
#!/bin/env python3
#-*- coding:utf8 -*-
# print('hello world')
# print('hao',123)
# print('hao',123,sep='***') #分隔符定義爲***
# print('hao',123)
# print('hao' + '123')
# user = input('username: ')
# print(user)
# divmod(5,3) #5除以3 返回商和餘數(1, 2)
# a,b  = divmod(5,3) #將商和餘數賦值給a和b
# 10 > 5 > 1 # python支持連續比較
# 20 > 10 < 30 #相當於20 > 10 and 10 < 30
# (not 10 > 50) or 2 < 5 #設計到可讀性差的代碼 應該加()
# print( type(1.3))
# True + 1 = 2
# False * 5 = 0
# #python默認使用10進制數表示數字
# hex(20) #10進制轉16
# oct(10) #轉8進制
# bin(10) #十進制轉2進制
# py_str[2:6] # 切片,不會出現下標越界的錯誤
# import  getpass #倒入模塊
# username= input('username: ')
# password = getpass.getpass('password: ')
# if username == 'bob' and password == '123456':
#     print('Login successful')
# else:
#     print('Login incorrect')
# import random
# num = random.randint(1,10) #隨機生成1-10之間的數字
# answer = int(input('guess a number: '))
# if answer > num:
#     print('猜大了')
# elif answer < num :
#     print('猜小了')
# else:
#     print('猜對了')
# print('the number: ',num)
# score = int(input('分數: '))
# if score  >= 90:
#     print('優秀')
# elif score >= 80:
#     print('好')
# elif score >=70:
#     print('良')
# elif score >=60:
#     print('及格')
# else:
#     print('你要努力了')
# score = int(input('分數: '))
# if score >= 60 and score <=70:
#     print('幾個')
# elif 70 <= score < 80:
#     print('良')
# elif 80 <= score <90:
#     print('好')
# elif score >=90 and score <=100:
#     print('優秀')
# else:
#     print('你要努力了')
# import  random
# all_choices = ['石頭','剪刀','布']
# computer = random.choice(all_choices)
# player = input('請出拳頭: ')
# #print('Your choice:',player,:Computer's choice:",computer ')
# print("Your choice: %s,Computer's choice: %s"% (player,computer))
# if player =='石頭':
#     if computer == '石頭':
#         print('平局')
#     elif computer == '剪刀':
#         print('You WIN!!!')
#     else:
#         print('You LOSE!!!')
# elif player == '剪刀':
#     if computer == '石頭':
#         print('You LOSE!!!')
#     elif computer == '剪刀':
#         print('平局')
#     else:
#         print("You WIN!!!")
# else:
#     if computer == '石頭':
#         print('You WIN!!!')
#     elif computer == '剪刀':
#         print('You LOSE!!!')
#     else:
#         print('平局')
# import  random
# all_choices = ['石頭','剪刀','布']
# win_list = [['石頭','剪刀'],['剪刀','布'],['布','石頭']]
# prompt ="""(0)石頭
# (1)剪刀
# (2)布
# 請選擇(0/1/2): """
# computer = random.choice(all_choices)
# ind = int(input(prompt))
# player  = all_choices[ind]
# print("Your choice:%s,Computer's chocie:%s"% (player,computer))
# if player == computer:
#     print('\033[32;1m平局\033[0m')
# elif [player,computer] in win_list:
#     print('\033[31;1mYou WIN!!!\033[0m')
# else:
#     print('\033[31;1mYou LOSE!!!\033[0m')
# import random
# num = random.randint(1,10)
# running =True
# while running:
#     answer = int(input('guess the number: '))
#     if answer >num:
#         print('猜大了')
#     elif answer < num:
#         print('猜小了')
#     else:
#         print('猜對了')
#         running = False
# import random
# num = random.random.randint(1,10)
# counter = 0
# while counter < 5:
#     answer = int(input('guess the number: '))
#     if answer > num:
#         print('猜大了')
#     elif answer < num:
#         print("猜小了")
#     else:
#         print('猜對了')
#         break
#     counter +=1
# else: #循環被break就不執行了,沒有被break 才執行
#     print('the number is: ',num)
# sum100 = 0
# counter = 1
# while counter < 101:
#     sum100 +=counter
#     counter += 1
# print(sum100)
# while True:
#     yn =input('Continue(y/n)')
#     if yn in ['n','N']:
#         break
#     print('running...')
# sum100 = 0
# counter =0
# while counter < 100:
#     counter +=1
#     #if counter %2:
#     if counter %2 ==1:
#         continue
#     sum100 += counter
# print(sum100)
# fib = [0,1]
# for i in range(8):
#     fib.append(fib[-1]+fb[-2])
# print(fib)
# for i in range(1,10):
#     for j in range(1,i+1):
#         print('%s*%s=%s'% (j,i,i*j),end='')
#     print()
# #10+5的結果放到列表中
# [10+5]
# #10+5這個表達式計算10次
# [10+5 for i in range(10)]
# #10+i的i來自與循環
# [10+ i for i in range(10)]
# [10+i for i in range(1,11)]
# #通過if過濾,滿足if條件的才參與10+i的運算
# [10+i for i in range(1,11)if i %2 ==1]
# [10 +i for i in range(1,11)if i % 2]
# #生成IP地址列表
# ['192.168.1.%s'% i for i in range(1,255)]
# import  random
# all_choices = ['石頭','剪刀','布']
# win_list = [['石頭','剪刀'],['剪刀','布'],['布','石頭']]
# prompt = """(0)石頭
# (1)剪刀
# (2)布
# 請選擇(0/1/2): """
# cwin = 0
# pwin = 0
# while cwin <2 and pwin <2:
#     computer = random.choice(all_chocies)
#     ind = int(input(prompt))
#     player = all_choices[ind]
#     print("Your chocie:%s,Computer's choice:%s"% (player,computer))
#     if player == computer:
#         print("\033[32;1m平局\033[0m")
#     elif [player,computer]in win_list:
#         pwin +=1
#         print('\033[31;1mYou WIN!!!\033[0m')
#     else:
#         cwin +=1
#         print("\033[31;1mYou LOSE!!!