AtomicInteger 理論與實踐

publicclass AtomicInteger

extends Number

implements Serializable


可以用原子方式更新的 int 值。有關原子變量屬性的描述,請參閱 java.util.concurrent.atomic 包規範。AtomicInteger 可用在應用程序中(如以原子方式增加的計數器),並且不能用於替換 Integer。但是,此類確實擴展了 Number,允許那些處理基於數字類的工具和實用工具進行統一訪問。





1 使用CAS進行原子更新操作。

Java併發包中大量使用了CAS操作。CAS 操作包含三個操作數 ——內存位置(V)、預期原值(A)和新值(B)。如果內存位置的值與預期原值相匹配,那麼處理器會自動將該位置值更新爲新值。否則,處理器不做任何操作。

 // 定義unsafe 成員變量

private static finalUnsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();


// 取得value字段的偏移量

static {

  try {

    valueOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset


  } catch (Exception ex) { throw newError(ex); }


// 原子操作:比較並更新

public final booleancompareAndSet(int expect, int update) {

    return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update);


// 原子操作:比較並更新

public final booleanweakCompareAndSet(int expect, int update) {

    return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update);




public native longobjectFieldOffset(Field f);


public final native booleancompareAndSwapInt(Object o, long offset,

                                                 int expected,

                                                 int x);


2 使用volatile關鍵字修飾int成員變量value

privatevolatile int value;


關於volatile修飾符的相信信息可參考Java理論與實踐:正確使用volatile變量 一文。



首先是比較並交換,公開的API中提供了兩種方案:compareAndSetweakCompareAndSet。儘管規範中說:weakCompareAndSet可能會在意外的情況下失敗,並對指令重排序不提供保證,但是從實現的角度來看,這兩個方法都是調用unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update)來實現的,因此實現並沒有遵守規範。也許將來會重新實現這個方法,只是目前還缺乏合適的解決方案。



Unsafe.putOrderedObject guarante that writes will notbe re-orderd by instruction reordering. Under the covers it uses the fasterstore-store barrier, rather than the the slower store-load barrier, which isused when doing a volatile write.

write may be reordered with subsequent operations (orequivalently, might not be visible to other threads) until some other volatilewrite or synchronizing action occurs)




源文檔 <>



As probably the last little JSR166 follow-up forMustang, we added a "lazySet" method to the Atomic classes(AtomicInteger, AtomicReference, etc). This is a niche method that is sometimesuseful when fine-tuning code using non-blocking data structures. The semanticsare that the write is guaranteed not to be re-ordered with any previous write,but may be reordered with subsequent operations (or equivalently, might not bevisible to other threads) until some other volatile write or synchronizingaction occurs).

The main use case is for nulling out fields ofnodes in non-blocking data structures solely for the sake of avoiding long-termgarbage retention; it applies when it is harmless if other threads see non-nullvalues for a while, but you'd like to ensure that structures are eventuallyGCable. In such cases, you can get better performance by avoiding the costs ofthe null volatile-write. There are a few other use cases along these lines fornon-reference-based atomics as well, so the method is supported across all ofthe AtomicX classes.

For people who like to think of these operationsin terms of machine-level barriers on common multiprocessors, lazySet providesa preceeding store-store barrier (which is either a no-op or very cheap oncurrent platforms), but no store-load barrier (which is usually the expensivepart of a volatile-write).

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