
這幾天看完了php的虛擬機和詞法解析,寫下這篇日誌來將php的調試方法做一個總結,像一些最簡單的var_dump,die這種入門級調試技巧就不說了,這種var_dump die的方法在fpm上還好說,但是如果是守護進程就需要破壞現場,重啓服務。寫日誌有的時候也很難命中進程現場的運行情況。





strace 這個東西主要是用來觀察進程的網絡通訊方面的執行問題,好多次我都是通過strace排查出了問題所在!!!

strace -p 進程號

strace 可以觀察進程的函數運行過程以及信號執行情況,好多次我都是使用strace去排查出程序出現的問題,比如curl沒有設置timeout,當出現網絡波動的時候,導致出現了大量的SIGPIPE信號我們就可以使用strace觀察出來,包括子進程頻繁掛掉的信號SIGCHILD信號我們也可以通過strace看出來,還有是否有收到數據啊等等。



我們使用gdb -p 進程號


進入之後 source + gdbinit的路徑


使用zbacktrace 就可以看到php的調用棧了






主要從execute_data 這個數據結構上去查看運行過程

struct _zend_execute_data {
	const zend_op       *opline;           /* executed opline                */
	zend_execute_data   *call;             /* current call                   */
	zval                *return_value;
	zend_function       *func;             /* executed function              */
	zval                 This;             /* this + call_info + num_args    */
	zend_execute_data   *prev_execute_data;
	zend_array          *symbol_table;
	void               **run_time_cache;   /* cache op_array->run_time_cache */

union _zend_function {
	zend_uchar type;	/* MUST be the first element of this struct! */
	uint32_t   quick_arg_flags;

	struct {
		zend_uchar type;  /* never used */
		zend_uchar arg_flags[3]; /* bitset of arg_info.pass_by_reference */
		uint32_t fn_flags;
		zend_string *function_name;
		zend_class_entry *scope;
		union _zend_function *prototype;
		uint32_t num_args;
		uint32_t required_num_args;
		zend_arg_info *arg_info;
	} common;

	zend_op_array op_array;
	zend_internal_function internal_function;

我們可以通過execute_data中的func這個成員裏的common 成員中的function_name裏去看到函數名字,filename可以看到文件敏子等等,當然如果我們想知道之前的調用過程可通過prev_execute_data 繼續向上查看,當然我們可以通過






