Part Ⅰ

Part Ⅰ

1.1 Words List

  • machine learning 機器學習

  • algorithm 算法

  • regression 迴歸

  • classcational problem 分類問題

  • benign && malignance 良性 & 惡性

  • Machine Learning definition

    Arthur Samuel Machine Learning: Field of study that gives computers the ablity to lean without being explictly programmed.


    Tom Mitchell(1998) well_posed Learning problem: A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P if its performance on T as measured by P improves with experience E.

1.2 Acquisition

  • Four major subjects:

    1. Supervised Learning 監督學習

      Baidu’s definition of Supersived Learning:

      The process of adjusting the parameters of a classifer to adsired the performance using a set of known categories of samples,also known as Supervised Training or Teather Learning.


      For example:We have a group data about the prices and area of house,the prices as y axis and the area as x axis. So we can apply the data to get some relationships about x and y.These maybe are linear or norlinear and we can use these relationships to get the prices of the house when we know the area of the house.This remembers me of a course named as Calculation method in the last semester when I was a junior student.One of the experiments of the course called Least squares was a kind of way of supervised learning.

    2. Learning Theory 學習理論

      Emphasis on applied the learning theory to the practical problems.

    3. Unsupervised Learning 無監督學習

      Baidu’s definition of Unsupervised Learning:

      The various problems in pattern recognition are solved according to the training samples whose categories are unknown(not marked),which is recalled Unsupervised Learning.


      Well-known clustering is an example of a typical unspervised learning.

    4. Reinforcement Learning 強化學習

      Agents learn in a “trial and error” way is called Reforcement Learning.By continuous learning,we tell agents which one is correct and which one is wrong.After training,the agents have the ablity judge right or wrong independently so that take right decidion in next step.

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