Qcadoo MES 源碼安裝嚮導

Qcadoo - Developer Documentation

Building MES from source code - tutorial

創建者Katarzyna Małyszek (Unlicensed)

Jolanta Dukiel (Unlicensed) 最近更新於 Sep 28, 2017



This guide is designed for bash.


I. Clone repository

This step is optional if you already have a copy of the repository.

Clone following repositories to directory of your choice (for example ~/qcadoo/):


git clone https://github.com/qcadoo/qcadoo-super-pom-open

git clone https://github.com/qcadoo/qcadoo-maven-plugin

git clone https://github.com/qcadoo/qcadoo

git clone https://github.com/qcadoo/mes

II. Checkout branch and pull changes

In ~/qcadoo/mes use the given command to checkout branch branch_name:

git checkout branch_name

To update your local repository in each project use command: 

git pull origin current_branch_name


III. Build projects

  1. Build framework and plugins

    Projects must be built in specific order:
    1. qcadoo-super-pom-open
    2. qcadoo-maven-plugin
    3. qcadoo
    4. mes

    構建順序 父項目qcadoo-super-pom,maven插件qcadoo-maven-plugin,mes核心組件qcadoo

  2. Build each project with command:

    mvn clean install [-o]

    Use flag -o if you want to use locally built binaries.


    If you rebuild MES on the same computer and no changes have been done in step II. in given project, you can skip it in build order. If however some changes appear in qcadoo for example, you must rebuild projects b, c, d.

    Build order is important!

    Building qcadoo on non-Unix

    If you have got some problems when building qcadoo project on non-Unix based computer please add -DskipTests=true, to build command.構建qcadoo項目是,加上參數-DskipTests=true   否則會出現因測試不過而無法編譯通過。

  3. Prepare configuration for MES application

    Before you can start application, you have to create database.

    Postgres installation

    Currently we're working on Postgres 9.5.4. For installation manual depending on your platform follow: https://www.postgresql.org/download/.安裝PostgresSQL9.5.22:https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads

    By default mes will try to connect to database as user: postgres, using password: postgres123 and connecting to database mes. You can change this settings in file mes/mes-application/target/tomcat-archiver/mes-application/qcadoo/db.properties.

    Configuration preserving修改數據庫連接配置信息

    If you want to make configuration and preserve it between mes-application builds, change file mes/mes-application/conf/tomcat/db.properties


    If you want to make temporary configuration for current build only, change file mes/mes-application/target/tomcat-archiver/mes-application/qcadoo/db.properties (after first build!) .

    We no longer provide possibility to create clean database when starting qcadoo MES. 
    Instead, we attach schema dump, which You can find in the following path: 


    Before You can run qcadoo MES, all You have to do is to restore this dump using the following command (assuming, You have installed postgreSQL as the user postgres, and created database mes with password postgres123):導入數據庫腳本

    psql -U postgres mes < path/to/schema/demo_db_en.sql


    Schema version數據庫腳本只對master分支代碼有效,如果要用其他分支如dev,會啓動失敗,要啓動成功則還要修改db.properties文件的hibernateHbm2ddlAuto=update

    Schema is valid for current master branch. If You decide to build qcadoo MES from branch different than current branch (e.g. dev, feature/xyz), You will fail to launch the application. In order to start qcadoo MES built from branch other than current master, change "hibernateHbm2ddlAuto=validate" to "hibernateHbm2ddlAuto=update" in file:

    mes/mes-application/target/tomcat-archiver/mes-application/qcadoo/db.properties (created after command below is being executed)

    注意:可能會丟失部分界面,菜單等等,但是仍然可以運行qcadoo MES

    Be aware - You may be missing some views, menu position etc., but You will be able to run qcadoo MES!

  4. Building MES application


    鍵入:mvn clean install -Ptomcat -Dprofile=tomcat -Dmaven.test.skip=true 或者

    打包MES Navigate to mes/mes-application and use:

    mvn clean install -o -Ptomcat -Dprofile=package

IV. Start MES

In step III you created complete package with application in directory mes/mes-application/target/tomcat-archiver/mes-application.打包成功後,進入mes/mes-application/target/tomcat-archiver/mes-application,執行startup.bat

To start local instance of MES:

  1. Navigate to directory with mes package:

    cd mes/mes-application/target/tomcat-archiver/mes-application

  2. Give execute rights to tomcat scripts:

    chmod a+x bin/*.sh

  3. Start MES:


  4. Shutdown MES: 


Access to logs

Logs can be found in directory mes/mes-application/target/tomcat-archiver/mes-application/logs/.

Most of the time you will find information you need in file root.log, for example if your instance started correctly, details of found errors etc.

Access to local instance of MES

To access started locally instance of MES, go to page (by default):


If MES started correctly, you should see login page. Default user: admin, password: adminSuperadmin user: superadmin, password: superadmin (start with this user, and add access roles to groups!).

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Login as superadmin.
  2. Go to ‘Administration’ → ‘Groups’.
  3. Click the right group on a list - the one that is related to the user you want to log in. Next, go there.
  4. Select all available roles. Save your choice.
  5. Log out.
  6. Log in the account again.

If you have any problems with building MES with this guide, feel free to contact us: [email protected].

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