喚醒 -- try_to_wake_up()

  喚醒操作通過函數wake_up進行,它會喚醒指定的等待隊列上的所有進程。它調用函數try_to_wake_up,該函數負責將進程設置爲 TASK_RUNNING狀態,調用activate_task將此進程放入可執行隊列,如果被喚醒的進程優先級比當前正在運行的進程的優先級高,還有設 置need_resched標誌。通常哪段代碼促使等待條件達成,它就負責隨後調用wake_up()函數。
    The try_to_wake_up( ) function awakes a sleeping or stopped process by setting its state to TASK_RUNNING and inserting it into the runqueue of the local CPU.
    The function receives as its parameters: 
1. The descriptor pointer (p) of the process to be awakened
2. A mask of the process states (state) that can be awakened(要喚醒的進程狀態集)
3. A flag (sync) that forbids the awakened process to preempt the process currently running on the local CPU

static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, unsigned int state, int sync)
    int cpu, this_cpu, success = 0;
    unsigned long flags;
    long old_state;
    runqueue_t *rq;
    unsigned long load, this_load;
    struct sched_domain *sd;
    int new_cpu;

1. 關閉本地中斷並給本地可執行隊列rq加鎖
Invokes the task_rq_lock( ) function to disable local interrupts and to acquire the lock of the runqueue rq owned by the CPU that was last executing the process (it could be different from the local CPU). The logical number of that CPU is stored in the p->thread_info->cpu field.
|   rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);  |

2. 如果當前進程狀態p->state不在要喚醒的進程狀態集中,則不能喚醒該進程
Checks if the state of the process p->state belongs to the mask of states state passed as argument to the function; if this is not the case, it jumps to step 9 to terminate the function.
|   old_state = p->state;          |
|   if (!(old_state & state))      |
|       goto out;                  |

3. 如果當前進程本身就在可執行隊列中,則無需喚醒本進程
If the p->array field is not NULL, the process already belongs to a runqueue; therefore, it jumps to step 8.
|   if (p->array)                  |
|       goto out_running;          |

|   cpu = task_cpu(p);             |
|   this_cpu = smp_processor_id(); |

4. 多處理器系統:

    if (unlikely(task_running(rq, p)))
        goto out_activate;
    schedstat_inc(rq, ttwu_cnt);
    if (cpu == this_cpu) {
        schedstat_inc(rq, ttwu_local);
    } else {
        for_each_domain(this_cpu, sd) {
            if (cpu_isset(cpu, sd->span)) {
                schedstat_inc(sd, ttwu_wake_remote);

    new_cpu = cpu;
    if (cpu == this_cpu || unlikely(!cpu_isset(this_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)))
        goto out_set_cpu;

    load = source_load(cpu);
    this_load = target_load(this_cpu);

    if (sync)
        this_load -= SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;

    if (load < SCHED_LOAD_SCALE/2 && this_load > SCHED_LOAD_SCALE/2)
        goto out_set_cpu;

    new_cpu = this_cpu; 

    for_each_domain(this_cpu, sd) {
        unsigned int imbalance;
        imbalance = sd->imbalance_pct + (sd->imbalance_pct - 100) / 2;

        if ((sd->flags & SD_WAKE_AFFINE) &&
                !task_hot(p, rq->timestamp_last_tick, sd)) {
            if (cpu_isset(cpu, sd->span)) {
                schedstat_inc(sd, ttwu_move_affine);
                goto out_set_cpu; 
        } else if ((sd->flags & SD_WAKE_BALANCE) &&
                imbalance*this_load <= 100*load) {
             if (cpu_isset(cpu, sd->span)) {
                schedstat_inc(sd, ttwu_move_balance);
                goto out_set_cpu;

    new_cpu = cpu; 
    new_cpu = wake_idle(new_cpu, p);
    if (new_cpu != cpu) {
        set_task_cpu(p, new_cpu);
        task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
        rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
        old_state = p->state;
        if (!(old_state & state))
            goto out;
        if (p->array)
            goto out_running;

        this_cpu = smp_processor_id();
        cpu = task_cpu(p);


5.If the process is in the TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE state, it decreases the nr_uninterruptible field of the target runqueue, and sets the p->activated field of the process descriptor to -1.
|   if (old_state == TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE) {   |
|       rq->nr_uninterruptible--;              |
|       p->activated = -1;                     |
|   }                                          |

|   activate_task(p, rq, cpu == this_cpu);     |

7. 如果喚醒進程p的動態優先級prio比當前進程current的動態優先級高則當前進程的TIF_NEED_RESCHED就需要設置
If either the target CPU is not the local CPU or if the sync flag is not set, it checks whether the new runnable process has a dynamic priority higher than that of the current process of the rq runqueue (p->prio < rq->curr->prio); if so, invokes resched_task( ) to preempt rq->curr.
|   if (!sync || cpu != this_cpu) {            |
|       if (TASK_PREEMPTS_CURR(p, rq))         |
|           resched_task(rq->curr);            |
|   }                                          |
|   success = 1;                               |

8. Sets the p->state field of the process to TASK_RUNNING.
|out_running:                     |
|    p->state = TASK_RUNNING;     | 

9. Invokes task_rq_unlock( ) to unlock the rq runqueue and reenable the local interrupts.
|out:                             |
|    task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);  |
    return success;
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