原创 USACO section1.2 Dual Palindromes

本題與上一題Palindromic Squares類似,主要涉及到進制的轉換以及迴文的判斷; 原題 Dual Palindromes Mario Cruz (Colombia) & Hugo Rickeboer (Argentina)

原创 USACO Section 1.3 PROB Calf Flac(最長迴文子串)

題目原文 首先還是貼原文: Calf Flac It is said that if you give an infinite number of cows an infinite number of heavy-duty laptops

原创 USACO section1.3 Mixing Milk

section 1.3 講的是貪心算法(greedy algorithm),貪心算法雖然不一定普遍適用,但是對於某些問題,如果確定貪心算法對問題的解法是對的,那麼使用貪心算法是非常有效的。本節的幾個題目都需要使用貪心算法來求解。本文是本節

原创 USACO section 1.2 Palindromic Squares

原文 Palindromic Squares Rob Kolstad Palindromes are numbers that read the same forwards as backwards. The number 12321

原创 USACO Section1.4 Arithmetic Progressions

題目原文 Arithmetic Progressions An arithmetic progression is a sequence of the form a, a+b, a+2b, ..., a+nb where n=0,1,2

原创 USACO Section 1.3 Barn Repair

本題又是一道需要用到貪心算法求解的題目,題目的原文如下。 原文 Barn Repair It was a dark and stormy night that ripped the roof and gates off the st

原创 USACO Section 1.3 Prime Cryptarithm

題目原文 Prime Cryptarithm The following cryptarithm is a multiplication problem that can be solved by substituting digits

原创 Section 1.2 Milking Cows

Section 1.2第一節的閱讀材料主要介紹了全局搜索的一些知識,這一section問題的解決方法基本都與此有關; 題目原文: Milking Cows Three farmers rise at 5 am each morning

原创 USACO Section 1.4 Mother's Milk

題目原文 Mother's Milk Farmer John has three milking buckets of capacity A, B, and C liters. Each of the numbers A, B, and

原创 USACO Section 1.5 Number Triangles

題目原文 Number Triangles Consider the number triangle shown below. Write a program that calculates the highest sum of n

原创 USACO Section 1.3 Ski Course Design

題目原文 Ski Course Design Farmer John has N hills on his farm (1 <= N <= 1,000), each with an integer elevation in the ra

原创 USACO Section 1.5 Prime Palindromes

題目原文 Prime Palindromes The number 151 is a prime palindrome because it is both a prime number and a palindrome (it i

原创 C++中的inline

在C語言中,宏函數經常被用來優化代碼以降低函數調用的開銷;而在C++中,通常更建議使用inline關鍵字而不是宏函數來實現相同的作用。 什麼是inline function inline function中文翻譯叫內聯函數,即使用in

原创 USACO Section 1.5 Superprime Rib

題目原文 Superprime Rib Butchering Farmer John's cows always yields the best prime rib. You can tell prime ribs by looki

原创 python中的yield使用詳解

目錄1 使用yield創建生成器2 coroutines中使用3 contextmanager中使用總結 yield是python的一個關鍵字,剛接觸python的時候對這個關鍵字一知半解,掌握之後才發現這關鍵字有大用,本文將對yie