(gdb) p *executor_globals.current_execute_data->func->common.function_name->val@10
$1 = {116 't', 114 'r', 97 'a', 99 'c', 107 'k', 101 'e', 114 'r', 95 '_', 116 't', 101 'e'}
(gdb) p *executor_globals.current_execute_data->prev_execute_data->func->common.function_name->val@10
$2 = {116 't', 101 'e', 115 's', 116 't', 0 '\000', 110 'n', 103 'g', 0 '\000', 1 '\001', 0 '\000'}
(gdb) p execute_data
$3 = (zend_execute_data *) 0x7fa8c0e1d150
(gdb) p *execute_data
$4 = {opline = 0x0, call = 0x0, return_value = 0x0, func = 0x563525130dc0, This = {value = {lval = 0, dval = 0, counted = 0x0, str = 0x0, arr = 0x0, obj = 0x0, res = 0x0, ref = 0x0, ast = 0x0, zv = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, ce = 0x0, func = 0x0, ww = {w1 = 0, w2 = 0}}, u1 = {v = {type = 0 '\000', type_flags = 0 '\000', u = {call_info = 0, extra = 0}}, type_info = 0}, u2 = {next = 1, cache_slot = 1, opline_num = 1, lineno = 1, num_args = 1, fe_pos = 1, fe_iter_idx = 1, access_flags = 1, property_guard = 1, constant_flags = 1, extra = 1}}, prev_execute_data = 0x7fa8c0e1d0b0, symbol_table = 0x0, run_time_cache = 0x0}
(gdb) p *execute_data.prev_execute_data
$5 = {opline = 0x7fa8c0ed0ee0, call = 0x0, return_value = 0x0, func = 0x7fa8c0e18d58, This = {value = {lval = 0, dval = 0, counted = 0x0, str = 0x0, arr = 0x0, obj = 0x0, res = 0x0, ref = 0x0, ast = 0x0, zv = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, ce = 0x0, func = 0x0, ww = {w1 = 0, w2 = 0}}, u1 = {v = {type = 0 '\000', type_flags = 0 '\000', u = {call_info = 0, extra = 0}}, type_info = 0}, u2 = {next = 0, cache_slot = 0, opline_num = 0, lineno = 0, num_args = 0, fe_pos = 0, fe_iter_idx = 0, access_flags = 0, property_guard = 0, constant_flags = 0, extra = 0}}, prev_execute_data = 0x7fa8c0e1d030, symbol_table = 0x300000000, run_time_cache = 0x7fa8c0e18e30}
(gdb) p *execute_data.prev_execute_data.common
There is no member named common.
(gdb) p *execute_data.prev_execute_data.func
$6 = {type = 2 '\002', quick_arg_flags = 2, common = {type = 2 '\002', arg_flags = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'}, fn_flags = 134217728, function_name = 0x7fa8c0e80540, scope = 0x0, prototype = 0x0, num_args = 0, required_num_args = 0, arg_info = 0x0}, op_array = {type = 2 '\002', arg_flags = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'}, fn_flags = 134217728, function_name = 0x7fa8c0e80540, scope = 0x0, prototype = 0x0, num_args = 0, required_num_args = 0, arg_info = 0x0, cache_size = 24, last_var = 1, T = 4, last = 11, opcodes = 0x7fa8c0ed0e00, run_time_cache = 0x7fa8c0e18e30, static_variables = 0x0, vars = 0x7fa8c0e79620, refcount = 0x7fa8c0e79618, last_live_range = 0, last_try_catch = 0, live_range = 0x0, try_catch_array = 0x0, filename = 0x7fa8c0e92600, line_start = 2, line_end = 7, doc_comment = 0x0, last_literal = 5, literals = 0x7fa8c0ed0f60, reserved = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, internal_function = {type = 2 '\002', arg_flags = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'}, fn_flags = 134217728, function_name = 0x7fa8c0e80540, scope = 0x0, prototype = 0x0, num_args = 0, required_num_args = 0, arg_info = 0x0, handler = 0x100000018, module = 0xb00000004, reserved = {0x7fa8c0ed0e00, 0x7fa8c0e18e30, 0x0, 0x7fa8c0e79620, 0x7fa8c0e79618, 0x0}}}
(gdb) p *execute_data.prev_execute_data.func.common
Structure has no component named operator*.
(gdb) p *execute_data.prev_execute_data.func
$7 = {type = 2 '\002', quick_arg_flags = 2, common = {type = 2 '\002', arg_flags = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'}, fn_flags = 134217728, function_name = 0x7fa8c0e80540, scope = 0x0, prototype = 0x0, num_args = 0, required_num_args = 0, arg_info = 0x0}, op_array = {type = 2 '\002', arg_flags = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'}, fn_flags = 134217728, function_name = 0x7fa8c0e80540, scope = 0x0, prototype = 0x0, num_args = 0, required_num_args = 0, arg_info = 0x0, cache_size = 24, last_var = 1, T = 4, last = 11, opcodes = 0x7fa8c0ed0e00, run_time_cache = 0x7fa8c0e18e30, static_variables = 0x0, vars = 0x7fa8c0e79620, refcount = 0x7fa8c0e79618, last_live_range = 0, last_try_catch = 0, live_range = 0x0, try_catch_array = 0x0, filename = 0x7fa8c0e92600, line_start = 2, line_end = 7, doc_comment = 0x0, last_literal = 5, literals = 0x7fa8c0ed0f60, reserved = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, internal_function = {type = 2 '\002', arg_flags = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'}, fn_flags = 134217728, function_name = 0x7fa8c0e80540, scope = 0x0, prototype = 0x0, num_args = 0, required_num_args = 0, arg_info = 0x0, handler = 0x100000018, module = 0xb00000004, reserved = {0x7fa8c0ed0e00, 0x7fa8c0e18e30, 0x0, 0x7fa8c0e79620, 0x7fa8c0e79618, 0x0}}}
(gdb) p *execute_data.prev_execute_data.func.common
Structure has no component named operator*.
(gdb) p *execute_data.prev_execute_data.func.common.function_name
$8 = {gc = {refcount = 1, u = {type_info = 6}}, h = 9223372043240499301, len = 4, val = {116 't'}}
(gdb) p *execute_data.prev_execute_data.func.common.function_name.val@10
$9 = {116 't', 101 'e', 115 's', 116 't', 0 '\000', 110 'n', 103 'g', 0 '\000', 1 '\001', 0 '\000'}




ZEND_API void zend_fetch_debug_backtrace(zval *return_value, int skip_last, int options, int limit) /* {{{ */
	zend_execute_data *ptr, *skip, *call = NULL;
	zend_object *object;
	int lineno, frameno = 0;
	zend_function *func;
	zend_string *function_name;
	zend_string *filename;
	zend_string *include_filename = NULL;
	zval stack_frame, tmp;


	if (!(ptr = EG(current_execute_data))) {

	if (!ptr->func || !ZEND_USER_CODE(ptr->func->common.type)) {
		call = ptr;
		ptr = ptr->prev_execute_data;

	if (ptr) {
		if (skip_last) {
			/* skip debug_backtrace() */
			call = ptr;
			ptr = ptr->prev_execute_data;
		} else {
			/* skip "new Exception()" */
			if (ptr->func && ZEND_USER_CODE(ptr->func->common.type) && (ptr->opline->opcode == ZEND_NEW)) {
				call = ptr;
				ptr = ptr->prev_execute_data;
		if (!call) {
			call = ptr;
			ptr = ptr->prev_execute_data;

	while (ptr && (limit == 0 || frameno < limit)) {

		ptr = zend_generator_check_placeholder_frame(ptr);

