
由於景深碰撞不能應用於透明物體,因此試了一下UE4的距離場碰撞,效果還可以接受,但是發現發射器的Collision中Random Spread和Random Distribution參數都失效了,粒子只能按照法線做反彈。
檢查源碼發現CollideWithDepthBuffer函數中的一行ComputeCollidingVelocity函數在CollideWithDistanceField中被改寫成過程了,而且裏面沒有隨機分佈的相關代碼,把部分過程刪掉換成NewVelocity = ComputeCollidingVelocity(MidVelocity, CollisionPlane.xyz, RelativeTime, Resilience);就可以解決問題了。

//C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Shaders\Private\ParticleSimulationShader.usf
 * Compute collision with the global signed distance field
void CollideWithDistanceField(
    out float3 NewPosition,
    out float3 NewVelocity,
    inout float RelativeTime,
    in float3 InPosition,
    in float3 InVelocity,
    in float3 Acceleration,
    in float CollisionRadius,
    in float Resilience
    // Integration assuming no collision.
    float3 MidVelocity = InVelocity.xyz + 0.5f * Acceleration;
    float3 DeltaPosition = DeltaSeconds * MidVelocity;
    NewPosition = InPosition.xyz + DeltaPosition;
    NewVelocity = InVelocity.xyz + Acceleration;

    float DistanceToNearestSurface = GetDistanceToNearestSurfaceGlobal(InPosition);
    float MaxCollisionDistance = CollisionRadius + length(DeltaPosition.xyz);

    if (DistanceToNearestSurface < MaxCollisionDistance)
        float3 CollisionWorldNormal = normalize(GetDistanceFieldGradientGlobal(InPosition));
        float3 CollisionWorldPosition = InPosition - CollisionWorldNormal * DistanceToNearestSurface;

        float4 CollisionPlane = float4(CollisionWorldNormal.xyz, dot(CollisionWorldPosition.xyz, CollisionWorldNormal.xyz));

        // Compute the portion of velocity normal to the collision plane.
        float VelocityDot = dot(CollisionPlane.xyz, DeltaPosition.xyz);
        float InvVelocityDot = rcp(VelocityDot + 0.0001f); // Add a small amount to avoid division by zero.

        // Distance to the plane from the center of the particle.
        float DistanceToPlane = dot(CollisionPlane.xyz, InPosition.xyz) - CollisionPlane.w;

        // Find out the time of intersection for both the front and back of the sphere.
        float t_back = -(DistanceToPlane + CollisionRadius) * InvVelocityDot;
        float t_front = -(DistanceToPlane - CollisionRadius) * InvVelocityDot;

        //if (t_back >= 0 && t_front <= 1 && DistanceToPlane >= 0)
        if (step(0, t_back) * step(t_front, 1) * step(0, DistanceToPlane))
            NewVelocity = ComputeCollidingVelocity(MidVelocity, CollisionPlane.xyz, RelativeTime, Resilience);
            // If the particle lies approximately on the collision plane, don't jump to the point of collision.
            t_front *= step(VelocityDot,-1);

            // Integrate position taking the collision in to account.
            NewPosition = InPosition + DeltaPosition * t_front + NewVelocity * (1.0f - t_front) * DeltaSeconds;

            // Update the relative time. Usually this does nothing, but if the
            // user has elected to kill the particle upon collision this will do
            // so.
            RelativeTime += Simulation.CollisionTimeBias;
        //else if (t_front > 0 && t_back < 1 && DistanceToPlane < 0)
        else if (step(0, t_front) * step(t_back, 1) * step(DistanceToPlane,0))
            // The particle has collided against a backface, kill it by setting
            // relative time to a value > 1.0.
            RelativeTime = 1.1f;



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