Galaxy Nexus IMM76K 手動升級 4.1.1

手上 Galaxy Nexus是 IMM76K,一直等不到OTA升級。查了一下,這是三×來管理的OTA的機器,Google不管。是後孃養的。只好自己動手回到Google箮理之下。

前提升級需要在Linux  下,我的電腦裝的Arch




You will find these files useful if you have used the Android Open-Source Project, flashed custom builds on your device, and wish to return that device to its factory state.

In order to use these files, you need to have the fastboot tool in your PATH. That tool is compiled as part of every configuration of the Android Open-Source Project and is the tool used to flash custom builds on your device. On GNU/Linux systems, this also implies that you have configured USB access as mentioned in the machine setup instructions.

Your device needs to be in fastboot mode, with the bootloader unlocked. The relevant key combinations and commands are documented on the page about building for devices.

You need to uncompress each download before use, which creates a new directory for that exact download. That directory contains a ./ script, which handles the various operations, installs the necessary bootloader, baseband firmware(s), and operating system. Note that this operation deletes all user data by default.

After restoring a factory image, it is recommended that you lock the bootloader, for security reasons.


1 讓手機進入fastboot模式

2 解鎖

3 刷固件,完成後自動重啓


5 加鎖



4.1.1 (JRO03C)

Factory Images "yakju" for Galaxy Nexus "maguro" (GSM/HSPA+)

Version Download MD5 Checksum SHA-1 Checksum
4.0.4 (IMM76I) Link 31447212fb4fb00aab4ef8bdc78e7ffb 8001e72f6a62e000202be93084beac3bb1e13662
4.1.1 (JRO03C) Link 61cad184127144888445987249f06fca 3174c1e570434dbc49dbbc353a40c948fbff8e70
1 讓手機進入fastboot模式


2 解鎖 運行命令

$ fastboot oem unlock
OKAY [ 13.171s]
finished. total time: 13.172s

3 刷固件,完成後自動重啓

下載後:yakju-jro03c-factory-3174c1e5.tgz, 需要解壓縮。解壓後有5個文件 

-rw-r----- 1 hpc hpc   2363392 Jul 27 22:58 bootloader-maguro-primelc03.img
-rwxr-x--x 1 hpc hpc       831 Jul 27 22:58
-rwxr-x--x 1 hpc hpc       789 Jul 27 22:58
-rw-r----- 1 hpc hpc 241199343 Jul 27 22:58
-rw-r----- 1 hpc hpc  12583168 Jul 27 22:58 radio-maguro-i9250xxlf1.img


[hpc@archhost yakju-jro03c]$ ./ 
sending 'bootloader' (2308 KB)...
OKAY [  0.577s]
writing 'bootloader'...
OKAY [  0.287s]
finished. total time: 0.864s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [  0.006s]
finished. total time: 0.006s
sending 'radio' (12288 KB)...
OKAY [  3.086s]
writing 'radio'...
OKAY [  1.375s]
finished. total time: 4.462s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [  0.006s]
finished. total time: 0.006s
archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
archive does not contain 'recovery.sig'
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
Bootloader Version...: PRIMELC03
Baseband Version.....: I9250XXLF1
Serial Number........: 016B806214005016
checking product...
OKAY [  0.007s]
checking version-bootloader...
OKAY [  0.008s]
checking version-baseband...
OKAY [  0.008s]
sending 'boot' (4366 KB)...
OKAY [  1.092s]
writing 'boot'...
OKAY [  0.267s]
sending 'recovery' (4708 KB)...
OKAY [  1.192s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [  0.313s]
sending 'system' (396675 KB)...
OKAY [ 99.441s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 35.623s]
erasing 'userdata'...
OKAY [  0.290s]
erasing 'cache'...
OKAY [  0.013s]

finished. total time: 138.346s



[hpc@archhost yakju-jro03c]$ ./ 
sending 'bootloader' (2308 KB)...
OKAY [  0.573s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: Bootloader Locked - Use "fastboot oem unlock" to Unlock)
finished. total time: 0.642s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [  0.006s]
finished. total time: 0.006s
sending 'radio' (12288 KB)...
OKAY [  3.069s]
writing 'radio'...
FAILED (remote: Bootloader Locked - Use "fastboot oem unlock" to Unlock)
finished. total time: 3.075s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [  0.006s]
finished. total time: 0.006s
archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
archive does not contain 'recovery.sig'
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
Bootloader Version...: PRIMEKK15
Baseband Version.....: I9250XXLA2
Serial Number........: 016B806214005016
checking product...
OKAY [  0.006s]
checking version-bootloader...

Device version-bootloader is 'PRIMEKK15'.
Update requires 'PRIMELC03'.

finished. total time: 0.067s
[hpc@ming-archhost yakju-jro03c]$ fastboot oem unlock
OKAY [ 13.171s]
finished. total time: 13.172s



5 加鎖

$ fastboot oem lock
OKAY [  0.170s]
finished. total time: 0.170s


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