


create table Student(
   Stu_no       char(8) ,    --學號
   Stu_name     nvarchar(10) ,--姓名
   Stu_age      tinyint ,     --年齡 
   Stu_sex       nchar(2) check(stu_sex in('男','女')), --性別
   Stu_dept      nvarchar(20),--專業
   CONSTRAINT pk_sno PRIMARY KEY (Stu_no));

 create table  Course(
    Cou_no         char(3),      --課程號
    Cou_name       nvarchar(30),  --課程名
    Cou_pno        char(3),      --先修課
    Cou_teacher     nvarchar(10),--老師姓名
    CONSTRAINT pk_cno PRIMARY KEY (Cou_no));

create table SC(
    Stu_no      char(8) ,   --學號
    Cou_no      char(3),    --課程號
    Grade       decimal(5,1),--成績 
    CONSTRAINT pk_sc PRIMARY KEY (Stu_no,Cou_no), --主健
    foreign key(Stu_no) references Student(Stu_no),--外健
    foreign key(Cou_no) references Course(Cou_no), --外健
    check ((grade is null) or (grade between 0 and 100)));

INSERT into Student VALUES('20180001','全學過',20,'男','計算機');
INSERT into Student VALUES('20180002','沒學過',19,'女','計算機');
INSERT into Student VALUES('20180003','沒學全一',18,'男','信息');
INSERT into Student VALUES('20180004','沒學全二',19,'男','信息');

INSERT into Course VALUES('a01','計算機網絡','a04','李琳');
INSERT into Course VALUES('a02','數據庫原理','a04','李琳');
INSERT into Course VALUES('a03','操作系統','a04','張勇');
INSERT into Course VALUES('a04','數據結構','a04','張娜');

INSERT into SC VALUES('20180001','a01',92.5);
INSERT into SC VALUES('20180001','a02',85);
INSERT into SC VALUES('20180002','a03',88);
INSERT into SC VALUES('20180002','a04',90);
INSERT into SC VALUES('20180003','a01',80);
INSERT into SC VALUES('20180003','a03',65);
INSERT into SC VALUES('20180004','a02',78);
INSERT into SC VALUES('20180004','a04',88);

1 查詢學過李琳老師講授課程的學生學號,姓名,成績


select  student.stu_no ,stu_name,grade
from student,course,sc
where student.stu_no = sc.stu_no 
AND course.cou_no = sc.cou_no
AND course.Cou_teacher='李琳';

(2)不相關子查詢 in

-- 即查詢的屬性列,和篩選條件的屬性不在一張表
select  student.stu_no ,stu_name,grade
from student,sc
where student.stu_no = sc.stu_no 
AND sc.cou_no in (select Cou_no
							  from Course
							  where course.Cou_teacher='李琳')


select  student.stu_no ,stu_name,grade
from  sc,student
where  sc.stu_no = student.stu_no
         (select * 
		 from course
		 where cou_no = sc.Cou_no   --相關子查詢
		 AND cou_teacher = '李琳')

2 沒學過李琳老師講授課程的學生學號,姓名

(1)不相關子查詢 not in

--2.1 沒學過-- not  in

-- 例如 沒選全這個學生有兩門選科,會留下一門不是李琳老師的選課記錄。
select  student.stu_no ,stu_name,grade
from student,SC
where sc.stu_no = student.stu_no AND
sc.cou_no  not in(--sc.cou_no 以選課記錄爲單位
										select cou_no 
										from course
										where cou_teacher = '李琳')

-- 以學生爲單位進行篩選--不相關子查詢
select  student.stu_no ,stu_name,grade
from student,sc
where student.stu_no = sc.stu_no
AND student.stu_no not in(--以下是學過李琳老師課程的學號,
											--student.stu_no not in  是以學生爲單位進行篩選
								select stu_no 
								from course,sc
								where course.cou_no = sc.Cou_no
								AND cou_teacher= '李琳')

(2)相關子查詢 not exists

--2.2沒學過 exists 相關子查詢
select  student.stu_no, stu_name
from  student     
where not exists(
						select  * 
						from sc,course
						where sc.cou_no = course.cou_no
						AND sc.stu_no = student.stu_no
						AND cou_teacher = '李琳'


--2.3 沒學過  集合的差
select  stu_no,stu_name
from student
select student.stu_no,stu_name
from student,sc,course
where sc.stu_no = student.stu_no
AND sc.cou_no = course.cou_no
AND Cou_teacher='李琳'

3 學全李琳老師講授課程學生的學號,姓名,成績

(1)not exists不相關子查詢

--相關子查詢,能查到第一個表裏的屬性列,條件寫在最後一個 not exists中
--至於怎麼查出 course_no,cou_name,grade,如果用一個句子表達會很複雜,可以創建一個只含學全的學生表信息
-- select * from view_all_study_students;
if exists(select  * from sys.views where name='view_all_study_students')
drop view view1
create  view view_all_study_students
select student.stu_no ,stu_name
from  student
where not exists (select * 
						 from course
						where cou_teacher ='李琳'
						AND not exists(
												select  * 
												from sc
												where sc.stu_no = student.stu_no
												AND sc.cou_no = course.cou_no)
if exists (select * from  sys.views where name='view_s_c_sc')
drop view view_s_c_sc
create view view_s_c_sc AS 
select view_all_study_students.Stu_no,view_all_study_students.Stu_name,cou_name,grade
from view_all_study_students,course,sc
where view_all_study_students.Stu_no= sc.Stu_no
AND sc.Cou_no= course.cou_no
select * from view_s_c_sc;

4 沒學全李琳老師講授課程的學生姓名、學號

(1)全部學生信息 except 學全的學生信息


select  student.stu_no 
from student
where stu_no in (select distinct stu_no --學過
						 from sc,course 
						 where sc.cou_no = course.cou_no
						 AND cou_teacher = '李琳'
						 group by stu_no 
						 having count(*)<
													(select count(*)
													from course
													where cou_teacher='李琳'))--沒學全

5 SQL SERVER 使用中遇到的問題

(1) 報錯將截斷二進制數據或字符串


(2)語法錯誤:create view必須是批處理中僅有的語句

原因: 你可能在這段代碼之前還有其他的語句是同時在處理。


​ 2、在新窗口單獨執行這段代碼

(3)GO 的用法



GO的意思 是 分批處理語句 有加這個 GO ,就執行GO 行的代碼,執行後再執行接下來的代碼……

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