\033[0m")
# import  getpass
# userdb = {}
# def register():
#     uname = input('username: ').strip()[0]
#     if uname and (uname not in userdb):
#         upass = input('password: ')
#         userdb[uname]= upass
#     else:
#         print('用戶名爲空或已存在')
# def login():
#         uname = input('username: ')
#         upass = getpass.getpass('password: ')
#         #if (uname in userdb) and (userdb[uname]==upass):
#         if userdb.get(uname) == upass:
#             print('\033[32;1m登陸成功\033[0m')
#         else:
#             print('\033[31;1m登錄失敗\033[0m')
# def show_menu():
#     cmds = {'0':register,'1':login}
#     prompt = """(0)註冊
# (1)登錄
# (2)退出
# 請選擇(0/1/2): """
#     while True:
#         choice = input(prompt).strip()[0]
#         if choice not in ['0','1','2']:
#             print('無效的輸入,請重試')
#             continue
#         if choice == '2':
#             print('\nBye-bye')
#             break
#         cmds[choice]()
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     show_menu()
# stack = []
# def push_it():
#     #讀取用戶輸入非空內容追加到列表否則打印提示
#     data = input('數據: ').strip()[0]
#     if data:
#         stack.append(data)
#     else:
#         print('輸入內容爲空.')
# def pop_it():
#     if stack:
#         print('從棧中,彈出: %s'% stack.pop())
#     else:
#         print('空棧')
# def view_if():
#     print(stack)
# def show_menu():
#     cmds = {'0':push_it,'1':pop_it,'2':view_if}
#     prompt ="""(0)壓棧
# (1)出棧
# (2)查詢
# (3)退出
# 請選擇(0/1/2/3): """
#     while 1:
#         choice = input(prompt).strip()
#         if choice not in ['0','1','2','3']:
#             print('無效的輸入,請重試')
#             continue
#         if choice == '3':
#             print('\nBye-bye')
#             break
#         cmds[choice]()
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     show_menu()
# import sys
# import  subprocess
# import randpass2
# def adduser(uname,passwd,fname):
#     result = subprocess.run(
#         'id %s &> /dev/null' % uname,shell=True
#     )
#     if result.returncode ==0:
#         print('用戶已存在')
#         return
#     subprocess.run('useradd %s'% uname,shell=True)
#     subprocess.run(
#         'echo %s |passwd --stdin %s'% (passwd,uname),
#         shell=True
#     )
#     info = """用戶名: %s
# 密碼: %s
# """% (uname,passwd)
#     with open(fname,'a')as fobj:
#         fobj.write(info)
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     uname = sys.argv[1]
#     fname = sys.argv[2]
#     passwd = randpass2.randpass()
#     adduser(uname,passwd,fname)
#     #python adduser.py zs /tmp/users.txt
# import os
# def get_fname():
#     while 1:
#         fname = input('文件名:')
#         if not os.path.exists(fname):
#             break
#         print('文件已存在.請重試.')
#     return  fname
# def get_content():
#     content = []
#     print('請輸入文件內容,單獨輸入end表示結束.')
#     while 1:
#         line = input('(end to quit)> ')
#         if line == 'end':
#             break
#         content.append(line)
#     return content
# def wfile(fname,content):
#     with open(fname,'w')as fobj:
#         fobj.writelines(content)
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     fname =get_fname()
#     content = get_content()
#     content = ['%s\n'% line for line in content]
#     wfile(fname,content)
# from random import choice
# from string import ascii_letters,digits
# all_chs = ascii_letters + digits
# def randpass(n=8):
#     result = ''
#     for i in range(n):
#         ch = choice(all_chs)
#         result +=ch
#     return  result
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     a = randpass()
#     print(a)
# import sys
# def copy(src_fname,dst_name):
#     src_fobj = open(src_fname,'rb')
#     dst_fobj = open(dst_fname,'wb')
#     while 1:
#         data = src_fobj.read(4096)
#         if not data:
#             break
#         dst_fobj.write(data)
#     src_fobj.close()
#     dst_fobj.close()
# if len(sys.argv) != 3:
#     print('Usage: %s src dst' % sys.argv[0])
#     exit(10)
# copy(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2])
# #python cp4.pu /etc/hosts /tmp/zj
# from random import choice
# from string import ascii_letters,digits
# def randpass(n=8):
#     result = ''
#     for i in range(n):
#         ch = choice(all_chs)
#         result += ch
#     return result
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     a = randpass()
#     print(a)
# import  sys
# import subprocess
# import randpass2
# def adduser(uname,passwd,fname):
#     result = subprocess.run(
#         'id %s &> /dev/null' % uname,shell=True
#     )
#     if result.returncode == 0:
#         print('用戶已存在')
#         return
#     subprocess.run('useradd %s'% uname,shell=True)
#     subprocess.run(
#         'echo %s | passwd --stdin %s'% (passwd,uname),
#         shell=True
#     )
#     info ="""用戶名:%s
# 密碼:%s
# """% (uname,passwd)
#     with open(fname,'a')as fobj:
#         fobj.write(info)
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     uname = sys.argv[1]
#     fname = sys.argv[2]
#     passwd = randpass2.randpass()
#     adduser(uname,passwd,fname)
#     #python adduser.py zs /tmp/users.txt

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