深入分析Flex [Bindable] 以及使用方法(轉載)



知道就跳過吧。今天不曉得爲什麼livedoc.adobe.com這麼慢,沒辦法,拿不到權威的解釋了。我就按自己的理解隨便解釋一下:首先要明白元數據不是語法的一部分,而是專門給編譯器用的,說白了是告訴編譯器做某些事情,學過java之類的應該知道。那Bindable來講,它的作用是告訴 flex編譯器,給某些某些東西建立綁定關係,flex編譯器會在編譯過程中給AS(flex編譯器就是把mxml編譯成as,再編譯到swf,也可能直接編譯倒swf,我這裏假設有as這麼個環節)加一點事件發生和處理之類的代碼,由此綁定的關係便建立了,如果我們用純粹as3代碼來寫也是可以實現的,就是太太太麻煩。


public var name:String = "";


三個地方:類, 變量, getter/setter。是不是public沒有關係,private的就只能給自家用唄。用在Class上就是簡單的給所有的public屬性(包括變量,getter/setter,普通方法)加上[Bindable],可是一般的方法不能用[Bindable]呀,於是一般就能看到flex給了個warning,直接無視:)。變量嘛就是上面講的,很簡單略掉。


private var content:Array = new Array();
public function set _content(ct:String):void
content = ct.split(SEP);
public function get _wholeText():String
if(content.length == 0)
return "";
var _w:String = "";
for(var i:int=0 ; i<content.length ; i++)
_w += content[i] + "\r\n";
return _w;

原來的設想是content綁定_wholeText,可它是不工作的。爲什麼?_wholeText太複雜了,被編譯器排除在“可能”之外,編譯器認爲沒有綁定關係,如果只是簡單的return content,倒是可以的。我這裏搜到了一些比較權威的解釋。來自http://www.rubenswieringa.com/blog/binding-read-only-accessors-in-flex找到Ely Greenfield講的。

Now keep in mind that there’s no way for the compiler to actually tell if the value of a property get function would be different if called, short of doing an extensive code flow analysis of the get function, identifying all the inputs that might be affecting the value of the get function (i.e., member fields, statics, globals that are used in the get function and in any methods, global functions, closures, etc) it might call, and setting up watchers on every one of those to trigger the binding when any of them change. That’s prohibitively difficult, and expensive to do. So the compiler doesn’t try.

Instead when you put [Bindable] on a get/set property, the compiler makes it bindable with a little creative rewriting that allows the framework to watch the get function, and dispatch a change event when the get function is triggered. This means that automatic bindable properties don’t work when the get function is computed from multiple values, or when you change its value by setting a backing field, rather than using the set function.

It _also_ means that if you have no set function, we can pretty much guarantee that there’s no way automatically bindable get properties will be triggered. a read only propeerty is, to the compiler, completely opaque…at the moment, it has no idea where that value is coming from, and hence will never be able to ‘automatically’ trigger the binding.


private var content:Array = new Array();
public function set _content(ct:String):void
content = ct.split(SEP);
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("_contectChanged"));
public function get _wholeText():String
if(content.length == 0)
return "";
var _w:String = "";
for(var i:int=0 ; i<content.length ; i++)
_w += content[i] + "\r\n";
return _w;

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