struts2 處理請求流程分析(結合源碼)2

2、過濾器中的doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) 方法




2.1、request = prepareDispatcherAndWrapRequest(request, response);分析

     我們知道JSTL默認是從page,request,session,application這四個Scope逐次查找相應的EL表達式所對應的對象的值。那麼如果要使用JSTL來讀取Action中的變量,就需要把Action中的變量,放到request域中才行Struts2,都使用另外一種整合方式:對HttpServletRequest進行裝飾(StrutsRequestWrapper )這個類會在Struts2初始化的時候,替換HttpServletRequest,運行於整個Struts2的運行過程中,當我們試圖調用request.getAttribute()的時候,就會執行上面的這個方法。(這是一個典型的裝飾器模式)在執行上面的方法時,會首先調用HttpServletRequest中原本的request.getAttribute(),如果沒有找到,它會繼續到ValueStack中去查找,而action在ValueStack中,所以action中的變量通過OGNL表達式,就能找到對應的值了。


	protected HttpServletRequest prepareDispatcherAndWrapRequest(
			HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
			throws ServletException {
		//獲取dispatch 的單例類,是由LocalThread 保存的,保證線程的安全
		Dispatcher du = Dispatcher.getInstance();
		// Prepare and wrap the request if the cleanup filter hasn't already,
		// cleanup filter should be
		// configured first before struts2 dispatcher filter, hence when its
		// cleanup filter's turn,
		// static instance of Dispatcher should be null.
		if (du == null) {
			//如果爲空的話,值保存進LocalThread 中
			// prepare the request no matter what - this ensures that the proper
			// character encoding
			// is used before invoking the mapper (see WW-9127)
			// request 編碼設置和response 本地化設置
			dispatcher.prepare(request, response);
		} else {
			dispatcher = du;

		try {
			// Wrap request first, just in case it is multipart/form-data
			// parameters might not be accessible through before encoding
			// (ww-1278)
			request = dispatcher.wrapRequest(request, getServletContext());
		} catch (IOException e) {
			String message = "Could not wrap servlet request with MultipartRequestWrapper!";
			LOG.error(message, e);
			throw new ServletException(message, e);
		return request;



private static ThreadLocal<Dispatcher> instance = new ThreadLocal<Dispatcher>();
//other code
public static Dispatcher getInstance() {
        return instance.get();


主要的包裝在此方法進行request = dispatcher.wrapRequest(request, getServletContext());

    public HttpServletRequest wrapRequest(HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext) throws IOException {
        // don't wrap more than once 如果已經包裝了,就不用再包裝了
        if (request instanceof StrutsRequestWrapper) {
            return request;
        String content_type = request.getContentType();
        //非表單提交的request 封裝,主要是圖片上傳等 
        if (content_type != null && content_type.indexOf("multipart/form-data") != -1) {
            MultiPartRequest multi = getContainer().getInstance(MultiPartRequest.class);
            request = new MultiPartRequestWrapper(multi, request, getSaveDir(servletContext));
        } else {
            request = new StrutsRequestWrapper(request);
        return request;


2.2、mapping = actionMapper.getMapping(request, dispatcher.getConfigurationManager());方法的分析



    public ActionMapping getMapping(HttpServletRequest request,
            ConfigurationManager configManager) {
        ActionMapping mapping = new ActionMapping();// (1)
        String uri = getUri(request);// (2)

        uri = dropExtension(uri);// (3)
        if (uri == null) {
            return null;

        parseNameAndNamespace(uri, mapping, configManager);// (4)

        handleSpecialParameters(request, mapping);// (5)

        if (mapping.getName() == null) {
            return null;

        if (allowDynamicMethodCalls) {// (6)
            String name = mapping.getName();
            int exclamation = name.lastIndexOf("!");
            if (exclamation != -1) {
                mapping.setName(name.substring(0, exclamation));
                mapping.setMethod(name.substring(exclamation + 1));

        return mapping;



(1) 關於ActionMapping類,它內部封裝瞭如下5個字段:

    private String name;// Action名
    private String namespace;// Action名稱空間
    private String method;// 執行方法
    private Map params;// 可以通過set方法設置的參數
    private Result result;// 返回的結果



(2) String uri = getUri(request);


    String getUri(HttpServletRequest request) {
        // handle http dispatcher includes.
        String uri = (String) request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.include.servlet_path");
        if (uri != null) {
            return uri;

        uri = RequestUtils.getServletPath(request);
        if (uri != null && !"".equals(uri)) {
            return uri;

        uri = request.getRequestURI();
        return uri.substring(request.getContextPath().length());



(3) uri = dropExtension(uri); 負責去掉Action的"擴展名"(默認爲"action"),源代碼如下:


