原创 tools - batch script to switch JRE runtime path

If it very common that you may switch between different versions of JRE, either switching from a higher version to a lo

原创 c# - Start to compile and run mono c# code

Mono is some runtime that you can use on Linux  or other Unix box to compile/run C# code . Though I am not sure if I ca

原创 Visual Studio Tip: Show All Files

Visual Studio Tip: Show All Files Posted on September 14, 2009 I discovered a Visual Studio feature that I probabl

原创 tools - windows cmd: cd - to last directory

In windows cmd there is no 'cd - ' where in Linux which means return to the last visited directory  however, you can ma

原创 win7 - troubleshooting and install incompatible software

I have to install an very old version of syncfusion recently, and by some mistake, I installed it wrong the first attem

原创 WPFToolkit compilation and etc..

WPFToolkit is an open source project that provide some useful WPF control and etc. You can download the WPFToolkit fro

原创 AS4 and AS5 key maps

On the AS4 box, you may use the right arrow key to move the cursor around, but on AS5, you may find it echo back someth

原创 vim - clipboard yank file name/path of current buffer in VIM

Sometimes it is necessary to yank the name of the current filename/path of the current buffer so we can view/paste the

原创 Resource and Embedded Resource

Here are one explaination on the Embedded Resource and the Resource.  In this page :      in "what is the difference b

原创 visual studio debug tip - how to suppress/ignore/disregard application exception

Some user exception may happens and you can safely ignore them, just like some common language runtime exception where

原创 jar - user of jar command to list/extract file from a jar file

Sometimes that you will need some way to inspect the files contains in a jar file. you can use the jar command to do th

原创 Blog archives - justjavac

You can visit his blog from justjavac. Below is the catalog of his blog. justjavac的博客 專注最時髦的web開發技術 jekyll 爲

原创 MSBuild - recursive move/copy filed under a directory to the destination folder

It is a very common use case to copy files under one directory to another but keep the structure of the files copied.

原创 zz - avoiding game crashed related t linked lists

NOTE: Patrick Waytt, from blizard, worked on StarCraft, has write some article on the use of  Avoiding game crashes rel

原创 windows shell - powershell

Power shell is a replacement to the existing shell (batch to be more preci