原创 Http Resources

Here are some handy resources for learning more about HTTP: Mozilla Developer Network’s HTTP index page contains a

原创 Cannot read property 'glob' of null

Angular2 firstly run project on npm occurred error. Cannot read property ‘glob’ of null Win 10 try to delete c:/us

原创 並查集

本文由 簡悅 SimpRead 轉碼, 原文地址 http://blog.csdn.net/dellaserss/article/details/7724401 這個文章是幾年前水 acm 的時候轉的, 當時也不知道作者是誰,

原创 CSS Selector

Css Diner Select what you want. A + B This selects all B elements that directly follow A. Elements that follow on

原创 Hexo & (GithubActions | Travis CI)

原文地址 基本概念 倉庫: 就是項目文件存放的位置,如果只完成第一步,不需要私有倉庫,因爲現在私有倉庫免費了,所以考慮用私有倉庫作爲你的博客內容文件,用來存一些你覺着可能會用到但是又不希望別人看到的文件.倉庫的名字可以隨便取,但有

原创 Read Me!

Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit Some useful websites for programmers. https://github.com/sdmg15/Best-websites-

原创 ArchLinux change gdm background

Link https://superuser.com/a/1292700/695553 #!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: ./chgdm-bg <path/to/pictur

原创 Messy code issue

Source: -homepage--social--weibo#N101F9”>https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/analysis-and-summary-of-common-rand

原创 VS Code 輸出面板中文亂碼

如題:VS Code 輸出面板中文亂碼 解決:將系統默認語言改爲英文,或者能改cmd的默認也可以改

原创 博客更址

https://qqtim.club https://trickmaster.cn

原创 LL(1) Parser

LLone github: https://github.com/ReZeroS/LLone A LL parser is a top-down parser for a subset of context-free languages.

原创 [Parser] Build: PL By: JS

origin: http://lisperator.net/pltut/ InputStream TokenStream Parse Summary var ast = parse(TokenStream(InputStream(co

原创 SICP lec1b: # Computing process

Computing process kinds of expressions number symbols lambda definations conditionals combinations condition

原创 Weekly Note

executeUpdate return the rows found or match instead of affected rows, if u wanna to get the suppose answer, u could u

原创 Arch enable tcp_bbr

Requests: kernel 4.9+ What: https://github.com/google/bbr One Command: sudo modprobe tcp_bbr Turn on: # echo "net.core