 String dropExtension(String name) {
    	//extensions 爲struts2 的後綴名,可有多個,默認爲action
    	// List extensions = new ArrayList() {{ add("action");}};
        if (extensions == null) {
            return name;
        Iterator it = extensions.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String extension = "." + (String);
            if (name.endsWith(extension)) {
                name = name.substring(0, name.length() - extension.length());
                return name;
        return null;



(4) parseNameAndNamespace(uri, mapping, configManager);


    void parseNameAndNamespace(String uri, ActionMapping mapping, ConfigurationManager configManager) {
        String namespace, name;
	// 例如 
	// dropExtension()後,獲得uri爲/namespace/name 
        int lastSlash = uri.lastIndexOf("/");
        if (lastSlash == -1) {
            namespace = "";
            name = uri;
        } else if (lastSlash == 0) {
            namespace = "/";
            name = uri.substring(lastSlash + 1);
        } else if (alwaysSelectFullNamespace) {// alwaysSelectFullNamespace默認爲false,代表是否將最後一個"/"前的字符全作爲名稱空間。
            namespace = uri.substring(0, lastSlash);// 獲得字符串 namespace
            name = uri.substring(lastSlash + 1);// 獲得字符串 name
        } else {
	    // 例如
                  // dropExtension()後,獲得uri爲/namespace1/namespace2/actionname 
            Configuration config = configManager.getConfiguration();
            String prefix = uri.substring(0, lastSlash);// 獲得 /namespace1/namespace2
            namespace = "";
            // 如果配置文件中有一個包的namespace是 /namespace1/namespace2,那麼namespace爲/namespace1/namespace2,name爲actionname
            // 如果配置文件中有一個包的namespace是 /namespace1,那麼namespace爲/namespace1,name爲/namespace2/actionname
            for (Iterator i = config.getPackageConfigs().values().iterator(); i
                    .hasNext();) {
                String ns = ((PackageConfig);
                if (ns != null && prefix.startsWith(ns) && (prefix.length() == ns.length() || prefix.charAt(ns.length()) == '/')) {
                    if (ns.length() > namespace.length()) {
                        namespace = ns;

            name = uri.substring(namespace.length() + 1);

        if (!allowSlashesInActionNames && name != null) {// allowSlashesInActionNames代表是否允許"/"出現在Action的名稱中,默認爲false
            int pos = name.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (pos > -1 && pos < name.length() - 1) {
                name = name.substring(pos + 1);
        }// 以 name = /namespace2/actionname 爲例,經過這個if塊後,name = actionname



(5) handleSpecialParameters(request, mapping); 此方法用於處理Struts框架定義的四種特殊的prefix:


Method prefix:調用baz的另外一個方法"anotherMethod"而不是"execute"

  <a:form action="baz">
      <a:textfield label="Enter your name" name=""/>
      <a:submit value="Create person"/>
      <a:submit name="method:anotherMethod" value="Cancel"/>


Action prefix:調用anotherAction的"execute"

  <a:form action="baz">
      <a:textfield label="Enter your name" name=""/>
      <a:submit value="Create person"/>
      <a:submit name="action:anotherAction" value="Cancel"/>


Redirect prefix:將請求重定向,下例中爲定向到google

  <a:form action="baz">
      <a:textfield label="Enter your name" name=""/>
      <a:submit value="Create person"/>
      <a:submit name="" value="Cancel"/>


Redirect-action prefix:重定向action,下例中爲定向到dashboard.action

  <a:form action="baz">
      <a:textfield label="Enter your name" name=""/>
      <a:submit value="Create person"/>
      <a:submit name="redirect-action:dashboard" value="Cancel"/>



    public void handleSpecialParameters(HttpServletRequest request, ActionMapping mapping) {
        Set<String> uniqueParameters = new HashSet<String>();
        Map parameterMap = request.getParameterMap();
        for (Iterator iterator = parameterMap.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String);
            if (key.endsWith(".x") || key.endsWith(".y")) {// 去掉圖片按鈕的位置信息,具體情況我也不是很瞭解
                key = key.substring(0, key.length() - 2);

            // 處理四種特殊的prefix:Method prefix,Action prefix,Redirect prefix,Redirect-action prefix
            if (!uniqueParameters.contains(key)) {
                ParameterAction parameterAction = (ParameterAction) prefixTrie.get(key);
                if (parameterAction != null) {// 當發現某種特殊的predix時
                    parameterAction.execute(key, mapping);// 調用它的execute方法,在DefaultActionMapper的構造函數中定義
                    uniqueParameters.add(key);// 下邊已經break了爲什麼還要把key加入到排重的Set裏呢??

 (6) 處理調用的不是execute方法的情況:

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