原创 Arch linux 安裝Qt5

安裝軟件包、文檔包: sudo pacman -S qt5-base qt5-doc 安裝QTCreator sudo pacman -S qtcreator   測試代碼 helloworld.cpp: #include <QAppl

原创 from pip._vendor.requests.exceptions import SSLError

pip install XXXTraceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/bin/pip", line 11, in <module>    load_entry_point('pip==

原创 many corrupted packages/invalid PGP signatures for aarch64

樹莓派 升級軟件包 pacman -Syu 後安裝(任意?)軟件出現錯誤error: signature from "Arch Linux ARM Build System <[email protected]>" is u

原创 圖像濾波函數 filter2D 使用錯誤

error: ‘filter2D’ was not declared in this scope錯誤原因:google: 'filter2D' : is not a member of 'cv' 沒有添加對應的庫:#include<ope

原创 樹莓派移植Arch Linux 安裝qt5 qtcreator編譯報錯 qmake

在projects 下,build中make項提示make not in the environment。 原因:make命令未安裝: 解決: sudo pacman -S make 安裝完make再進行編譯能成功

原创 樹莓派安裝Arch linux,opencv無法調用官方攝像頭

錯誤:Error: Assertion failed (scn == 3 || scn == 4) in cvtColor, file /build/opencv/src/opencv-3.4.1/modules/imgproc/src/

原创 windows 飛控 PX4代碼 編譯報錯 /bin/sh python:command not found

1、/bin/sh python:command not found安裝python 並添加路徑2、ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'future'“future”模塊未安裝升級PIP到最新板py

原创 python3.6 TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing

版本問題 在python2中 firstStr = myTree.keys()[0] 在python3中 firstStr = list(myTree.keys())[0]

原创 arch linux python3.6.2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 報錯

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Traceback (most recent call last):  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>  File "/us

原创 python 3.6.2 TypeError: 'range' object doesn't support item deletion

trainingSet = range(num) del(trainingSet(n)) TypeError: 'range' object doesn't support item deletion trainingSet = lis

原创 arch linux python3.6.2 圖像處理Pillow庫未安裝導致的錯誤

>>import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>plt.figure('the First Picture') >>first_picture = plt.imread('first.jpg') File "<st