Setting up and using Meld as your git difftool and mergetool


Although much of the information in this question and answer is available on StackOverflow , it is spread out over lots of pages and among other answers which are either wrong or misleading.儘管此問題和答案中的大部分信息都可以在StackOverflow 上找到,但它散佈在許多頁面和其他錯誤或誤導性的答案中。 It took me a while to piece together everything I wanted to know.我花了一段時間才把我想知道的一切拼湊起來。

There are a lot of different programs that can be used as your git difftool and mergetool, and there is certainly no consensus as to which is the best (opinions, requirements, and OSes will clearly differ).有很多不同的程序可以用作您的 git difftool 和 mergetool,並且對於哪個是最好的肯定沒有共識(意見、要求和操作系統會明顯不同)。

Meld is a popular free, open-source, and cross-platform (UNIX/Linux, OSX, Windows) choice as shown in the StackOverflow question, What's the best visual merge tool for Git? Meld 是一種流行的免費、開源和跨平臺(UNIX/Linux、OSX、Windows)選擇,如StackOverflow問題中所示, Git 的最佳可視化合並工具是什麼? , in which the answer proposing Meld has more than 3 times the votes as any other tool. ,其中提出 Meld 的答案的票數是任何其他工具的 3 倍以上。

The following 2 questions will be answered in my answer below:以下2個問題將在我的回答中得到解答:

  • How do I set up and use Meld as my git difftool?如何設置和使用 Meld 作爲我的 git difftool?
  • How do I set up and use Meld as my git mergetool?如何設置和使用 Meld 作爲我的 git mergetool?

Note: It is not necessary to use the same program as both your difftool and mergetool, different programs can be set for both.注意:您的 difftool 和 mergetool 不必使用相同的程序,可以爲兩者設置不同的程序。


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