Simulating tremor (from e.g. Parkinson's Disease) with the mouse on a webpage?


I'm working for a foundation that raises awareness for accessibility in the internet. 我正在爲一個提高互聯網可訪問性意識的基金會工作。 For a presentation, we want to offer a small workshop that simulates different disabilities/impairments to people. 對於演示文稿,我們希望提供一個小型研討會,模擬人們的不同殘疾/損傷。 This is done via a website created especially for this presentation. 這是通過專門爲此演示文稿創建的網站完成的。

One of the demonstrated impairments is having a tremor, which means experiencing shaky, difficult-to-control hand movements. 其中一個顯示的損傷是震顫,這意味着經歷搖晃,難以控制的手部動作。 With this impairment, it's very difficult to move the mouse cursor exactly and to press the mouse button while the mouse is over a link. 由於這種損傷,當鼠標懸停在鏈接上時,很難準確地移動鼠標光標並按下鼠標按鈕。 Both some old people and people with disease, eg Parkinson's, can suffer from tremor. 一些老年人和患有疾病的人,例如帕金森氏症,都可能患有震顫。

Now I'd like to somehow move the mouse cursor in an unpredictable way, so that it's very hard for people to click on a small button. 現在我想以某種方式以不可預測的方式移動鼠標光標,這樣人們很難點擊一個小按鈕。 Because JavaScript doesn't allow moving the mouse cursor directly, I'm looking for other ways to achieve this. 因爲JavaScript不允許直接移動鼠標光標,所以我正在尋找其他方法來實現這一點。 I came up with the following ideas: 我提出了以下想法:

  • Using a mouse driver / utility that simulates the mouse shaking. 使用模擬鼠標抖動的鼠標驅動程序/實用程序。
  • Hide the mouse cursor via CSS, place a GIF animation of a shaking mouse cursor at the place of the original cursor (with JavaScript), and then make the target link clickable only every few seconds for a second or so. 通過CSS隱藏鼠標光標,將搖動鼠標光標的GIF動畫放在原始光標的位置(使用JavaScript),然後使目標鏈接每隔幾秒鐘只能點擊一次左右。 This would at least give the feeling as if one always clicks at the wrong moment. 這至少會給人一種總是在錯誤的時刻點擊的感覺。

While the first idea would be pretty cool, I couldn't find a tool like this, whether for Mac nor for Windows. 雖然第一個想法很酷,但我無法找到像這樣的工具,無論是Mac還是Windows。 And I don't have any skills in programming such a thing myself. 我自己編程這樣的東西沒有任何技巧。

The second idea seems a bit clumsy, but it would achieve the desired effect, I think. 第二個想法似乎有點笨拙,但我認爲它會達到預期的效果。

Does anybody have another idea? 有人有另一個想法嗎?


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