原创 ZOJ 2536 best balance

Best Balance Time Limit: 2 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536 KB FatMouse has just got a baby! In order to control the baby'

原创 ZOJ 1002 Fire Net

Fire Net Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB Suppose that we have a square city with straight streets. A

原创 matlab 常用函數

基礎: 用i,j表示虛數單位 who命令只顯示出駐留變量的名稱,whos在給出變量名的同時,還給出它們的大小、所佔字節數及數據類型等信息 save和load命令來完成 .mat 文件的操作 %mod(-22,5)  %  

原创 ZOJ 1074 To the Max

ZOJ Problem Set - 1074 To the Max Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB Problem Given a two-dimensional ar

原创 ZOJ 1037 Gridland

Gridland Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB Background For years, computer scientists have been trying

原创 ZOJ 1056 The Worm Turns

ZOJ Problem Set - 1056 The Worm Turns Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB Worm is an old computer game.

原创 ZOJ 1091 Knight Moves

ZOJ Problem Set - 1091 Knight Moves Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB A friend of you is doing researc

原创 ZOJ 1633 big string

Big String Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB We will construct an infinitely long string from two sho

原创 ZOJ 2239 In Danger

In Danger Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB Flavius Josephus and 40 fellow rebels were trapped by the

原创 ZOJ 1058 Currency Exchange

ZOJ Problem Set - 1058 Currency Exchange Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB When Issac Bernand Miller

原创 ZOJ 1012 Mainframe

ZOJ Problem Set - 1012 Mainframe Time Limit: 10 Seconds     Memory Limit: 32768 KB Mr. Ronald is responsible for the

原创 zoj 1011 NTA

ZOJ Problem Set - 1011 NTA Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB The NTA (Non-deterministic Tree Automata)

原创 C++ 多態

第八章  多態性注:參考東南大學《C++程序設計教程》視頻,主講老師:何潔月。此內容爲自學時所記筆記 多態性:指發出同樣的消息被不同類型的對象接受時導致完全不同的行爲。 消息:主要指對類的成員函數的調用 實現:函數重載------靜態

原创 ZOJ 1004 Anagrams by Stack

ZOJ Problem Set - 1004 Anagrams by Stack Time Limit: 2 Seconds     Memory Limit: 65536 KB How can anagrams result fro