		skip = ptr;
		/* skip internal handler */
		if ((!skip->func || !ZEND_USER_CODE(skip->func->common.type)) &&
		    skip->prev_execute_data &&
		    skip->prev_execute_data->func &&
		    ZEND_USER_CODE(skip->prev_execute_data->func->common.type) &&
		    skip->prev_execute_data->opline->opcode != ZEND_DO_FCALL &&
		    skip->prev_execute_data->opline->opcode != ZEND_DO_ICALL &&
		    skip->prev_execute_data->opline->opcode != ZEND_DO_UCALL &&
		    skip->prev_execute_data->opline->opcode != ZEND_DO_FCALL_BY_NAME &&
		    skip->prev_execute_data->opline->opcode != ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL) {
			skip = skip->prev_execute_data;

		if (skip->func && ZEND_USER_CODE(skip->func->common.type)) {
			filename = skip->func->op_array.filename;
			if (skip->opline->opcode == ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION) {
				if (EG(opline_before_exception)) {
					lineno = EG(opline_before_exception)->lineno;
				} else {
					lineno = skip->func->op_array.line_end;
			} else {
				lineno = skip->opline->lineno;
			ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, filename);
			zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_FILE), &tmp);
			ZVAL_LONG(&tmp, lineno);
			zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_LINE), &tmp);

			/* try to fetch args only if an FCALL was just made - elsewise we're in the middle of a function
			 * and debug_baktrace() might have been called by the error_handler. in this case we don't
			 * want to pop anything of the argument-stack */
		} else {
			zend_execute_data *prev_call = skip;
			zend_execute_data *prev = skip->prev_execute_data;

			while (prev) {
				if (prev_call &&
				    prev_call->func &&
					!ZEND_USER_CODE(prev_call->func->common.type) &&
					!(prev_call->func->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_CALL_VIA_TRAMPOLINE)) {
				if (prev->func && ZEND_USER_CODE(prev->func->common.type)) {
					ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, prev->func->op_array.filename);
					zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_FILE), &tmp);
					ZVAL_LONG(&tmp, prev->opline->lineno);
					zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_LINE), &tmp);
				prev_call = prev;
				prev = prev->prev_execute_data;
			filename = NULL;

		/* $this may be passed into regular internal functions */
		object = (call && (Z_TYPE(call->This) == IS_OBJECT)) ? Z_OBJ(call->This) : NULL;

		if (call && call->func) {
			func = call->func;
			function_name = (func->common.scope &&
			                 func->common.scope->trait_aliases) ?
					(object ? object->ce : func->common.scope), func) :
		} else {
			func = NULL;
			function_name = NULL;

		if (function_name) {
			ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, function_name);
			zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_FUNCTION), &tmp);

			if (object) {
				if (func->common.scope) {
					ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, func->common.scope->name);
				} else if (object->handlers->get_class_name == zend_std_get_class_name) {
					ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, object->ce->name);
				} else {
					ZVAL_STR(&tmp, object->handlers->get_class_name(object));
				zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_CLASS), &tmp);
				if ((options & DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT) != 0) {
					ZVAL_OBJ(&tmp, object);
					zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_OBJECT), &tmp);

				zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_TYPE), &tmp);
			} else if (func->common.scope) {
				ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, func->common.scope->name);
				zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_CLASS), &tmp);
				zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_TYPE), &tmp);

			if ((options & DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS) == 0 &&
				func->type != ZEND_EVAL_CODE) {

				debug_backtrace_get_args(call, &tmp);
				zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_ARGS), &tmp);
		} else {
			/* i know this is kinda ugly, but i'm trying to avoid extra cycles in the main execution loop */
			zend_bool build_filename_arg = 1;
			zend_string *pseudo_function_name;

			if (!ptr->func || !ZEND_USER_CODE(ptr->func->common.type) || ptr->opline->opcode != ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL) {
				/* can happen when calling eval from a custom sapi */
				pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_UNKNOWN);
				build_filename_arg = 0;
			} else
			switch (ptr->opline->extended_value) {
				case ZEND_EVAL:
					pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_EVAL);
					build_filename_arg = 0;
				case ZEND_INCLUDE:
					pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_INCLUDE);
				case ZEND_REQUIRE:
					pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_REQUIRE);
					pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_INCLUDE_ONCE);
					pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_REQUIRE_ONCE);
					/* this can actually happen if you use debug_backtrace() in your error_handler and
					 * you're in the top-scope */
					pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_UNKNOWN);
					build_filename_arg = 0;

			if (build_filename_arg && include_filename) {
				zval arg_array;


				/* include_filename always points to the last filename of the last last called-function.
				   if we have called include in the frame above - this is the file we have included.

				ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, include_filename);
				zend_hash_next_index_insert_new(Z_ARRVAL(arg_array), &tmp);
				zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_ARGS), &arg_array);

			ZVAL_INTERNED_STR(&tmp, pseudo_function_name);
			zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_FUNCTION), &tmp);

		zend_hash_next_index_insert_new(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), &stack_frame);

		include_filename = filename;

		call = skip;
		ptr = skip->prev_execute_data;


還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.