkout tracked remote branch

2. List Remote Branches:

git branch -r  # remote branches

git branch -a# all branches

git branch    # local branches

List Remote Branches

3. 恢復刪除的或者修改的文件

git checkout-- file-name  # 加'--',表示後面的是文件名,而不會把它當作命令的其他類型的參數,比如tag名

git reset commit-id 恢復到某次commit,如HEAD

git reset--soft commit-id 恢復到某次commit,保留至此commit之後的修改在staging

4. 刪除本地/遠程 branch

To delete a local branch

git branch -d the_local_branch

To remove a remote branch (if you know what you are doing!)

git push origin :the_remote_branch 參考:

5.checkout -b


6. git stash

保存當前工作區,包括stage(git add後,但沒有commit的)。


git stash : 保存當前修改

git stash list : 查看當前有那些stash

git stash pop: 使用stash棧頭

git stash apply stash@{0} : 使用某個stash

7. git push local branch to origin

git push -u origin branch_name

8. git push --force remote_name remote_branch

rewrite the remote branch

9. remote

git remote add origin [email protected]:caius/foo.git

git remote -v 

10. 查看某個文件的修改歷史

git log --pretty=oneline file-name

11. 查看某個cmmit修改的文件

git show --pretty="format:" --name-only file-name


1. Can I destroy and recreate a Git remote branch in one command?

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